>>> Hari Guru Gram would be from now on considered
at par with other Upasana Centres across the globe.\

>>> P. P. Samirdada and
Respected Swapnilsinh would function as
Pramukh Sevaks (Chief Volunteer) for this Centre.
>>> The
Karyakarini (Managing Committee) of this Centre would
include the two Chief Executive Officers of the Trust along with the Pramukh Sevaks. (Currently
Sunilsinh Mantri and
Maheshsinh Zantye).
>>> Thursday's Upasana would be little different from Upasana's conducted on local centre's on Saturday's but over and above would have a structure similar as Saturday's upasanas.
>>> Volunteers will have to
mark their Sign-in and Sign-out timings compulsorily while entering the Hari Guru Gram and also while leaving them.
>>> In case some volunteer has to
leave Upasana in middle, he /she will have to
take necessary permission from his / her Seva Coordinator.
>>> If any of the volunteers would
not be in position to attend Upasana on 3 consecutive Thursday's then they will have to
inform in writing about the same to their respective Seva Coordinator preferably in advance. (This letter can be given even after one has rejoined the seva but couldn't give it before time because of some unscheduled reason).
>>> If any volunteer out of no genuine reason does
not attend Upasana for continuous 3 Thursdays then his batch will be suspended.
>>> Arrangement would be made for
Volunteers to take Paddya (Feet) Sparsha of Sadguru. (Arrangement for making Paddya (Feet) Sparsha of Sadguru available for bhaktas would be soon be unveiled.
>>> Soon structure of
Upasana conducted on Saturday's at local Upasana Centres
would also undergo a change. Bapu promised bhaktas that He would reintroduce what they have been missing in the last changed upasana. He would give them what they like and what they want.
>>> CD of Thursday's discourse by Bapu would be played on all the Upasana Centres on Saturdays.
>>> Bapu also declared that Trust is busy rolling out films on Life and Works of Great Saints viz., Meenavahini, Chaubal Ajoba, Sadhanatai, etc.
While describing the inclusion of
“Om Shri Ramadootaya Hanumantaya ..." mantra P. P. Bapu explained that in His complete life He has never searched for Lord Hanumant outside, as He felt His presence inside Him. Incidentally this is the
favourite mantra of P. P. Bapu’s human mentor (
Shri. Gopinath Shastri-Padhye. Further the icing on cake is that, this mantra was being
continuously chanted during P. P. Bapu’s birth by His grandmother. Also this
mantra is impregnated and imparts all the 8 purusharthas described by P. P. Bapu to the recitor. This mantra is also filled with complete surrender
(sampoorna sharanya) towards Sadguru. This mantra’s order of composition is exactly similar to the order in which one receives blessings (
krupa) from the Lord. The entire journey of an individual is imbibed in this mantra. Bapu said that this mantra is a side-effectless medicine.
Speaking more about Lord Hanumant, Bapu further explained importance of Ramdoot (Representative of Lord Ram) i. e. Lord Hanumant. He said that one experiences
Trupti (satisfaction) in his life only because of this Ramdoot. Bapu further examplied how Lord Hanumant comes to our help and how we should notice His arrival. Whenever one suddenly remembers some forgotten answer while writing some examination it should be immediately recognised that Lord Parmatma has sent His Ramdoot, Lord Hanumant for help our help. Similarly whenever someone suddenly applies brakes which actual averts an accident then this also should be taken as a sign of Ramdoot's arrival. Person's quick-wittedness and street-smartness is also because of Lord Hanumant.
While describing the inclusion of
Dattastavan Stotra Bapu narrated the story of how the mantra evolved.
While Lord Nrusinh Saraswati was staying with Lord Dattatrey He used to chat with Him many a times at night. One day Lord Nrusinh said to Lord Dattatrey that the goal of His life was coming to an end and hence before returning in His original form He wanted to build
kavach (protective armour)
of His children (devotees). This routine was observed for continuous 29 days. Finally Lord Dattatrey kept His hand on Lord Nrusinh and recited a mantra. This mantra is referred as
Dattastavan Stotra. Bapu while further explaining importance of this
stotra said that none of the holy recitations start with words
bhoot, pisach but this stotra does start with these word. This mantra actually imparts power to fight these unholy powers. Bapu also explained a
story of Lord Dattatrey and
Sahastrarjun. At the end of the story Bapu explained that Lord Nrusinh has written a stotra describing this Sahastrarjun
, who was
shishya (disciple) of Lord Dattatrey. One who recites this stotra gets everything He has lost. Bapu further explained by raising a question that if a
stotra of a
shishya of Lord Dattatrey can make such a huge difference then what difference would reciting
stotra of Lord Dattatrey Himself would make?