An indispensable part of Panchpurushartha Upasana is
praying in front of immensely pleasing photograph of
Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu showing love on his
devotees which symbolize Saguna Upasana, the base of

Incessant chanting of Almighty’s name or performing upasana (A particular type of प्रयेर to gain specific outcomes) has been suggested time and again as the only way to eliminate our problems and worries in life and also to obtain Sadguru’s divine grace and blessing. The literal meaning of the word upasana :- ‘upa’ means ‘does or near’ and ‘Asana’ means to ‘sit’ that is to sit with a steady mind and remember God with reverence with full concentration. By doing so, we can absorb the strength of God
in the form of positive vibrations. Sadhanatai was guided by Param Pujya Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu himself in performing one such upasana for benefit of entire mankind. With inspiration and blessings from Sadguru Bapu, Shree Shankarrao Chaubal that is our Late Chaubal Ajoba dedicated
himself and his upasana completely to make this upasana available to mankind. The dedicated efforts of Sadhanatai in Sapatachakra Upasana, Appasaheb Dabholkar in Shree Ganesh Gayatri Upasana and
that of Sameeradada in intense Aniruddha Upasana and Sai Gayatri Upasana bloomed into this magnificient Panachpurusharth Upasana which is today instrumental in making our lives happy and peaceful, beautiful and smooth-sailing. Shree Chaubal Ajoba elucidated the serial order of this upasana to Sadhanatai on the day of Ashvatha Maruti Pujan. It was only after Sadhanatai performed the Saptachakra Upasana and Saptakoti Jaap of MahaVishnu that this upasana manifested. To did this purpose, the idol of
Saptchakranvit Shree Vyanktesh was worshipped for seven days and seven crore jaap of ‘Siddhamantra’ ‘Om Vyenkateshay Namah’ was performed with the consent .of P. P. Bapu. On auspicious day of Guru Pournima i. e. 16th July 2000 P. P. Bapu publicized the release of this upasana
through Sadhanatai. Sadhanatai herself alongwith Shree Appasaheb Dabholkar and Shree Sameeradada Vaidya were the first ones to perform this upasana. The three of them alongwith Chaubal Ajoba offered this Upasana for the well being of entire mankind.