Under the invaluable guidance of Sadguru Shree Aniruddha, the Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Upasana Trust has launched the Shree Govidyapeetham Project। A 16 acre area in the vicinity of Karjat has been designated for the purpose. This unique project intends to make use of sophisticated equipment like the laboratory, the chiller room, etc. only as and when the need may arise. All activity will otherwise be conducted in natural surroundings.
The two essential aspects of the Govindyapeetham project are :
1) Gopalavidya 2) Shree Govindavidya or in other words, " Facets of the life of Shree Krishna"
Gopalavidya : The Indian culture worships the cow believing her to be divine and a source of life and energy.Modern science too emphasizes the importance of and values the cow, her milk, her excretory products, viz. The Gomutra and the Gomaya. Balram is known to have reared and groomed the "Gir" breed of milch cows. The Gopalavidya too aims at grooming and nuturing the cow and conducting research in the field. The project will also focus on a comprehensive study of our culture that associates sanctity with the cow and believes her to be a source of vital energy. Actual rearing activity with the help of modern amenities and equipment will also be undertaken with a view to understand well, all aspects involved in this 'vidya' of rearing and grooming cows. Not only the Hindu religious texts but also the Jain, the Parsee and the Sikh sacred texts too recognize and believe the cow to be a divine and holy being. It is also an accepted fact that the cow with
all its goodness has a general virtuous effect on our lives and can thus lead to the welfare of the entire humanity.
Govindavidya : Govinda is Shree Krishna. His persona, His life, His powers, His role, His ideology and His value system put together compose the Govindavidya. To study the Govindavidya. And arouse thereby 'love', love for Shree Krishna and to become aware of and feel His love for us is indeed the primary goal of this project. Govidyapeetham is the foundation on which 'bhakti', 'dharma' and valour will flourish. The architect of this design is none other than Shree Krishna Himself …..and so none other than the Poornavatar Aniruddha who has come with Sudarshan Chakra.
Prominent features of the Govidyapeetham.
# A magnificent temple of Shree Krishna bearing the Govardhan mountain on His little finger,
will be built on the 16 acre land at Shree Kshetra Kothimbe , near Karjat.
# The darshan of the Gurus of Sadguru Shree Aniruddha in 10 of the forms He had assumed at
various different times alongwith the darshan of the of the mates of Shree Krishna.
# The study and research of Gopalavidya and Govinavidya.
# Striving towards a solution to the problems that life is faced with today, falling back on the
Bhagwat Geeta ( told to Arjun to indicate to him, his duty, his dharma) and the Uddhav Geeta
or the bhagvat ( told to Uddhav to till and prepare the terrain of his mind) as frames of reference,
will be an important endeavor of the Govidyapeetham.
# The actual rearing and grooming with help of modern equipment, of the Gir breed of milch cows will be undertaken for the purpose of an in-depth and a comprehensive study of the various aspects of the Gopalavidya of Shree Krishna. To drive home to the masses and to reiterate the importance of the milk, the curds, the butter, the buttermilk and the ghee, all made from the milk of the cow is one of the principle tasks of the Govidyapeetham.
# The revival and restoration of ancient Indian wealth, unfortunately lost in the tide of time, viz.
Ancient vidyas like the Govidya, the Gomatividya, the Gayatrividya alongwith some effective
mantras like the Gosukta, the Gomatimantra, the Surabhimantra and the Gayatrimantra is an
important objective of the project.
# Physical training and exercise alongwith the training in the ancient martial arts are part of the
curriculum and will be conducted in the midst of nature.
In the Dwapar age, Lord Krishna initiated new times that moulded the social order and were based on a new philosophy and a new value system These were times that had our culture and values at the helm and core. May the vidya of the great Shree Krishna, the author of this new era be fruitful. The Govidyapeetham takes up this thought at its very basic intent.
The events of the life of Shree Krishna portay His dharma undoubtedly leading to the achievement of Purushartha, does eventually even lead to moksha or liberation. The Govidyapeetham too is his very own design . It is Shree Krishna's, Lord Mahavishnu's and so Sadguru Aniruddha's.
" I am just a normal man "
----- Shree Aniruddha Bapu