Voting for general Elections to Maharashtra Legislative Assembly is to be held on 13th October 2009. Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC) is required for voting, but if you do not have EPIC, you should carry with you any of the following alternative documents for establishing you identity.
List of 14 Documents
1) Passport
2) Driving License
3) PAN Card
4) Service Identity Card issued to its employees by State / Central Government, Public Sector Undertakings, Local Bodies or Public Limited Companies with photograph.
5) Passbook issued by Public Sector Banks / Post Offices with photographs ( Accounts opened up to 31.08.09)
6) Freedom Fighter Identity Card with Photograph
7) SC/ST/OBC Certificated issued by complete Authority with photograph issued by competent Authority with photograph
8) Certificate of physical handicap with photograph issued by Competent Authority
9) Arms Lincence ( issued upto 31.08.09) with Photograph
10) Job cards issued under NREG Scheme with photograph (issued upto 31.08.09)
11) Property Documents such as Patts, Registered Deeds, etc. with photograph.
12) Pension Documents such as ex-servicemen’s Pension Book/Pension Payment Order, ex-servicemen’s Widow / Dependent Certificates, Old Age Pension Order, Widow Pension Order with photograph (issued upto 31.08.09)
13) Health insurance Scheme Smart Cards with photograph ( Ministry of Labour’s Scheme, issued up to 31.08.09)
14) Ration Card (issued upto 31.08.09)
Please note that the State government has declared a Holiday on the ELECTION day, So please Go n Vote and use your power and right to select the right person.