The above article has appeared in the one of the leading English national dailies, namely DNA (issue dated Saturday, 29th May 2010). The article has praiseworthy details about our P. P. Aniruddha Bapu and activities inspired by Him. The article is about one such activity i.e. about the organization of the world record breaking Blood Donation Camp held by Shiv Sena 25th April 2010 in Mumbai at National Exhibition Centre which now finds mention in Guinness Book of World Records . Sadguru Aniruddha Upasana Foundation was at the very heart of managing the Camp. Another allied organization of SAUF namely AADM (Aniruddha's Academy of Disaster Management) which had also sent its number of well-trained volunteers (DMVs or Disaster Management Volunteers as they are called) have always been in the forefront in helping various police, para-military, municipal, local, state and central governement agencies in crowd control, disaster management and associated planning, disaster management training and awareness, first-aid operations (medical first response), research and rescue operations, etc. The article also contains interview of our Chief Executive Officer of our Sadguru Aniruddha Upasana Foundation (SAUF) Shri. Sunilsinh Mantri.
SAUF itself also organizes an annual Blood Donation Camp in the month of April every year which is has been termed as "Model" of planning, organization and managing of a Blood Donation Camp by none other than Maharashtra Rajya Rakta Sankraman Parishad which is the nodal government agency of Government of Maharashtra for any activity concerning blood donation, storage, etc. activities.