Sadguru Shri Aniruddha Bapu is for the First time going to visit AURANGABAD, ON 12TH DECEMBER 2010.
Location :
Aurangabad, India, 431001
Time : 5.45 PM Onwards, 12 December
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Happy Birthday Bapu
Warm Birthday Wishes from Pratyaksha2025 and all its followers and Fans to our Beloved Sadguru Shri Aniruddha Bapu
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
This is to inform that all the Shraddhavans that all would get the priviledge of offering Tulasi Patra on Trivikram at Shree Aniruddha Gurukshetram on the holy occassion of Kartiki Ekadashi on Wednesday, 17th November 2010.
The priviledge can be availed between 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Importance of Breakfast
Breakfast is considered as the most important meal of the day as it gives us the much needed energy after a night s sleep. But we often ignore it as we are in a hurry. Skipping breakfast often leads to poor concentration, irritability, low blood sugar levels and a high craving for food in midmorning or lunch. This results in overeating and weight gain. In fact it would be easier to control your weight by eating smaller meals and healthy snacks more frequently than skipping any meal.The rush hour of the morning, kids going off to school, adults running to work, the sufferer is the breakfast, often skipped, more often underrated. Breakfast should be a healthy, balanced, well rounded meal. If time is the constraint, some amount of preparing can be done in the night, to save on precious minutes in the morning. Cereals are a good idea for those who don t have the time or the energy to cook in the morning. Coupled with skimmed milk or juices, it takes care of energy, cereal goodness and all other nutrients too. In fact many ready to eat cereals are fortified with more vitamin and iron, and hence are more nutritious than any other food. To make sure that you are eating sensibly for breakfast, avoid too much sugar or caffeine preferably not more than one cup of coffee . A whole-wheat toast with eggs or low fat cheese with fresh juice or some other fruit, like a banana, and low fat milk can be a good breakfast. Eggs are an all time good idea for a healthy breakfast, more so if they are boiled or poached, hence less on oil. In India, there are variety of breakfast items available which are nutritious and provide the required amount of energy to sustain throughout the day. Breakfast foods differ from region to region. Some other options are given here- Idli and dosa made from rice and pulse, it gives good amount of energy and proteins and if had with Vegetable sambar, it contributes to vitamins and minerals. Upma there are varieties of upma prepared, most of them with semolina which is energy rich. However Upma prepared with broken wheat and vegetables is very nutritious because of its fiber content. Sandwiches prepared with vegetables/shredded chicken and brown bread is a complete breakfast food containing all the vital nutrients and of course fibre. For those people who are looking to lose weight, cheese or mayonnaise should be avoided. Bread omlet is a high protein breakfast food and very much recommended especially for children, atheletes and those who are looking to build muscles. However people with cholesterol or any heart problems should prepare the omlet only with egg white Oats with milk and fruits Oats is gaining lots of popularity these days owing to its high content of soluble fibre and its benefit in reducing cholesterol in the body. So oats with skimmed milk and fresh fruits are a very good option especially for those who are on a weight reduction diet. Stuffed parathas if prepared with less oil, parathas are very nutritious and an ideal breakfast item. The stuffing can be anything ranging from potatoes, raddish, cauliflower, sprouted green gram moong , paneer prepared from skimmed milk and so on. Corn/Rice/Wheat flakes Corn flakes are very popular breakfast item. Now a days you have variety of them availble in the market which is fortified with calcium/Iron or Vitamins. It is very nutritious when taken with skimmed milk and fresh fruits.
Transformation from Dr Aniruddha joshi to Aniruddha Bapu
An accomplished medical doctor, Mumbai-based Aniruddha Joshi is today revered by millions as the reincarnation of the Sai Baba of Shirdi. Credited with having performed many miracles, he nevertheless advocates a practical blend of spirituality and science
Digambara, Digambara, Shripad Vallabh Digambar…,” a bhajan plays on. It is 7.30 p.m. on a chilly December evening, as I wait in the compound of the New English School in Kherwadi, Bandra East, in Mumbai. People have filled the ground in front of an elaborately decorated stage; beyond, separated by a grill, the school’s lobby is packed to capacity. I am lucky to be here; many others have had to be accommodated inside the school building, and will only witness the evening’s proceedings courtesy close circuit television. Others have settled outside the compound walls, on the footpaths and in an open ground across the road, eyes glued to a big screen put up for their benefit.
Around 7.50 p.m., the excitement among the gathering is palpable. Suddenly, the blowing of a conch shell causes a stir in the crowd. All eyes expectantly turn towards the path leading to the gate. A whisper rings through the throng: “Bapu aale, Bapu aale”. A pair of turbaned, traditionally dressed musicians march stiffly blowing on tutaris (wind instrument), followed by a pair of similarly dressed sentries. Behind, walking briskly, casually waving to the crowd, in white shirt, black trousers, and leather chappals, is a fifty-something man, tall and athletic. The people in the audience bow in reverence, hands folded. He responds, arms raised in blessing. As the trademark drooping moustaches accentuate a friendly smile, his eyes twinkle; he seems to recognise many faces in the crowd, and greets some individually. For the lakhs of his devotees assembled here, he is Aniruddha Bapu, the reincarnation of the Sai Baba of Shirdi.
Born in 1956, Aniruddha Joshi studied at a school in Parel, before following in his father’s footsteps, by opting for medicine. A brilliant student and gold medallist, he gained his MD, specialising in rheumatology. A lecturer in Nair Hospital till 1985, he later started his private practice in Dadar and Parel, which he continued till 1998.
A married man with two children, Dr Joshi led a normal life, until around 1981, when he started studying ayurveda from Vaidya Antarkar and experienced a radical shift in his thinking. The doctor began to realise the superiority of this system of Indian medicine over allopathy. It also made him mull over what had gone wrong with the system. Why had ayurveda stopped progressing? Looking for answers, he had an insight into the role of spirituality in society. Social progress, he realised, was hindered as spiritual values ceased to be important.
But the transition from Dr Aniruddha Joshi to Aniruddha Bapu has an interesting story behind it. Before taking samadhi in 1918, the Sai Baba of Shirdi had given three of his personal belongings to Govind Raghunath Dabholkar (also known as Hemadpant), a close devotee of his, assuring him that he would return one day to claim these articles back. The articles, a shaligram (holy stone used in puja), a small trishul and a rosary passed on to Hemadpant’s son Gajanan Govind Dabholkar, who in his last days gave them to his son Govind Gajanan Dabholkar also known as Appa Dabholkar. This fact was, however, a closely guarded secret, known only to the family.
Sai Niwas, the ancestral home of the Dabholkars in Bandra, has always been associated with Sai Baba. The Sai puja, held here daily since 1911, draws hordes of devotees. Dr Joshi, himself a Sai bhakt, thus came first to Sai Niwas in 1993. Known then to the Dabholkars as an eminent doctor, he immediately made an impression on them by his modesty, his simple and joyful ways and his profound, yet lucid explanation of religious scriptures.
On May 27, 1996, Dr Joshi went to Sai Niwas, and asked for the articles belonging to Sai Baba. “We were stunned. We bowed in reverence as we saw him manifest in the form of Shirdi Sai Baba,” recalls Dabholkar, whose wife and children were also present to witness the event. However, they were asked to keep this encounter to themselves, till Bapu gave them permission to talk about it in 1998. “This was not the first occasion on which Bapu declared his divinity. It had been predicted to his great-grandfather that Lord Vitthala would take birth in his home and thus his family was always aware of his divine status,” maintains Dabholkar.
As word spread, believers started flocking around Aniruddha Bapu or Sadguru, as he came to be known. Today, lakhs of devotees in and outside Maharashtra and even abroad consider him to be the avatar of Mahavishnu. Nandamata, Bapu’s wife, is also worshipped as Laksmi Avatar. A former student of his, Dr Suchit Dada, is worshipped as Sheshnag avatar. Dr Dada’s clinic draws many patients seeking a cure and Bapu is supposed to work his miracles through him.
For various devotees from all walks of life, Aniruddha Bapu has proved to be a turning point in life. “It is as if a miracle has taken place in my life,” says Sandhyaveera Jaiker, who is actively involved with the movement. “I have been attending the pravachans (discourses) and taking an active part in the various socio-cultural activities. I have been exposed to a world beyond the four walls of my house. My life has taken such a turn for the better,” she exclaims.
For the Dabholkars, their devotion to Sai Baba had borne fruit. The Sadguru had once again entered the lives of the family in human form. “He is full of prem (love) and karuna (compassion) and forgives easily. He teaches that though men make mistakes, they can always be corrected. He remembers the name of every devotee he meets, even children, whom he especially loves. Not only humans, even animals are drawn towards him. Cows come to him when he calls them by name and when he talks to them they have tears in their eyes. Today we are privileged to experience God in the human form,” Dabholkar says.
Sadhanatai Upadhye retired as the head of the Marathi department in Wilson College. “When my husband died,” she recalls, “I had lost all hope. Confining myself in my house, I just used to read my books. Meeting Bapu helped me to open the windows of my heart, and I started attending his discourses and participating in his activities,” she says. “He has come to remove the decadence that has set in the world today. His manner of working is upgrading society through education and awareness. He works day and night for the people. When others see the work he is doing, they are also inspired to dedicate themselves to his service. Working for Aniruddha Bapu, I feel that I am working for society and the nation.”
In fact, Sadhanatai had been first graced with his darshan when, during her pregnancy in 1964, she used to visit the Vitthala Mandir in Wadala. There she once met a small boy with a happy smile, who gave her a peacock feather and touched her belly. A woman accompanying the boy remarked then that her baby had been blessed by Lord Vitthala himself. Years later, when he himself reminded her about the incident, she realised that the child was none other than eight-year-old Aniruddha himself.
Dabholkar has an interesting observation to make. “In the Sai Satcharita, Sai Baba has said that he would take rebirth when eight years of age. This refers to his age when the outside world would first experience his grace, just as Sadhanatai did,” he explains.
Dr Santosh Salagre, a lecturer in medicine, is also sure that Bapu has come to alleviate the ills of the world. “We see such a lot of the effects of Kaliyug today. I realised that just like Shri Ram and Shri Krishna (before him), Bapu too has taken birth to solve the problems of our world,” he says.
Dr Keshav Narsikar studied with Dr Joshi in Ruia College and later in Nair Medical College from 1972 till 1979. “He was exceptionally brilliant and could cite from any textbook, even giving cross-references off hand.
This is not possible even for an above-average student,” he recalls. “He was interested in dramatics and was famous for his excellent oratory and mimicry. Always cordial, he would go out of his way to help others. His entire outlook, even as a student, was very different,” reveals Dr Narsikar. Though clueless about Bapu’s spiritual credentials, he says: “I always respected him and found consolation in his company.” Today he has no doubt that his former classmate is indeed a Sadguru. “Thousands of people have experienced sudden transformation, some even after just one darshan. I have personally talked to many devotees and their experiences cannot be explained by material sciences,” he explains, adding that he makes it a point to regularly attend the evening discourses.
Filmmaker Shrabani Deodhar, though spiritual from a young age, “did not fancy the worship of human beings”. She went to Bapu’s programme out of curiosity while working on a TV serial about Shirdi Sai Baba. She says: “I am not from a background where I get carried away easily, but I was soothed and felt very strongly drawn to Bapu.” Suffering from health problems as a result of work pressure, she met Dr Suchit Dada at his clinic, who assured her that she would be completely cured. Thereafter she was privileged to have a personal meeting with Bapu, which she describes as an intense psychoanalytical session. “I had a lot of fear inside me, such as the fear of death that I was not even aware of. During the session all this came out as I learnt how to fight my fear-psychosis. And from there my life really took off. I feel he has come into our life in a big way. He is really our Sadguru,” she says. “The whole approach taught by him has made life so beautiful.”
However, Bapu himself has never claimed to be an avatar. In fact, he denies the new role thrust upon him, repeatedly pointing out that Sai Baba was a brahmachari, while he himself is a family man. In an interview with the Marathi weekly Lok Prabha, incidentally the first and only press interview that he agreed to, he explains the occurrence at Sai Niwas as a mere coincidence. “Being aware of the friendship between Sai Baba and Hemadpant, I had casually asked Appa Dabholkar if he had in his possession any articles given to his grandfather by Sai Baba.”
Whether an enlightened doctor preaching spiritual values or an avatar of Sai Baba, going by the phenomenal numbers that flock to his discourses held every Thursday evening, Mumbai has given itsheart to the Sadguru, who even dresses in the city’s own cosmopolitan garb.
One reason for this, according to Wing Commander (retd.) Ravindra Parasnis, is that Bapu, even before he came to be known as Sadguru, was a competent doctor with a reputation for curing many incurable conditions. Again, he has always been involved in social work and has successfully brought back people who had gone astray, such as drug addicts and alcoholics. “Also, as a guru he is great and gives practical and good advice,” he feels. Though personally not sure about his divinity as avatar of God, he says: “I definitely respect him as a guru. I have attended only a few of his pravachans, but I like what he preaches.”
Wing Commander Parasnis has a point. Instead of an abstruse philosophy that can be comprehended by few, Bapu’s teachings boil down to common sense, pure and simple. While teaching bhakti (the path of devotion), he stresses sincerity and awareness. “For naamsmaran (recitation of the name of God) any name will do, but it should be taken from the heart and with awareness,” he says. “If pressed for time, it is okay to perform puja without taking a bath, rather than not doing it at all,” he clarifies. Disapproving of those who renounce their domestic duties in the pursuit of God, he preaches that a few minutes spent daily thinking about God are sufficient.
Harking back, perhaps to his training as a doctor, Bapu strongly advocates an intelligent and scientific approach to life. This blend of spiritual wisdom and pragmatism especially appeals in today’s increasingly materialistic world with its fast-paced schedules and slackening spiritual mores, and perhaps explains the presence of a large number of youth among his devotees.
A crusader against superstition and blind faith since his medical days, another facet to Bapu is his role as a social reformer. He has often spoken about the need to eradicate social ills such as caste discrimination and the low status accorded to widows, even declaring that if Manusmriti (Manu’s laws) cannot benefit all it must be discarded. At Ramnavmi Mahotsavs organised by him, the puja is conducted by volunteers, including members of the lower castes. Widows, traditionally debarred from religious ceremonies, also take part in auspicious rites. “What Bapu preaches, he himself practises and even the last rites of his parents were conducted by volunteers from amongst his devotees,” confirms Sunil Mantri, a devotee.
Bapu exhorts his disciples to read Sai Satcharita, Sai Baba’s biography written by Hemadpant. To ensure the scientific study of this message of Sai Baba, he introduced the Panchasheel examinations: a set of five exams including practicals at the final level, held twice each year for which thousands of students appear. Dr Salagre refers to the exams as “milestones of my spiritual progress at each level”.
In 1999, Aniruddha Bapu established a gurukul at Juinagar, for the propagation of Ayurveda and Mudgal Vidya, the martial arts of ancient India. Also, the Govidyapeetham, established in Karjat, near Mumbai, aims to study the rearing and breeding of cows, combining modern veterinary science with ancient techniques.
For the establishment of ‘Ramrajya’ by year 2025, Bapu instituted the Aniruddha Samarpan Pathak and the Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Upasana Trust (SSAUT). Inspired by his words “Tu ani mi milun ashakya ase hya jagat kahihi nahi” (There is nothing that you and I together cannot achieve), volunteers involve themselves in social work including rehabilitation of leprosy patients, holding blood donation camps, working for the blind, running de-addiction centres and cleanliness and hygiene awareness. A welfare centre for earthquake victims opened in June 2001, in Kharoi village, Kutch, has a team of volunteers, including qualified medical professionals, administering treatment. As part of the rural development scheme, a few villages in Dhule, Maharashtra, have been adopted by the SSAUT.
“Bapu teaches us different responsibilities, including our social responsibility,” feels Mantri, himself a volunteer and member of the Aniruddha Samarpan Pathak. A unique ‘13-point programme’ (see box) was announced by Bapu on October 3, 2002. Its aim: to achieve ‘Samartha Bharat’, a strong and self-reliant India.
The discourse delivered, it is well past midnight as Bapu walks down the path leading to the gate. I had come here full of questions. Does God walk the earth as a man? Wear a shirt and pant? Go to medical college? I am still not sure I have the answers. But what the heck, I think. Heaven alone cannot lay claim to God. What about His work? People being taught the right path, rediscovering their spiritual selves. Volunteers committing themselves to the uplift of society. Youthful lives rescued from the clutches of drugs and alcohol. Needy students helped in their quest for education. The poor and the downtrodden given the chance of a better life. If there is God, then He is here. On earth, among us, wherever His work is done.
Digambara, Digambara, Shripad Vallabh Digambar…,” a bhajan plays on. It is 7.30 p.m. on a chilly December evening, as I wait in the compound of the New English School in Kherwadi, Bandra East, in Mumbai. People have filled the ground in front of an elaborately decorated stage; beyond, separated by a grill, the school’s lobby is packed to capacity. I am lucky to be here; many others have had to be accommodated inside the school building, and will only witness the evening’s proceedings courtesy close circuit television. Others have settled outside the compound walls, on the footpaths and in an open ground across the road, eyes glued to a big screen put up for their benefit.
Around 7.50 p.m., the excitement among the gathering is palpable. Suddenly, the blowing of a conch shell causes a stir in the crowd. All eyes expectantly turn towards the path leading to the gate. A whisper rings through the throng: “Bapu aale, Bapu aale”. A pair of turbaned, traditionally dressed musicians march stiffly blowing on tutaris (wind instrument), followed by a pair of similarly dressed sentries. Behind, walking briskly, casually waving to the crowd, in white shirt, black trousers, and leather chappals, is a fifty-something man, tall and athletic. The people in the audience bow in reverence, hands folded. He responds, arms raised in blessing. As the trademark drooping moustaches accentuate a friendly smile, his eyes twinkle; he seems to recognise many faces in the crowd, and greets some individually. For the lakhs of his devotees assembled here, he is Aniruddha Bapu, the reincarnation of the Sai Baba of Shirdi.
Born in 1956, Aniruddha Joshi studied at a school in Parel, before following in his father’s footsteps, by opting for medicine. A brilliant student and gold medallist, he gained his MD, specialising in rheumatology. A lecturer in Nair Hospital till 1985, he later started his private practice in Dadar and Parel, which he continued till 1998.
A married man with two children, Dr Joshi led a normal life, until around 1981, when he started studying ayurveda from Vaidya Antarkar and experienced a radical shift in his thinking. The doctor began to realise the superiority of this system of Indian medicine over allopathy. It also made him mull over what had gone wrong with the system. Why had ayurveda stopped progressing? Looking for answers, he had an insight into the role of spirituality in society. Social progress, he realised, was hindered as spiritual values ceased to be important.
But the transition from Dr Aniruddha Joshi to Aniruddha Bapu has an interesting story behind it. Before taking samadhi in 1918, the Sai Baba of Shirdi had given three of his personal belongings to Govind Raghunath Dabholkar (also known as Hemadpant), a close devotee of his, assuring him that he would return one day to claim these articles back. The articles, a shaligram (holy stone used in puja), a small trishul and a rosary passed on to Hemadpant’s son Gajanan Govind Dabholkar, who in his last days gave them to his son Govind Gajanan Dabholkar also known as Appa Dabholkar. This fact was, however, a closely guarded secret, known only to the family.
Sai Niwas, the ancestral home of the Dabholkars in Bandra, has always been associated with Sai Baba. The Sai puja, held here daily since 1911, draws hordes of devotees. Dr Joshi, himself a Sai bhakt, thus came first to Sai Niwas in 1993. Known then to the Dabholkars as an eminent doctor, he immediately made an impression on them by his modesty, his simple and joyful ways and his profound, yet lucid explanation of religious scriptures.
On May 27, 1996, Dr Joshi went to Sai Niwas, and asked for the articles belonging to Sai Baba. “We were stunned. We bowed in reverence as we saw him manifest in the form of Shirdi Sai Baba,” recalls Dabholkar, whose wife and children were also present to witness the event. However, they were asked to keep this encounter to themselves, till Bapu gave them permission to talk about it in 1998. “This was not the first occasion on which Bapu declared his divinity. It had been predicted to his great-grandfather that Lord Vitthala would take birth in his home and thus his family was always aware of his divine status,” maintains Dabholkar.
As word spread, believers started flocking around Aniruddha Bapu or Sadguru, as he came to be known. Today, lakhs of devotees in and outside Maharashtra and even abroad consider him to be the avatar of Mahavishnu. Nandamata, Bapu’s wife, is also worshipped as Laksmi Avatar. A former student of his, Dr Suchit Dada, is worshipped as Sheshnag avatar. Dr Dada’s clinic draws many patients seeking a cure and Bapu is supposed to work his miracles through him.
For various devotees from all walks of life, Aniruddha Bapu has proved to be a turning point in life. “It is as if a miracle has taken place in my life,” says Sandhyaveera Jaiker, who is actively involved with the movement. “I have been attending the pravachans (discourses) and taking an active part in the various socio-cultural activities. I have been exposed to a world beyond the four walls of my house. My life has taken such a turn for the better,” she exclaims.
For the Dabholkars, their devotion to Sai Baba had borne fruit. The Sadguru had once again entered the lives of the family in human form. “He is full of prem (love) and karuna (compassion) and forgives easily. He teaches that though men make mistakes, they can always be corrected. He remembers the name of every devotee he meets, even children, whom he especially loves. Not only humans, even animals are drawn towards him. Cows come to him when he calls them by name and when he talks to them they have tears in their eyes. Today we are privileged to experience God in the human form,” Dabholkar says.
Sadhanatai Upadhye retired as the head of the Marathi department in Wilson College. “When my husband died,” she recalls, “I had lost all hope. Confining myself in my house, I just used to read my books. Meeting Bapu helped me to open the windows of my heart, and I started attending his discourses and participating in his activities,” she says. “He has come to remove the decadence that has set in the world today. His manner of working is upgrading society through education and awareness. He works day and night for the people. When others see the work he is doing, they are also inspired to dedicate themselves to his service. Working for Aniruddha Bapu, I feel that I am working for society and the nation.”
In fact, Sadhanatai had been first graced with his darshan when, during her pregnancy in 1964, she used to visit the Vitthala Mandir in Wadala. There she once met a small boy with a happy smile, who gave her a peacock feather and touched her belly. A woman accompanying the boy remarked then that her baby had been blessed by Lord Vitthala himself. Years later, when he himself reminded her about the incident, she realised that the child was none other than eight-year-old Aniruddha himself.
Dabholkar has an interesting observation to make. “In the Sai Satcharita, Sai Baba has said that he would take rebirth when eight years of age. This refers to his age when the outside world would first experience his grace, just as Sadhanatai did,” he explains.
Dr Santosh Salagre, a lecturer in medicine, is also sure that Bapu has come to alleviate the ills of the world. “We see such a lot of the effects of Kaliyug today. I realised that just like Shri Ram and Shri Krishna (before him), Bapu too has taken birth to solve the problems of our world,” he says.
Dr Keshav Narsikar studied with Dr Joshi in Ruia College and later in Nair Medical College from 1972 till 1979. “He was exceptionally brilliant and could cite from any textbook, even giving cross-references off hand.
This is not possible even for an above-average student,” he recalls. “He was interested in dramatics and was famous for his excellent oratory and mimicry. Always cordial, he would go out of his way to help others. His entire outlook, even as a student, was very different,” reveals Dr Narsikar. Though clueless about Bapu’s spiritual credentials, he says: “I always respected him and found consolation in his company.” Today he has no doubt that his former classmate is indeed a Sadguru. “Thousands of people have experienced sudden transformation, some even after just one darshan. I have personally talked to many devotees and their experiences cannot be explained by material sciences,” he explains, adding that he makes it a point to regularly attend the evening discourses.
Filmmaker Shrabani Deodhar, though spiritual from a young age, “did not fancy the worship of human beings”. She went to Bapu’s programme out of curiosity while working on a TV serial about Shirdi Sai Baba. She says: “I am not from a background where I get carried away easily, but I was soothed and felt very strongly drawn to Bapu.” Suffering from health problems as a result of work pressure, she met Dr Suchit Dada at his clinic, who assured her that she would be completely cured. Thereafter she was privileged to have a personal meeting with Bapu, which she describes as an intense psychoanalytical session. “I had a lot of fear inside me, such as the fear of death that I was not even aware of. During the session all this came out as I learnt how to fight my fear-psychosis. And from there my life really took off. I feel he has come into our life in a big way. He is really our Sadguru,” she says. “The whole approach taught by him has made life so beautiful.”
However, Bapu himself has never claimed to be an avatar. In fact, he denies the new role thrust upon him, repeatedly pointing out that Sai Baba was a brahmachari, while he himself is a family man. In an interview with the Marathi weekly Lok Prabha, incidentally the first and only press interview that he agreed to, he explains the occurrence at Sai Niwas as a mere coincidence. “Being aware of the friendship between Sai Baba and Hemadpant, I had casually asked Appa Dabholkar if he had in his possession any articles given to his grandfather by Sai Baba.”
Whether an enlightened doctor preaching spiritual values or an avatar of Sai Baba, going by the phenomenal numbers that flock to his discourses held every Thursday evening, Mumbai has given itsheart to the Sadguru, who even dresses in the city’s own cosmopolitan garb.
One reason for this, according to Wing Commander (retd.) Ravindra Parasnis, is that Bapu, even before he came to be known as Sadguru, was a competent doctor with a reputation for curing many incurable conditions. Again, he has always been involved in social work and has successfully brought back people who had gone astray, such as drug addicts and alcoholics. “Also, as a guru he is great and gives practical and good advice,” he feels. Though personally not sure about his divinity as avatar of God, he says: “I definitely respect him as a guru. I have attended only a few of his pravachans, but I like what he preaches.”
Wing Commander Parasnis has a point. Instead of an abstruse philosophy that can be comprehended by few, Bapu’s teachings boil down to common sense, pure and simple. While teaching bhakti (the path of devotion), he stresses sincerity and awareness. “For naamsmaran (recitation of the name of God) any name will do, but it should be taken from the heart and with awareness,” he says. “If pressed for time, it is okay to perform puja without taking a bath, rather than not doing it at all,” he clarifies. Disapproving of those who renounce their domestic duties in the pursuit of God, he preaches that a few minutes spent daily thinking about God are sufficient.
Harking back, perhaps to his training as a doctor, Bapu strongly advocates an intelligent and scientific approach to life. This blend of spiritual wisdom and pragmatism especially appeals in today’s increasingly materialistic world with its fast-paced schedules and slackening spiritual mores, and perhaps explains the presence of a large number of youth among his devotees.
A crusader against superstition and blind faith since his medical days, another facet to Bapu is his role as a social reformer. He has often spoken about the need to eradicate social ills such as caste discrimination and the low status accorded to widows, even declaring that if Manusmriti (Manu’s laws) cannot benefit all it must be discarded. At Ramnavmi Mahotsavs organised by him, the puja is conducted by volunteers, including members of the lower castes. Widows, traditionally debarred from religious ceremonies, also take part in auspicious rites. “What Bapu preaches, he himself practises and even the last rites of his parents were conducted by volunteers from amongst his devotees,” confirms Sunil Mantri, a devotee.
Bapu exhorts his disciples to read Sai Satcharita, Sai Baba’s biography written by Hemadpant. To ensure the scientific study of this message of Sai Baba, he introduced the Panchasheel examinations: a set of five exams including practicals at the final level, held twice each year for which thousands of students appear. Dr Salagre refers to the exams as “milestones of my spiritual progress at each level”.
In 1999, Aniruddha Bapu established a gurukul at Juinagar, for the propagation of Ayurveda and Mudgal Vidya, the martial arts of ancient India. Also, the Govidyapeetham, established in Karjat, near Mumbai, aims to study the rearing and breeding of cows, combining modern veterinary science with ancient techniques.
For the establishment of ‘Ramrajya’ by year 2025, Bapu instituted the Aniruddha Samarpan Pathak and the Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Upasana Trust (SSAUT). Inspired by his words “Tu ani mi milun ashakya ase hya jagat kahihi nahi” (There is nothing that you and I together cannot achieve), volunteers involve themselves in social work including rehabilitation of leprosy patients, holding blood donation camps, working for the blind, running de-addiction centres and cleanliness and hygiene awareness. A welfare centre for earthquake victims opened in June 2001, in Kharoi village, Kutch, has a team of volunteers, including qualified medical professionals, administering treatment. As part of the rural development scheme, a few villages in Dhule, Maharashtra, have been adopted by the SSAUT.
“Bapu teaches us different responsibilities, including our social responsibility,” feels Mantri, himself a volunteer and member of the Aniruddha Samarpan Pathak. A unique ‘13-point programme’ (see box) was announced by Bapu on October 3, 2002. Its aim: to achieve ‘Samartha Bharat’, a strong and self-reliant India.
The discourse delivered, it is well past midnight as Bapu walks down the path leading to the gate. I had come here full of questions. Does God walk the earth as a man? Wear a shirt and pant? Go to medical college? I am still not sure I have the answers. But what the heck, I think. Heaven alone cannot lay claim to God. What about His work? People being taught the right path, rediscovering their spiritual selves. Volunteers committing themselves to the uplift of society. Youthful lives rescued from the clutches of drugs and alcohol. Needy students helped in their quest for education. The poor and the downtrodden given the chance of a better life. If there is God, then He is here. On earth, among us, wherever His work is done.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Physical Fitness Curbs Frequency and Severity of Colds, Study Finds
The US researchers base their findings on 1,000 adults up to the age of 85 whose respiratory health was tracked for 12 weeks during the autumn and winter of 2008.
Six out of 10 participants were women, and four out of 10 were aged between 18 and 39; 40% were middle aged, and one in four were aged 60 and older.
All the participants reported back on how frequently they took aerobic exercise and rated their fitness levels using a validated 10 point scoring system. They were also asked about lifestyle, diet and recent stressful events, as these can all affect immune system response.
The number of days with cold symptoms varied considerably between winter and autumn, with an average of 13 days in the winter and 8 days in the autumn.
Being older, male, and married, seemed to reduce the frequency of colds, but after taking account of other influential factors, the most significant factors were perceived fitness and the amount of exercise taken.
The number of days with symptoms among those who said they were physically active on five or more days of the week and felt fit was almost half (43% to 46% less) that of those who exercised on only one or fewer days of the week.
The severity of symptoms fell by 41% among those who felt the fittest and by 31% among those who were the most active.
In the US, an average adult can expect to have a cold two to four times a year, while children can catch between half a dozen and 10 colds a year, on average, all of which costs the US economy around $40 billion dollars.
Bouts of exercise spark a temporary rise in immune system cells circulating around the body, say the authors. Although these levels fall back within a few hours, each bout is likely to enhance surveillance of harmful viruses and bacteria, so reducing the number and severity of infections, such as the common cold.
Six out of 10 participants were women, and four out of 10 were aged between 18 and 39; 40% were middle aged, and one in four were aged 60 and older.
All the participants reported back on how frequently they took aerobic exercise and rated their fitness levels using a validated 10 point scoring system. They were also asked about lifestyle, diet and recent stressful events, as these can all affect immune system response.
The number of days with cold symptoms varied considerably between winter and autumn, with an average of 13 days in the winter and 8 days in the autumn.
Being older, male, and married, seemed to reduce the frequency of colds, but after taking account of other influential factors, the most significant factors were perceived fitness and the amount of exercise taken.
The number of days with symptoms among those who said they were physically active on five or more days of the week and felt fit was almost half (43% to 46% less) that of those who exercised on only one or fewer days of the week.
The severity of symptoms fell by 41% among those who felt the fittest and by 31% among those who were the most active.
In the US, an average adult can expect to have a cold two to four times a year, while children can catch between half a dozen and 10 colds a year, on average, all of which costs the US economy around $40 billion dollars.
Bouts of exercise spark a temporary rise in immune system cells circulating around the body, say the authors. Although these levels fall back within a few hours, each bout is likely to enhance surveillance of harmful viruses and bacteria, so reducing the number and severity of infections, such as the common cold.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
वरदचंडिका प्रसन्न उस्तव
मे महिन्याची सुट्टी आली की,लोकाना वेध लागतात ते गावी जायचे किवा ह्या सुट्टीत काय करायचे आणि त्यानुसार त्या त्या माणसांची प्लॅनिंग चालू होते. पण आम्हा बापू भक्ताना उस्तुक्ता लागून असते ती येणार्या मे महिन्यात आम्हाला आमचे परम पुज्य अनिरुद्ध बापू काय देणार आहेत त्याची आणि हो आम्हा बापूभक्ताना आमचे परम पुज्य अनिरुद्धा बापूच सगळ देत असतात आणि देणारही आहेत.
परम पुज्य अनिरुद्ध बापूनी मे महिन्यात वरदचंडिका प्रसन्न उस्तवाचे आयोजन केले आहे.
वरदचंडिका प्रसन्न उस्तव
तारीख:- 8 मे 2011 - 17 मे 2011 या 10 दिवसांच्या कालावधीत खालील address वर होईल.
स्थळ :- हरीगुरूग्राम,
आइस न्यू इंग्लीश सेकेंडरी स्कूल,
बान्द्रा ईस्ट, मुंबई .
वरदचंडिका प्रसन्न उस्तवात आपण काय करायचे, हा उस्तव आपल्या भूतकाळसाठी, भविष्यासाठी, धर्मासाठी, राष्ट्रासाठी आणि आपल्यातल्या चुकीचा मी निघण्यासाठी , आपल्या परम पुज्य अनिरुद्ध बापूनी, परम पुज्य नंदा आईने आणि परम पुज्य सुचित दादानी आणला आहे.
वरदचंडिका प्रसन्न उस्तवा संबंधी आणखी सविस्तर माहिती आपल्याला स्वतः परम

पुज्य अनिरुद्ध बापू देणार आहेत. या सबंधीचे प्रवचन खाली दिलेल्या दिवशी होणार आहे.
तारीख:- 21 October 2010
वेळ:- संध्याकाळी 7 - रात्री 10.
स्थळ:- हरीगुरूग्राम,
आइस न्यू इंग्लीश सेकेंडरी स्कूल,
बान्द्रा ईस्ट, मुंबई .
Friday, November 5, 2010
History Of Diwali
One of the most joyful and beautiful festivals to be celebrated on the Indian subcontinent is Diwali, the festival of lights. The very word Diwali conjures up the image of winking lights and flickering diyas. Not to forget the gorgeous array of sparkling colours emitted by the firecrackers that seem to awaken the night sky
Coming close on the heels of Dussehra, Diwali is celebrated on the last day of the Gujarati calendar year, and generally comes in the months of October or November, on the English calendar. It is one of the most important Indian festivals and is celebrated on a mass scale by Indians not only in India, but also all over the world.
The Story Behind Diwali
It is believed that on this day Lord Rama, along with his consort Sita and loyal brother Lakshman was returning to his hometown Ayodhya after 14 long years of exile in the forest. He had just finished battling and overcoming the fierce demon king of Ceylon, Ravana, who had abducted Sita. In this battle he was ably helped by Lord Hanuman and his army of monkeys as well as an army of courageous bears.
The people of Ayodhya lit lamps in every home to welcome their true King as well as celebrate his victory over Ravana and also the safe return of their Queen Sita. They danced and made merry and lit firecrackers to express their joy over his return. And as a mark of respect and worship the festivities continue every year till this today.
As another lesser-known story goes, Lord Krishna had battled a demon called Narakasura and emerged victorious. The people of the city were overjoyed and welcomed Krishna back with lamps in their hands.
Since Rama and Krishna are two of the most popular gods in the Hindu lore, it is only logical that Diwali is celebrated with such pomp and glory.
How is Diwali Celebrated?
According to an ancient myth, Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth travels through all our homes on Diwali night and stops to bless the homes that are shiny and sparkling clean. So as this festival approaches, all houses go through a thorough spring-cleaning in anticipation of her wealth and blessings. She will be greeted by a beautiful gaily painted Rangoli on the threshold of each home while inside too she is welcomed by an array of sparklers and little earthen lamps that light up and considerably brighten the atmosphere.
The actual festivities start from Dhanteras, which is celebrated two days before Diwali. Everybody goes out of their way to make big purchases and buy new clothes and jewellery. This is because this day is considered auspicious for wealth, and it is said that if you buy any silver or gold on this day, you will be lucky throughout the year. The goddess Lakshmi is worshipped on this day through a Lakshmipujan, which is performed not only in the homes but in shops and offices as well.
But what would Diwali be without a burst of firecrackers and lights? The sound and light show starts at least a week prior to the actual festival and continues way into the New Year. Of course it reaches a crescendo on the day of Diwali itself, a day when people dress up in their best new clothes and go visiting each other, their relatives and friends with boxes of dry fruits and sweets and loads of love in their huge generous hearts
Coming close on the heels of Dussehra, Diwali is celebrated on the last day of the Gujarati calendar year, and generally comes in the months of October or November, on the English calendar. It is one of the most important Indian festivals and is celebrated on a mass scale by Indians not only in India, but also all over the world.
The Story Behind Diwali
It is believed that on this day Lord Rama, along with his consort Sita and loyal brother Lakshman was returning to his hometown Ayodhya after 14 long years of exile in the forest. He had just finished battling and overcoming the fierce demon king of Ceylon, Ravana, who had abducted Sita. In this battle he was ably helped by Lord Hanuman and his army of monkeys as well as an army of courageous bears.
The people of Ayodhya lit lamps in every home to welcome their true King as well as celebrate his victory over Ravana and also the safe return of their Queen Sita. They danced and made merry and lit firecrackers to express their joy over his return. And as a mark of respect and worship the festivities continue every year till this today.
As another lesser-known story goes, Lord Krishna had battled a demon called Narakasura and emerged victorious. The people of the city were overjoyed and welcomed Krishna back with lamps in their hands.
Since Rama and Krishna are two of the most popular gods in the Hindu lore, it is only logical that Diwali is celebrated with such pomp and glory.
How is Diwali Celebrated?
According to an ancient myth, Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth travels through all our homes on Diwali night and stops to bless the homes that are shiny and sparkling clean. So as this festival approaches, all houses go through a thorough spring-cleaning in anticipation of her wealth and blessings. She will be greeted by a beautiful gaily painted Rangoli on the threshold of each home while inside too she is welcomed by an array of sparklers and little earthen lamps that light up and considerably brighten the atmosphere.
The actual festivities start from Dhanteras, which is celebrated two days before Diwali. Everybody goes out of their way to make big purchases and buy new clothes and jewellery. This is because this day is considered auspicious for wealth, and it is said that if you buy any silver or gold on this day, you will be lucky throughout the year. The goddess Lakshmi is worshipped on this day through a Lakshmipujan, which is performed not only in the homes but in shops and offices as well.
But what would Diwali be without a burst of firecrackers and lights? The sound and light show starts at least a week prior to the actual festival and continues way into the New Year. Of course it reaches a crescendo on the day of Diwali itself, a day when people dress up in their best new clothes and go visiting each other, their relatives and friends with boxes of dry fruits and sweets and loads of love in their huge generous hearts
Deepwali Celebrations
The festival of Diwali (also called as Deepavali) epitomizes prosperity, happiness and lights. This is the only day in the entire Hindu calendar when a new moon day is celebrated as a festival. On the day of Diwali though the sky is devoid of moon and its light but still the entire atmosphere is always enlighten and filled with lights of different colours and shades and filled with joy, crackers and sweet smell of foodstuffs.
Our P. P. Nandai is the Goddess that precides over this entire festival inform of Goddess Mahalaxmi. She has described to us the ways in which we should perform poojan on days of Padwa and Laxmi Poojan to make them more sactious and meaning.
Poojan to be Performed on the Day of Padwa
Shraddhavans should get up early in the morning and in the wee hours should perform the below described ritual.
* We should clean our house with broom and collect the waste on a cardboard.
* After this we should enlighten a light made from dough in which we should use ghee as fuel.
*We should then place a sweet (foodstuff) on the cardboard.
* We should then take this cardboard (with all the stuffs on it) around our entire house.
* One person should follow this person who is carrying cardboard with a plate which should be beaten to produce sound.
* We should place our old broom outside our house in a corner.
* We should then place this cardboard besides this broom.
* We should then join our hands and pray saying the following words "ईडा, पीडा टलो, बळीचे राज्ययेवो" ("Let all the unholy come to end and let there be rule of King Bali").
Poojan to be Performed on the Day of Laxmi Poojan
* We should keep 5 fruits & a mixture of coriander seeds and jaggery as holy offering (Prasad).
* We should keep a new broom on the starting line of our house (उंबरठा) and offer kumkum and turmeric powder (haldi) to it and offer the following prayer " हे लक्ष्मीमाते - नंदामाते, तू नेहमी माझ्या चुका दाखव. आईच्या मायेने माझ्या अंगावरून हात फिरव. बहिणीसारखे वाटेतील काटे काढ, पापणिच्या केसासारखा माझ्या मनातील व घरातील कचरा काढ आणि माझ्या घरात नंदामाते मते तू सतत वावरत रहा ही तुझ्या चरणी प्रार्थना." ("Oh Goddess Lakshmi i.e. my P. P. Nandai, You always bring my mistakes to my notice. Shower love on me like my mother. Be my sister and remove obstacles in my way. Remove dirt from my house and mind like an eyelid. And finally I pray and urge You to stay in my house for ever").
Finally wishing all the readers a very happy and prosperous new year and a happy diwali. May P.P. Bapu, P.P. Nandai and P.P. Suchitmama bless you all.
One interesting fact about Diwali which not many of us know about is Diwali is an official holiday in 9 countries which includes India, Guyana, Mauritius, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Trinidad & Tobago, Myanmar, Fiji, and Suriname).
Poojan to be Performed on the Day of Padwa
Shraddhavans should get up early in the morning and in the wee hours should perform the below described ritual.
* We should clean our house with broom and collect the waste on a cardboard.
* After this we should enlighten a light made from dough in which we should use ghee as fuel.
*We should then place a sweet (foodstuff) on the cardboard.
* We should then take this cardboard (with all the stuffs on it) around our entire house.
* One person should follow this person who is carrying cardboard with a plate which should be beaten to produce sound.
* We should place our old broom outside our house in a corner.
* We should then place this cardboard besides this broom.
* We should then join our hands and pray saying the following words "ईडा, पीडा टलो, बळीचे राज्ययेवो" ("Let all the unholy come to end and let there be rule of King Bali").
Poojan to be Performed on the Day of Laxmi Poojan
* We should keep 5 fruits & a mixture of coriander seeds and jaggery as holy offering (Prasad).
* We should keep a new broom on the starting line of our house (उंबरठा) and offer kumkum and turmeric powder (haldi) to it and offer the following prayer " हे लक्ष्मीमाते - नंदामाते, तू नेहमी माझ्या चुका दाखव. आईच्या मायेने माझ्या अंगावरून हात फिरव. बहिणीसारखे वाटेतील काटे काढ, पापणिच्या केसासारखा माझ्या मनातील व घरातील कचरा काढ आणि माझ्या घरात नंदामाते मते तू सतत वावरत रहा ही तुझ्या चरणी प्रार्थना." ("Oh Goddess Lakshmi i.e. my P. P. Nandai, You always bring my mistakes to my notice. Shower love on me like my mother. Be my sister and remove obstacles in my way. Remove dirt from my house and mind like an eyelid. And finally I pray and urge You to stay in my house for ever").
Finally wishing all the readers a very happy and prosperous new year and a happy diwali. May P.P. Bapu, P.P. Nandai and P.P. Suchitmama bless you all.
One interesting fact about Diwali which not many of us know about is Diwali is an official holiday in 9 countries which includes India, Guyana, Mauritius, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Trinidad & Tobago, Myanmar, Fiji, and Suriname).
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Shree Dhanalaxmi Utsav - Shree Yantra Pujan 2010
This is to inform all the bhaktas that the celebrations for Shree Dhanalaxmi Utsav - Shree Yantra Pujan 2010, will be celebrated on this Wednesday by Sadguru Aniruddha Upasana Foundation.
Date of Festival:
3rd November 2010
Timings of Festival:
From 9.00 am to 9.00 pm
Venue for Festival:
New English School,
(Shree Hari Guru Gram),
Bandra (East),
Mumbai 400 051.
Bhaktas are requested to carry the Shree Yantra that is installed at their homes, for it to be recharged (perform pujan) at the festival venue.Over the years Param Poojya Aniruddha Bapu, Param Poojya Nandai, Param Poojya Suchitdada along with Poojya Samirdada have graced and blessed this occasion by being personally present at the festival. Darshan facility would also be extended to all the bhaktas who would be present.
Background of Shree Yantra:
The first Shree Yantra was commissioned at Shree Kshetra Gurukul (Juinagar). The image of Shree Yantra has been placed for the benefit and darshan of the devotees over there. This Yantra was initially worshipped for 33 days at Shree Kshetra Gurukul (Juinagar).
Shree Yantra signifies the primeval energy of this universe, the Shri Shakti. The next five generations of the person taking this Shree Yantra home will receive blessings and fruits of this action. We must recognize the importance and presence of this Shree Yantra and this has been gifted to all the bhaktas and will help them right till the end of life. Every year on the day of Dhanteras (Dhanalaxmi Pujan) it is worshipped and prayed. The presence of Shri Mahalaxmi Mata (Chida-Nanda) in each devotees' house is in certainty with the installation this Shri Yantra.
Donation of Diwali Pharal:
The celebrations culminate with a grand ceremony of Maha-Aarti which is worth attending
Sunday, October 24, 2010
AADM update from
It takes me a pleasure to bring to notice of all the readers that Aniruddha's Academy of Disaster Management has recently completed training of close to 500 DMVs (Disaster Management Volunteers) from its various local branch centres (Upasana Centre). I felt extremely privileged to be selected for this training. All the DMVs have been thoroughly trained both theoretically and practically during the practice sessions. The entire programme was supported by Cinemax India Ltd. who are pioneers as cinema exhibitors in India, which provided its facilities to DMVs to be trained practically. The training programme was overseen by Respected Swapnilsinh Dattopadhye and conducted by Shri. Pramodsinh Angre, an ex-serviceman who has worked for Indian Navy in Submarine Fire Safety Cadre.
Following are the points that were covered in the theoretical training session. It will help you with all the details all wanted to know about Fire Extinguishers and Fire Fighting:
There are 7 basic points to be learnt in fire fighting:
1) Causes of Fire
2) Basic Chemistry of Fire
3) Classes of Fire
4) Types of Fire Extinguishers
5) Safety Methods of Fire Extinguishing Operations
6) Fire Alarm Systems
7) Evacuation
1) Lets first see the Causes of Fire:
Fire is mainly caused due to three factors
i) Negligence
ii) Carelessness
iii) Sabotage
2) Next lets see Basic Chemistry of FireIn this section we will see what it takes for fire to ignite, sustain and rage. Fire depends on 3 factors for it ignite, sustain and rage
i) Buring Material OR Fuel
ii) Oxygen (Air)
iii) Heat (Temperature above 59°C)
1) Causes of Fire
2) Basic Chemistry of Fire
3) Classes of Fire
4) Types of Fire Extinguishers
5) Safety Methods of Fire Extinguishing Operations
6) Fire Alarm Systems
7) Evacuation
1) Lets first see the Causes of Fire:
Fire is mainly caused due to three factors
i) Negligence
ii) Carelessness
iii) Sabotage
2) Next lets see Basic Chemistry of FireIn this section we will see what it takes for fire to ignite, sustain and rage. Fire depends on 3 factors for it ignite, sustain and rage
i) Buring Material OR Fuel
ii) Oxygen (Air)
iii) Heat (Temperature above 59°C)
These three factors are feature in fire triangle. If any side of this equilateral triangle in broken and taken away i.e. if we take away anyone of these factors from fire then it will not sustain and hence won't rage.
3) Classes of Fire
Fire is classified in 5 categories
i) Class 'A': Solid Fire
This fire results from burning of any solid object like furniture, paper, upholstery, wood, etc.
ii) Class 'B': Liquid Fire
This fire results from burning of liquids like oil, turpentine, spirit, oil paint, alcohol, petrol, diesel, kerosene, etc.
iii) Class 'C': Gas Fire
This fire is sub-divided in further in 2 major sub-categories
a) LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) Fire
b) CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) Fire
a) LPG Fire
The fire which erupts because of LPG generally referred as Cooking Gas used in most of the kitchens these days. LPG has Propane (Sulphur content) and Butane (Lead content) added to composition that makes CNG and hence LPG is more dangerous that CNG. Also addition of propane and butane makes LPG gas heavier and hence unlike CNG which escapes through air LPG stay near ground level.
LPG cylinders blast only when empty or partially filled as it gives room for pressure to increase (which may be because of heat).
Precautions to be Taken:
i) In case regulator on top of the cylinder catches fire then we should put water on cylinder not the regulator as putting water on cylinder would control the temperature from rising. This way the fire would gradually stop when the burning material is exhausted without the spreading of fire.
ii) We should put thick wet cloth on regulatory so that fire will be suffocated of oxygen and this will also keep temperature under control.
iii) We should avoid crowding of things around the cylinder in general where we store our cylinder.
iv) We should also take care that that we are not storing any items above our gas stove / cooking range. This care is to be taken as this will avoid our clothes (especially loose and long clothes like chunnis and dupattas) from catching fire unknowingly.
v) We should avoid serving food while it is on stove / cooking range. This care is to be taken as while serving the food may fall on on the rubber pipes that carry cooking gas from cylinder to stove / cooking range. The dropped food attracts rats and other rodents which can damage these pipes by their nibbling which may result in gas leak and ultimately fire.
vi) Daily we should turn-off regulator of the gas before going to sleep so as to avoid accidental gas leakage.
vii) We should strictly avoid any kind of usage of electric appliances if we smell LPG gas leak as the spark that is generated everytime we switch-on electric appliances is enough to cause a huge explosion which can rip apart atleast 4 - 5 flats on your floor along with our own house.
viii) We should open doors, windows and curtains of our house to allow the gas to escape easily.
ix) We should strictly avoid opening of refrigerators in our houses.
x) We should immediately turn-off Electrical Mains of our house.
xi) We should also inform our neighbours about the gas leak immediately so that the above precautions can also be taken by them.
v) Class 'D': Metallic OR Industrial Fire
This fire results from burning of components used in industries like potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, etc.
v) Class 'E': Electric Fire
This fire results from electrical short-circuits.
Precautions to be Taken:
i) Always use a 3 plug pin as this pin has earthing in it.
ii) Insulation tapes which are used in sealing the electrical wires have a life of only 6 months which may be maximum used for 9 months. Hence we should take care to replace these tapes regularly as and when then expiry date in reached.
iii) We should use Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker. (For more details about this devices refer this link: OR
iv) We can also use Main Circuit Breaker (For more details about this devices refer this link:: in place of Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker but Main Circuit Breaker is expensive than arth Leakage Circuit Breaker and hence not preferred. Though technically it is more safer.
v) We should avoid using all the heavy appliances in our house like washing machines, geysers, heaters, air-conditioners, etc. together so as to avoid over loading.
The fact that most of the people are unaware about is that victims that get killed in fire incidences are not because of fire directly but because of suffocation arising out of Carbon Monoxide emission from burning material.
4) Types of Fire Extinguishers
As like fire, fire extinguishers are also classified in 5 categories respective to the fires.
We should take utmost care that a particular class fire extinguisher is used only for the corresponding class of fire. Inter (wrong) usage of the extinguisher may result in major accident which in few cases can be fatal or cause disability.
The type of fire extinguisher is always mentioned on the container.
i) Class 'A' Fire Extinguishers: For Solid Fire

These are used in cases of solid fire (resulting from burning of any solid object like furniture, paper, upholstery, wood, etc.)
The extinguisher cylinder contains 9 litres of water which is sprayed on fire with pressure-driven force. It has a CO2 or Carbon Dioxide cartridge at the mouth of the cylinder to build pressure for spraying of water with force.
We should change water in this cylinder every 3 months which prevents the water from corroding.
We should not keep this (Class A Fire Extinguisher) near electric boards and in kitchens as under panic it may be used in cases of fire which may result in accident because of wrong use. These are generally used stores and warehouses.
This extinguisher cannot be reused as it exhausts all the contents in it once it is opened at one go.
ii) Class 'BC' Fire Extinguishers: For Solid, Liquid, Metallic and Electric Fire

These are called Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) Fire Extinguishers.
These are used in cases of liquid and gas. This fire results from burning of liquids like oil, turpentine, spirit, oil paint, alcohol, petrol, diesel, kerosene, etc. or Gas fires. It can also be used in cases of solid fires but only in case the burning object is heavy in nature e.g. furniture (It should not be used on in case the burning material is light weighted like paper, cloth etc).
This fire extinguisher is composed of Potassium Bicarbonate or Sodium Phosphate.
The powder which is sprayed through this extinguisher has leaves and sticky trail behind which is not washable and hence is generally not used on electrical appliances as it causes renders the appliances useless. It has a CO2 or Carbon Dioxide cartridge at the mouth of the cylinder to build pressure for spraying of powder with force.
This extinguisher can be reused as it doesn't exhaust all the contents in it once it is opened i.e its flow can be stopped once the fire is doused.
We should avoid using DCP extinguisher at place where we store food items or in kitchen as t may lead to food wastage. In these situations CO2 extinguisher is preferred.
iii) Class 'ABC' Fire Extinguishers: For Solid, Liquid and Gas Fire
These are used in cases of solid fire (resulting from burning of any solid object like furniture, paper, upholstery, wood, etc.) or burning of liquids like oil, turpentine, spirit, oil paint, alcohol, petrol, diesel, kerosene, etc. or Gas fires or even in case of metallic fires (fire resulting from burning of components used in industries like potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, etc.) or electric fires.
Types of Fire Sprinklers
A fire sprinkler is the part of a fire sprinkler system that discharges water when the effects of a fire have been detected, such as when a predetermined temperature has been reached. To know more about fire sprinklers please click on the following link: (
There are 5-6 main types of fire sprinklers which are known by the colour of their glass bulbs. Every sprinklers has a different temperature at which they discharge water. Following are the details of it:
a) Red Color - 68 °C
b) Pink Color - 57 °C
c) Purple Color - 98 °C
d) Dark Blue Color - 138 °C
e) Black - 350 °C
Smoke Detectors

A smoke detector is a device that detects smoke, typically as an indicator of fire. Commercial, industrial, and mass residential devices issue a signal to a fire alarm system, while household detectors, known as smoke alarms, generally issue a local audible and/or visual alarm from the detector itself. To know more about smoke detectors please click on the following link: (
Smoke detectors run on supply of 24 volts and are connected to central control panel. When they detect any fumes or smoke they raise a loud alarm. Hence to silence them there is a silent switch. They detect any fumes or smoke in the radius of 3 meters. A functional smoke detector always continuously blinks.
Heat Detectors
A heat detector is a fire alarm device designed to respond when the convected thermal energy of a fire increases the temperature of a heat sensitive element. The thermal mass and conductivity of the element regulate the rate flow of heat into the element. All heat detectors have this thermal lag. Heat detectors have two main classifications of operation, "rate-of-rise" and "fixed temperature." To know more about heat detectors please click on the following link: (
These are generally used in kitchen or pantries. They can sense heat in the range of 3 - 3.5 meters. This is connected to fire panel with hooter.
4) Types of Fire Extinguishers
As like fire, fire extinguishers are also classified in 5 categories respective to the fires.
We should take utmost care that a particular class fire extinguisher is used only for the corresponding class of fire. Inter (wrong) usage of the extinguisher may result in major accident which in few cases can be fatal or cause disability.
The type of fire extinguisher is always mentioned on the container.
i) Class 'A' Fire Extinguishers: For Solid Fire

These are used in cases of solid fire (resulting from burning of any solid object like furniture, paper, upholstery, wood, etc.)
The extinguisher cylinder contains 9 litres of water which is sprayed on fire with pressure-driven force. It has a CO2 or Carbon Dioxide cartridge at the mouth of the cylinder to build pressure for spraying of water with force.
We should change water in this cylinder every 3 months which prevents the water from corroding.
We should not keep this (Class A Fire Extinguisher) near electric boards and in kitchens as under panic it may be used in cases of fire which may result in accident because of wrong use. These are generally used stores and warehouses.
This extinguisher cannot be reused as it exhausts all the contents in it once it is opened at one go.
ii) Class 'BC' Fire Extinguishers: For Solid, Liquid, Metallic and Electric Fire

These are called Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) Fire Extinguishers.
These are used in cases of liquid and gas. This fire results from burning of liquids like oil, turpentine, spirit, oil paint, alcohol, petrol, diesel, kerosene, etc. or Gas fires. It can also be used in cases of solid fires but only in case the burning object is heavy in nature e.g. furniture (It should not be used on in case the burning material is light weighted like paper, cloth etc).
This fire extinguisher is composed of Potassium Bicarbonate or Sodium Phosphate.
The powder which is sprayed through this extinguisher has leaves and sticky trail behind which is not washable and hence is generally not used on electrical appliances as it causes renders the appliances useless. It has a CO2 or Carbon Dioxide cartridge at the mouth of the cylinder to build pressure for spraying of powder with force.
This extinguisher can be reused as it doesn't exhaust all the contents in it once it is opened i.e its flow can be stopped once the fire is doused.
We should avoid using DCP extinguisher at place where we store food items or in kitchen as t may lead to food wastage. In these situations CO2 extinguisher is preferred.
iii) Class 'ABC' Fire Extinguishers: For Solid, Liquid and Gas Fire
These are used in cases of solid fire (resulting from burning of any solid object like furniture, paper, upholstery, wood, etc.) or burning of liquids like oil, turpentine, spirit, oil paint, alcohol, petrol, diesel, kerosene, etc. or Gas fires or even in case of metallic fires (fire resulting from burning of components used in industries like potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, etc.) or electric fires.
It is composed of Mono-Ammonium Phosphate or Map 90. It has a pressure gauge at the very top of the cylinder which should be periodically calibrated and its pressure pointer should always be seen in the green range of the meter. As like the once we have seen earlier this extinguisher contains Pressure Gauge rather than cartridge for building pressure to spray with force. The pressure indicated by the pressure gauge would be proportional to the powder contained in the extinguisher.
This extinguisher can be reused as it doesn't exhaust all the contents in it once it is opened i.e its flow can be stopped once the fire is doused.
We should always tie a handkerchief on our mouth while using this extinguishers as it may cause throat irritation or in few cases choking.
iv) CO2 Fire Extinguishers: For Solid, Liquid, Gas, Metallic and Electric Fire:
This fire extinguisher is charged and filled with CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) at -17°C. At such low temperature the gas when inside the cylinder is in solid state.
The most important care the handler has to take while using this extinguisher is to hold the extinguisher only by its grip-pins. As the temperature is so low the when we actually use the extinguisher and in case if we place our hand at any other area other than grip-pins we would end up suffering from Cold Burn which would permanently disable our hand as it would have to be operated upon. This may happen even if we hold the extinguisher at wrong area for 6 - 7 seconds. To avoid this problem handler may use gloves but it is not a practical solution considering the spontaneity with which any fire mishap strikes.
We should avoid using DCP extinguisher at place where we store food items or in kitchen as t may lead to food wastage. In these situations CO2 extinguisher is preferred.
iv) HCFC (Hydro Chloro Fluoro Carbon) Fire Extinguishers: For Solid, Liquid, Gas, Metallic and Electric Fire (All Fires)
This fire extinguisher is also called Clean Agent. It can be used on any type of fire. It also as very vey high shelf life period i.e. it needs refilling in only once in 5 years. But the major problem about this fire extinguisher is its cost. a 2 kgs extinguisher costs around INR 15, 000/- which is very high and hence this extinguisher is seldom used.
This extinguisher can be reused as it doesn't exhaust all the contents in it once it is opened i.e its flow can be stopped once the fire is doused.
We should always tie a handkerchief on our mouth while using this extinguishers as it may cause throat irritation or in few cases choking.
iv) CO2 Fire Extinguishers: For Solid, Liquid, Gas, Metallic and Electric Fire:
This fire extinguisher is charged and filled with CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) at -17°C. At such low temperature the gas when inside the cylinder is in solid state.
The most important care the handler has to take while using this extinguisher is to hold the extinguisher only by its grip-pins. As the temperature is so low the when we actually use the extinguisher and in case if we place our hand at any other area other than grip-pins we would end up suffering from Cold Burn which would permanently disable our hand as it would have to be operated upon. This may happen even if we hold the extinguisher at wrong area for 6 - 7 seconds. To avoid this problem handler may use gloves but it is not a practical solution considering the spontaneity with which any fire mishap strikes.
We should avoid using DCP extinguisher at place where we store food items or in kitchen as t may lead to food wastage. In these situations CO2 extinguisher is preferred.
iv) HCFC (Hydro Chloro Fluoro Carbon) Fire Extinguishers: For Solid, Liquid, Gas, Metallic and Electric Fire (All Fires)
This fire extinguisher is also called Clean Agent. It can be used on any type of fire. It also as very vey high shelf life period i.e. it needs refilling in only once in 5 years. But the major problem about this fire extinguisher is its cost. a 2 kgs extinguisher costs around INR 15, 000/- which is very high and hence this extinguisher is seldom used.
Types of Fire Sprinklers

There are 5-6 main types of fire sprinklers which are known by the colour of their glass bulbs. Every sprinklers has a different temperature at which they discharge water. Following are the details of it:
a) Red Color - 68 °C
b) Pink Color - 57 °C
c) Purple Color - 98 °C
d) Dark Blue Color - 138 °C
e) Black - 350 °C
Smoke Detectors

A smoke detector is a device that detects smoke, typically as an indicator of fire. Commercial, industrial, and mass residential devices issue a signal to a fire alarm system, while household detectors, known as smoke alarms, generally issue a local audible and/or visual alarm from the detector itself. To know more about smoke detectors please click on the following link: (
Smoke detectors run on supply of 24 volts and are connected to central control panel. When they detect any fumes or smoke they raise a loud alarm. Hence to silence them there is a silent switch. They detect any fumes or smoke in the radius of 3 meters. A functional smoke detector always continuously blinks.
Heat Detectors

These are generally used in kitchen or pantries. They can sense heat in the range of 3 - 3.5 meters. This is connected to fire panel with hooter.
7) Evacuation
Evacuation is the final and the most important part of fire fighting. It involves relocating people who are stuck because of fire and are already affected or may get affect in near future.
The most important thing that we have to keep in mind is to avoid using lift when we are evacuating ourselves or others because when the fire brigade personnel arrive they first disconnect the mains and hence there is a grave danger of we getting trapped in lift. But we can use escalators, The evacuation should be carried out taking the charting of escape routes of any place into consideration. As far as possible we should alaways prefer crawling in cases of accumulation of condensed smoke.
But the single most important aspect of evacuation is to assure people that you are with them till the end and that all would be out of this problem, safely i.e. installing confidence in the masses and assuring them of your help and involvement till the end.The fact that most of the people are unaware about is that victims that get killed in fire incidences are not because of fire directly but because of suffocation arising out of Carbon Monoxide emission from burning material.
All the DMVs were also trained practically on use of fire hose at various locations of Cinemax.
A fire hose is a high-pressure hose used to carry water or other fire retardant (such as foam) to a fire to extinguish it. Outdoors, it is attached either to a fire engine or a fire hydrant. Indoors, it can be permanently attached to a building's standpipe or plumbing system. It was invented by Hero of Alexandria in the basis of Ctesibius' double action piston pump. To know more about fire hose please click on the following link: (
Evacuation is the final and the most important part of fire fighting. It involves relocating people who are stuck because of fire and are already affected or may get affect in near future.
The most important thing that we have to keep in mind is to avoid using lift when we are evacuating ourselves or others because when the fire brigade personnel arrive they first disconnect the mains and hence there is a grave danger of we getting trapped in lift. But we can use escalators, The evacuation should be carried out taking the charting of escape routes of any place into consideration. As far as possible we should alaways prefer crawling in cases of accumulation of condensed smoke.
But the single most important aspect of evacuation is to assure people that you are with them till the end and that all would be out of this problem, safely i.e. installing confidence in the masses and assuring them of your help and involvement till the end.
All the DMVs were also trained practically on use of fire hose at various locations of Cinemax.
A fire hose is a high-pressure hose used to carry water or other fire retardant (such as foam) to a fire to extinguish it. Outdoors, it is attached either to a fire engine or a fire hydrant. Indoors, it can be permanently attached to a building's standpipe or plumbing system. It was invented by Hero of Alexandria in the basis of Ctesibius' double action piston pump. To know more about fire hose please click on the following link: (
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Shahid Bhagat singh Jayanti
Everyone celebrate birth day of Mahatma Gandhiji on 2nd Oct and Mr. J. Nehru on 14th Nov. But 27th September is Birth day of great freedom fighter Hutatma Bhagat Singh.
Born to a Sikh family which had earlier been involved in revolutionary activities against the British Raj in India, Singh, as a teenager, had studied European revolutionary movements and was attracted to anarchism and communism. He became involved in numerous revolutionary organizations. He quickly rose through the ranks of the Hindustan Republican Association (HRA) and became one of its leaders, converting it to the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA). Singh gained support when he underwent a 64-day fast in jail, demanding equal rights for Indian and British political prisoners. He was hanged for shooting a police officer in response to the killing of veteran freedom fighter Lala Lajpat Rai. His legacy prompted youth in India to begin fighting for Indian independence and also increased the rise of socialism in India.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Mumbai's Biggest Navratri to take place in Charkop
Musa Paik will perform with SSCT this year at Charkop Open Mhada ground, Kandivali West.
* Transportation drop will be provided at nights from the Venue.
For tickets and booking please contact Swapnil Shahu (9892187769) or Vijay Netke(9867262271) and give the blog reference for a flat 10 % discount on Season tickets. Season passes in bulk can win you a mobile phone or a holiday for 2 or a massive discount. Please do take this opportunity specially for all people who love the blog Pratyaksha2025. The Coupon code that you need to say is "Pratyaksha4bapubhakta" when buying tickets.
Guys Dont Miss the chance to be on Star TV / BEST TV/ Radio 91.1 FM with one of the BEST GARBA Celebrations in the country..
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
यूएस ओपन नदालनं जिंकलं
स्पॅनिश आर्माडा नदाल जिंकला. यूएस ओपनच्या फानलमध्ये त्यानं सर्बियाच्या नोवाक ज्योकोविचला पराभूत करून करियरच्या 9 व्या टायटलवर शिक्कामोर्तब केलं. राफेल नदालनं ज्योकोविचला 6-4, 5-7, 6-4, 6-2 अशा सेट्समध्ये पराभूत केलं.
पहिल्या सेटवर नदालनं नाव कोरल्यानंतर दुसऱ्या सेटमध्ये ज्योकोविचनं पुनरागमन केलं खरं पण त्यानंतर नदालनं ज्योकोविचचं आव्हान मोडित काढत तिसरा आणि चौथा सेट आरामात जिंकला. राफेल नदालनं प्रथमच यूएस ओपनवर आपलं नाव कोरलंय.
पहिल्या सेटवर नदालनं नाव कोरल्यानंतर दुसऱ्या सेटमध्ये ज्योकोविचनं पुनरागमन केलं खरं पण त्यानंतर नदालनं ज्योकोविचचं आव्हान मोडित काढत तिसरा आणि चौथा सेट आरामात जिंकला. राफेल नदालनं प्रथमच यूएस ओपनवर आपलं नाव कोरलंय.
रिलायन्स इन्फ्राचा सामान्यांना शॉक
मुंबईकरांच्या खिशाला लागणार आहे विजेचा झटका. कारण गेल्या पंधरा महिन्यांपासून लांबणीवर पडलेली उपनगरांतील रिलायन्स इन्फ्राची सरासरी सात टक्क्यांची दरवाढ लागू करण्याचा निर्णय घेण्यात आलाय. त्यामुळे येत्या १५ सप्टेंबरनंतरची वीज बिले नवीन दराने येणार आहेत.
विशेष म्हणजे हाय टेन्शन च्या ग्राहकांना मात्र या दरवाढीच्या कचट्यातून वगळण्यात आलाय.इतकचं नाही तर ज्या निवासी ग्राहकांकडे हाय टेन्शनचं कनेक्शन आहे त्यांच्या दरामध्ये तब्बल अठरा टक्के कपात करण्यात आलीयय.
रिलायन्स इन्फाच्या या निर्णयाचा सगळ्याच जास्त फटका महिन्याला ५०० युनिट्स पेक्षा जास्त विज वापरणाऱ्या घरगुती ग्राहकांना बसणार आहे.
याशिवाय प्रलंबित काळातील दर आकारणी आणि त्यावरील व्याज यांचा विचार पुढील दरप्रस्तावात केला जाणार आहे.
राज्य विधानसभा निवडणुकीआधी राज्यसरकारने दरवाढीला आक्षेप घेतला. त्यानंतर राज्य वीज नियामक आयोगानं जून-२००९ मध्ये स्थगिती वीज दरवाढीला दिली होती. पण आता आयोगाने दरवाढीवर असलेली स्थगिती उठवल्याने आता ''आर इन्फ्रा''च्या ग्राहकांना वाढीव दराने वीज बिल भरावे लागेल.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Manasamarthayda Website Update
Fill this membership form to recieve an e-mail from Manasamarthayda site directly...
Monday, September 6, 2010
Ganeshotsav 2010 at Happy Home
An invitation from P.P. Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu, P.P. Nandai and P.P. Suchitdada.
Like very year, this year too, Ganeshotsav will be celebrated at Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu’s residence at Happy Home, Khar West, Mumbai.
The procession that will bring the idol of Shree Ganesh home on 10th September will begin at 5.00pm from Link Road, opposite the Amarsons showroom at Bandra West.
On the first day, i.e. Saturday, 11th September 2010, the poojan will be followed by darshan and bhaktas are welcome to avail of the darshan from 11.00 am to 9.00 pm. The Maha-Aarti will be offered at 9 pm.
The timings for darshan on 12th and 13th September respectively are as follows:
• 12th Sep 2010 – 8.00 am to 8.00 pm.
• 13th Sep 2010 – 8.00 am to 12.00 noon.
On 13th September, the procession for the visarjan (immersion) will
begin at 4 pm from Happy Home.
|| Hari om ||
Like very year, this year too, Ganeshotsav will be celebrated at Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu’s residence at Happy Home, Khar West, Mumbai.
The procession that will bring the idol of Shree Ganesh home on 10th September will begin at 5.00pm from Link Road, opposite the Amarsons showroom at Bandra West.
On the first day, i.e. Saturday, 11th September 2010, the poojan will be followed by darshan and bhaktas are welcome to avail of the darshan from 11.00 am to 9.00 pm. The Maha-Aarti will be offered at 9 pm.
The timings for darshan on 12th and 13th September respectively are as follows:
• 12th Sep 2010 – 8.00 am to 8.00 pm.
• 13th Sep 2010 – 8.00 am to 12.00 noon.
On 13th September, the procession for the visarjan (immersion) will
begin at 4 pm from Happy Home.
|| Hari om ||
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sadguru Shri Aniruddha Upasana kendra. Goregaon West
Sadguru Shri Aniruddha Upasana kendra. Goregaon West
Punarvas Education Society
Plot No. 312, Opp. Piramal Nagar, S.V. Road, Goregaon (W), Mumbai 62.
Tel. : 9969009281
Contact person: Prakashsinh Shevale
Punarvas Education Society
Plot No. 312, Opp. Piramal Nagar, S.V. Road, Goregaon (W), Mumbai 62.
Tel. : 9969009281
Contact person: Prakashsinh Shevale
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
No pravachan on on 2nd September 2010
This Thursday because of Gokulashtami on 2nd September 2010 Upsanna &
Pravachan at Hari Gurugram has been cancelled. Please spread this
message to your friends, colleagues
Pravachan at Hari Gurugram has been cancelled. Please spread this
message to your friends, colleagues
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
मुंबईत 1 तारखेपासून पाणीकपात बंद
1 तारखेपासून मुंबईत 100 टक्के पाणीपुरवठा केला जाणार आहे. सण- उत्सवादरम्यान म्हणजेच सप्टेंबर महिन्यात पाणीकपात केली जाणार नाही, असा निर्णय महापालिकेनं घेतलाय. महापालिका आयुक्तांनी ही घोषणा केलीय.
सप्टेंबर महिन्यात 100 टक्के पाणीपुरवठा केल्यानंतर पाणीसाठ्याचा आढावा घेतला जाणार आहे. आणि त्यानंतर पाणीकपात सुरू करायची की नाही यावर निर्णय घेतला जाणार आहे.
सप्टेंबर महिन्यात 100 टक्के पाणीपुरवठा केल्यानंतर पाणीसाठ्याचा आढावा घेतला जाणार आहे. आणि त्यानंतर पाणीकपात सुरू करायची की नाही यावर निर्णय घेतला जाणार आहे.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Eco Friendly Ganapti Seva
Eco Friendly Ganapti painting activity is going on in full speed at various upasana centers. If you are interested in joining for seva please contact your nearest upasana Kendra. It is not necessary that everybody should be skilled or good in painting, any one who wishes to do Seva can participate.
Monday, August 23, 2010
I am very happy to bring to your notice of everyone of you that Aniruddha's Academy of Disaster Management was invited for the meeting organized by Mumbai Police and other concerned forces which help is managing and conducting Ganpati Utsav. I was extremely privileged to be part of this meeting.
The meeting was held at Nehru Centre, Worli in which the Joint Commissioner of Police – Traffic (Shri. Sanjay Barve), Deputy Commissioner of Police – Traffic (Shri. Solunke) and all the senior most officers of Traffic department, Deputy Municipal Commissioner (Shri. Kshirsagar) and other representatives from other arms of the Government like like the Indian Army, Life Guards, Brihan-Mumbai Municipal Corporation, Mumbai Fire Brigade, etc and major Ganpati Utsav Mandals of Mumbai city (one of them being Lalbaug Cha Raja) had participated.
The meeting was basically organized for streamlining the co-ordination between all these forces before the start of the world's largest festival (footfall wise) i.e. Ganesh Utsav and also understand the commitment of number of forces allotted by each of these forces for management of this festival.
The biggest and the most proud aspect of this meeting for Aniruddha's Academy of Disaster Management was to understand the fact that our Academy is the highest contributor in terms of forces for managing this festival. [This year we have committed 4, 000 forces (volunteers, which are called as DMVs or Disaster Management Volunteers)].
*** Background of This Preparatory Exercise ***
This festival last year (in 2009) had recorded the immersion of total 1, 87, 507 idols of Lord Ganesh (domestic and public) across the period of 11 days of the festival. This year the government authorities expect another 4 - 5 % rise in this figure. It is also observed over the years that on the day of Anant Chaturdashi more than 15 lakh people congregate at Girgaum Chowpatty in the evening (This can be equated with the population of few European countries).
It is also observed that Consul Generals and Envoys of almost 45 foreign countries attend the Immersion ceremony at Girgaum Chowpatty and hence the government intends to use this festival to project Mumbai and this festival on the globally platform to attract tourism, enhance Mumbai’s i.e. ultimately India’s image globally and showcase the discipline in the Indian masses that is displayed by them even when such large number of people congregate at a single spot which is a fact that has been acknowledged and appreciated by all the foreign Consul Generals and Envoys who visit this festival.
Following are the details that were shared during the meeting by Mumbai Police and BMC respectively:
1) Preparation by Mumbai Police
a) Control Rooms would be setup at 7 places across the city which includes prime spots like Girgaum Chowpatty, Bandra (Bada Masjid), Shivaji Park Chowpatty, etc.
b) The newly bought Sealegs and Amphibious Vehicles would be deployed for the security of the immersion ceremony from the side of sea.
c) Life Guards from various NGOs and Indian Navy would be deployed at all the immersion spots.
d) Motorboats would be put on duty at major immersion spots.
e) Online Request Management System would be launched for all the Ganpati Mandals in the city so that they can file their permission requests for erecting festival tents, stalls and hoardings online.
f) For Ganpati mandals who would want to apply for permission physically would have to download the permission requisition forms from Mumbai Police’s website.
g) Police would regulate the roads in the city on the days of immersion. Under this exercise 24 roads would be completely closed for traffic, 47 would be allowed one-way entry, 10 roads would be closed for heavy vehicles and parking would not be permitted on 40 roads.
h) All the traditional Ganpati mandals (which have completed 5 years of existence) would be given police permission without verification in-case the tents are to be constructed on same place and have area as previous years.
2) Preparation by Brihan-Mumbai Municipal Corporation
a) There are 88 spots that are marked for immersion ceremony.
b) Steel plates are to be laid on all the chowpatties which have sandy or soft surface so that movement of trolleys carrying Lord’s idol is made easy and the incidences of they getting stuck in sand is avoided.
c) First-Aid Counters and Ambulances would be kept ready at all the immersion spots.
d) Mobile Toilets would be deployed so that the surroundings are kept clean and the waste collection and disposal is done in hygienic manner.
e) Big Nirmalya Pots (Kalashs) would be erected at all the immersion spots. Compost manure would be produced from all the nirmalya (residue of flowers and other items offered to Lord) collected in these pots. The BMC has created special facilities for carrying composting of this nirmalya. This compost would then be used in Municipal gardens as manures of trees and plants.
f) Flood Lights and Search Lights would be installed at all the immersion spots for ease in research and rescue.
g) Watch Towers would be erected at all the immersion spots for ease in research and rescue and also for keeping vigilance.
h) New Twats of German Technology have been imported by the BMC from Germany, so that mass immersion of Lord’s idols can be carried out.
i) BMC would be deploying close to 500 - 600 engineers and another 600 personnel for making the festival safe and successful.
The meeting was held at Nehru Centre, Worli in which the Joint Commissioner of Police – Traffic (Shri. Sanjay Barve), Deputy Commissioner of Police – Traffic (Shri. Solunke) and all the senior most officers of Traffic department, Deputy Municipal Commissioner (Shri. Kshirsagar) and other representatives from other arms of the Government like like the Indian Army, Life Guards, Brihan-Mumbai Municipal Corporation, Mumbai Fire Brigade, etc and major Ganpati Utsav Mandals of Mumbai city (one of them being Lalbaug Cha Raja) had participated.
The meeting was basically organized for streamlining the co-ordination between all these forces before the start of the world's largest festival (footfall wise) i.e. Ganesh Utsav and also understand the commitment of number of forces allotted by each of these forces for management of this festival.
The biggest and the most proud aspect of this meeting for Aniruddha's Academy of Disaster Management was to understand the fact that our Academy is the highest contributor in terms of forces for managing this festival. [This year we have committed 4, 000 forces (volunteers, which are called as DMVs or Disaster Management Volunteers)].
*** Background of This Preparatory Exercise ***
This festival last year (in 2009) had recorded the immersion of total 1, 87, 507 idols of Lord Ganesh (domestic and public) across the period of 11 days of the festival. This year the government authorities expect another 4 - 5 % rise in this figure. It is also observed over the years that on the day of Anant Chaturdashi more than 15 lakh people congregate at Girgaum Chowpatty in the evening (This can be equated with the population of few European countries).
It is also observed that Consul Generals and Envoys of almost 45 foreign countries attend the Immersion ceremony at Girgaum Chowpatty and hence the government intends to use this festival to project Mumbai and this festival on the globally platform to attract tourism, enhance Mumbai’s i.e. ultimately India’s image globally and showcase the discipline in the Indian masses that is displayed by them even when such large number of people congregate at a single spot which is a fact that has been acknowledged and appreciated by all the foreign Consul Generals and Envoys who visit this festival.

Following are the details that were shared during the meeting by Mumbai Police and BMC respectively:
1) Preparation by Mumbai Police
a) Control Rooms would be setup at 7 places across the city which includes prime spots like Girgaum Chowpatty, Bandra (Bada Masjid), Shivaji Park Chowpatty, etc.
b) The newly bought Sealegs and Amphibious Vehicles would be deployed for the security of the immersion ceremony from the side of sea.
c) Life Guards from various NGOs and Indian Navy would be deployed at all the immersion spots.
d) Motorboats would be put on duty at major immersion spots.
e) Online Request Management System would be launched for all the Ganpati Mandals in the city so that they can file their permission requests for erecting festival tents, stalls and hoardings online.
f) For Ganpati mandals who would want to apply for permission physically would have to download the permission requisition forms from Mumbai Police’s website.
g) Police would regulate the roads in the city on the days of immersion. Under this exercise 24 roads would be completely closed for traffic, 47 would be allowed one-way entry, 10 roads would be closed for heavy vehicles and parking would not be permitted on 40 roads.
h) All the traditional Ganpati mandals (which have completed 5 years of existence) would be given police permission without verification in-case the tents are to be constructed on same place and have area as previous years.
2) Preparation by Brihan-Mumbai Municipal Corporation
a) There are 88 spots that are marked for immersion ceremony.
b) Steel plates are to be laid on all the chowpatties which have sandy or soft surface so that movement of trolleys carrying Lord’s idol is made easy and the incidences of they getting stuck in sand is avoided.
c) First-Aid Counters and Ambulances would be kept ready at all the immersion spots.
d) Mobile Toilets would be deployed so that the surroundings are kept clean and the waste collection and disposal is done in hygienic manner.
e) Big Nirmalya Pots (Kalashs) would be erected at all the immersion spots. Compost manure would be produced from all the nirmalya (residue of flowers and other items offered to Lord) collected in these pots. The BMC has created special facilities for carrying composting of this nirmalya. This compost would then be used in Municipal gardens as manures of trees and plants.
f) Flood Lights and Search Lights would be installed at all the immersion spots for ease in research and rescue.
g) Watch Towers would be erected at all the immersion spots for ease in research and rescue and also for keeping vigilance.
h) New Twats of German Technology have been imported by the BMC from Germany, so that mass immersion of Lord’s idols can be carried out.
i) BMC would be deploying close to 500 - 600 engineers and another 600 personnel for making the festival safe and successful.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Happy Independence Day...
The National Flag (flag) is a symbol of the Nation's respect and pride. There is a liberal use of the flag on Independence Day and Republic day. There is a new trend of selling flags made up of paper and plastic, which is incorrect. With a sense of national pride, people enthusiastically buy such flags but the very next day, we find these flags being trampled upon the road, in dustbins and elsewhere. In this context, people forget that they are insulting the flag. Often, these flags are burnt along with garbage. It is the duty of every individual to maintain proper respect of the National Flag. From this point of view the following dos & donts will prove useful.
Do's and Don'ts
- Hoist the Flag at a height in a suitable manner.
- Do not let small children use the National Flag as a toy.
- Do not use or buy plastic Flags.
- Do not use paper Flags to pin up on shirt pockets, etc.
- Take care to see that the Flag does not get crumpled.
- Do not use the Flag as a banner or for decoration.
- Take care to see that the National Flag is not trampled upon or torn.
- Do not let the Flag fall on the ground.
- Do not join cloth pieces to resemble the National Flag.
1.Collect spoilt flags and respectfully dispose them by burning of or burial.
2. Circulate the information to schools by putting these dos and donts on their notice boards.
3. You can try and educate maximum number of people you come in contact with and fulfill your duty towards the motherland.
4. Form a group in order to educate people on this issue and prevent disrespect of flag.
5. Inform us about your action and send the photos, so we can post those in this section to set an example.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ghorkashtodharan Stotra
Ghorkashtodharan Stotra Chanting Program has been arranged by Sadguru Shri Aniruddha Upasana Trust as like every year in the highly auspicious month of Shravan.
The program would be carried in two sessions. In each session the Ghorkashtodharan Stotra would be chanted for 108 times. Following are the details for the program.
Shri Krishna Hall, Jadhav Marg,
Off S S Wagh Marg,
Naigaon, Dadar (East)
Mumbai 400014,
Landmark: Opposite Chitra Cinema
Date & Timings: From 10th August 2010 to 8th September 2010.
Except Thursdays
Session - I: 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Session - II: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
For Thursdays
Session - I: 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Session - II: 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm
All the bhaktas a requested to make use of the opportunity to the fullest.
The program would be carried in two sessions. In each session the Ghorkashtodharan Stotra would be chanted for 108 times. Following are the details for the program.
Shri Krishna Hall, Jadhav Marg,
Off S S Wagh Marg,
Naigaon, Dadar (East)
Mumbai 400014,
Landmark: Opposite Chitra Cinema
Date & Timings: From 10th August 2010 to 8th September 2010.
Except Thursdays
Session - I: 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Session - II: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
For Thursdays
Session - I: 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Session - II: 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm
All the bhaktas a requested to make use of the opportunity to the fullest.
This year we are going to celebrate "SHREE RANACHANDIKA PRAPATTI".
The details of this event are already published in Ramrajya book.
1) August 16, 2010
2) August 23, 2010
3) August 30, 2010
4) September 6, 2010
“The Shreee Chandika Prapatti”. Although fully spiritual in itself, this will make of every man and every woman, a valiant soldier, a valiant human being, a valiant spiritual person.
For the women it is going to be ‘The Shreemangalchandika Prapatti’ and for the men it is going to be ‘The Shree Rannachandika Prapatti’.
The ‘Rana’ is the battlefield and both kinds of prapatti make out of men and women alike, successful and capable soldiers.
The word ‘Prapatti’ simply means ‘surrender that relieves of disaster or calamity.’
The Prapatti, be it the 'Shree managalchandika Prapatti' or the 'Shree rannachandika Prapatti', there are five aspects to it.
1.The first aspect is the Chandika Mahishasurmardini. She is the Mother of the paramatma and therefore the paramatma is forever in a state of surrender unto Her and so it follows that I too must be in surrender unto Her.
2.The second aspect and principle is to harbour and also repeatedly express the unshakable belief anchored firm in the heart that the Chandika Herself and through Her dear Son as well, will definitely protect me.
Not only should you hold on to the belief but root it firmly in your heart and express overtlythat the Chandika and Her Son, Trivikram will protect us and take care of us -the shraddhaavaan-. Hold this belief in your heart and speak it out in so many words.
3.The third one is accepting with love and faith as our refuge, the Son of the Chandika - the paramatma, whom we call Mahavishnu, Sai, Ram, Krishna or the Paramshiva; willingly choosing to live in this refuge and shelter, recalling Him to the mind with love, observing His instruction at all times and at all costs, having unconditional, singular and whole-hearted faith that He and He alone is my support my one and only support in life. This is one of the important aspects of the prapatti.
4. The fourth principle is praying that the Chandika hold usclose in Her arms and hand us over in the charge of the paramatma. Praying to Her with love to say, ‘O Mother Chandika, hold me in Your arms, hold me close and hand me over to the paramatma’
5.The fifth aspect is to offer yourself in loving surrender to the Chandika so that you keep enhancing and intensifying your bhakti and so that with Her grace you attain success and fulfillment both at the worldly and at the spiritual levels.
Shree rannachandika prapatti are both to be performed imbibing all of these five principles as values of life.
Shree rannachandika prapatti is the ‘naimittik prapatti’ or the prapatti to be offered in a prescribed form and on a certain occasion.
** ‘Shreerannachandika Naimittik prapatti’ for men. **
This may be offered on any Monday of the month of Shravan.
Who is worshipped on the Monday of the month of Shravan? The Shivashankar for one, yes sure. Who else? the other pictures that we include in the poojan ? Jeevatyaa and Narsimha.
The poojan on the Monday of the Shravan is addressed to Nrisimha.
The Nrisimha form is half lion and half man. Every man must have the firm belief that the Nrisimha is indeed the Trivikram and the Trivikram is the Nrisimha, they are one and the same.
The men offer at home their prapatti after sunset but individually and separately .
** The procedure for men **
1) After a bath, sit before the image of the Trivikram and when it is past sunset, recite the Shree gurukshetram mantra nine times.
2) Then recite the mantra ‘Om namashchandikaayaee’ 108 times. This mantra was born of the loud roar of the Devisinha, who is in fact the paramatma and no different from the Trivikram, the original form of the Nrisinha.
This mantra is the most eminent, the supreme one of all that gives valour to men.
3) Now placing the image of the Trivikram on the head, recite the Gurukshetram mantra nine times all over again. This will initiate and cause the very essence or core feature of the Nrisinha, i.e. of the Devisinha to flow, travel from the head through the entire body. There is no better remedy to rid of timidity and weakness.
The radiant energy of the Nrisinha enters your body and prepares and equips you to become a soldier, capable of protecting the home, the dharma and the country.
So that is how the Shree rannachandika prapatti makes of the man, a protecting soldier of the family, the dharma and the country.
4) Then Offer the Trivikram, a naivedya of a banana along with a mixture of curds and sugar. The banana and the curds (with sugar) are to be offered in separate bowls, do not mix in the two. The one offering the prapatti will eat a spoonful of the curds (mixed with sugar).
5) Give the banana as Prasad, to both the men and the women in the family. Now come back and sit before the Trivikram and eat all of the remaining curds looking at the Trivikram all along as you do so. Curds enhances the oj (valour) (ओज ).
The oj of the Trivikram, that is received in the form of vibrations, is absorbed or taken in, in the form of curds.
6) Then offer fragrant flowers to the Trivikram and then offer the lotangan. (लोटांगण) .The flowers come right at the end, if you noticed! Flowers are meant to express gratitude, to thank.
•Any man above the age of sixteen can do the prapatti.
** Remember the Shree rannachandika prapatti is not to be done in a group; it has got to be done individually, all by yourself.
The prapatti can make of men and women alike, valiant soldiers apart from making them the protector- bodyguards at least of their family. When every single family is protected, it follows that the nation is and so is the dharma.
The Shree rannachandika prapatti will enhance the purushartha, the valour and their power as men.
!! Avadhoot Chintan Shri Gurudev dutta !!
!! Shri Chandika Mata ki Jai !!
!! Ramrajya Suswagatam !!
!! Hari Om !!
The details of this event are already published in Ramrajya book.
1) August 16, 2010
2) August 23, 2010
3) August 30, 2010
4) September 6, 2010
“The Shreee Chandika Prapatti”. Although fully spiritual in itself, this will make of every man and every woman, a valiant soldier, a valiant human being, a valiant spiritual person.
For the women it is going to be ‘The Shreemangalchandika Prapatti’ and for the men it is going to be ‘The Shree Rannachandika Prapatti’.
The ‘Rana’ is the battlefield and both kinds of prapatti make out of men and women alike, successful and capable soldiers.
The word ‘Prapatti’ simply means ‘surrender that relieves of disaster or calamity.’
The Prapatti, be it the 'Shree managalchandika Prapatti' or the 'Shree rannachandika Prapatti', there are five aspects to it.
1.The first aspect is the Chandika Mahishasurmardini. She is the Mother of the paramatma and therefore the paramatma is forever in a state of surrender unto Her and so it follows that I too must be in surrender unto Her.
2.The second aspect and principle is to harbour and also repeatedly express the unshakable belief anchored firm in the heart that the Chandika Herself and through Her dear Son as well, will definitely protect me.
Not only should you hold on to the belief but root it firmly in your heart and express overtlythat the Chandika and Her Son, Trivikram will protect us and take care of us -the shraddhaavaan-. Hold this belief in your heart and speak it out in so many words.
3.The third one is accepting with love and faith as our refuge, the Son of the Chandika - the paramatma, whom we call Mahavishnu, Sai, Ram, Krishna or the Paramshiva; willingly choosing to live in this refuge and shelter, recalling Him to the mind with love, observing His instruction at all times and at all costs, having unconditional, singular and whole-hearted faith that He and He alone is my support my one and only support in life. This is one of the important aspects of the prapatti.
4. The fourth principle is praying that the Chandika hold usclose in Her arms and hand us over in the charge of the paramatma. Praying to Her with love to say, ‘O Mother Chandika, hold me in Your arms, hold me close and hand me over to the paramatma’
5.The fifth aspect is to offer yourself in loving surrender to the Chandika so that you keep enhancing and intensifying your bhakti and so that with Her grace you attain success and fulfillment both at the worldly and at the spiritual levels.
Shree rannachandika prapatti are both to be performed imbibing all of these five principles as values of life.
Shree rannachandika prapatti is the ‘naimittik prapatti’ or the prapatti to be offered in a prescribed form and on a certain occasion.
** ‘Shreerannachandika Naimittik prapatti’ for men. **
This may be offered on any Monday of the month of Shravan.
Who is worshipped on the Monday of the month of Shravan? The Shivashankar for one, yes sure. Who else? the other pictures that we include in the poojan ? Jeevatyaa and Narsimha.
The poojan on the Monday of the Shravan is addressed to Nrisimha.
The Nrisimha form is half lion and half man. Every man must have the firm belief that the Nrisimha is indeed the Trivikram and the Trivikram is the Nrisimha, they are one and the same.
The men offer at home their prapatti after sunset but individually and separately .
** The procedure for men **
1) After a bath, sit before the image of the Trivikram and when it is past sunset, recite the Shree gurukshetram mantra nine times.
2) Then recite the mantra ‘Om namashchandikaayaee’ 108 times. This mantra was born of the loud roar of the Devisinha, who is in fact the paramatma and no different from the Trivikram, the original form of the Nrisinha.
This mantra is the most eminent, the supreme one of all that gives valour to men.
3) Now placing the image of the Trivikram on the head, recite the Gurukshetram mantra nine times all over again. This will initiate and cause the very essence or core feature of the Nrisinha, i.e. of the Devisinha to flow, travel from the head through the entire body. There is no better remedy to rid of timidity and weakness.
The radiant energy of the Nrisinha enters your body and prepares and equips you to become a soldier, capable of protecting the home, the dharma and the country.
So that is how the Shree rannachandika prapatti makes of the man, a protecting soldier of the family, the dharma and the country.
4) Then Offer the Trivikram, a naivedya of a banana along with a mixture of curds and sugar. The banana and the curds (with sugar) are to be offered in separate bowls, do not mix in the two. The one offering the prapatti will eat a spoonful of the curds (mixed with sugar).
5) Give the banana as Prasad, to both the men and the women in the family. Now come back and sit before the Trivikram and eat all of the remaining curds looking at the Trivikram all along as you do so. Curds enhances the oj (valour) (ओज ).
The oj of the Trivikram, that is received in the form of vibrations, is absorbed or taken in, in the form of curds.
6) Then offer fragrant flowers to the Trivikram and then offer the lotangan. (लोटांगण) .The flowers come right at the end, if you noticed! Flowers are meant to express gratitude, to thank.
•Any man above the age of sixteen can do the prapatti.
** Remember the Shree rannachandika prapatti is not to be done in a group; it has got to be done individually, all by yourself.
The prapatti can make of men and women alike, valiant soldiers apart from making them the protector- bodyguards at least of their family. When every single family is protected, it follows that the nation is and so is the dharma.
The Shree rannachandika prapatti will enhance the purushartha, the valour and their power as men.
!! Avadhoot Chintan Shri Gurudev dutta !!
!! Shri Chandika Mata ki Jai !!
!! Ramrajya Suswagatam !!
!! Hari Om !!
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