Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tatpar-Mumbai 2010
It includes a two-day exercise and exhibition. "It is important to spread awareness among people on what to do and how to attend to injured people,"
Three explosions were simulated over the weekend as part of an exhibition and drill on disaster management techniques.
A mock blast on Saturday, the first day, included 70 Civil Defence volunteers. The simulated scene of mass casualties unfolded at Shivaji Park in Dadar, where a "bomb" was kept in a bag, followed by a series of make-believe explosions.
About 54 stalls were put up by agencies including Aniruddha's Academy of Disaster Management (AADM) , BARC, Aeronautical Society of India and the Mumbai police bomb squad.
Date and Time: February 26th & 27th, 2010
Time: 9 am to 6 pm
Venue: Shivaji Park, Dadar
Friday, February 26, 2010
Surya Namaskar

During ancient times, India was known and valued for its physical and mental health, to which the comprehensive study and judicious practice of Bal Vidyas made a significant contribution.
Param Poojya Sadguru Shri Aniruddha Bapu believes that the energy acquired through ancient bal vidyas can bring about major positive changes in the world.
Param Poojya Bapu is himself an exponent of the ancient Indian Martial Arts (Bal Vidya) such as Mudgal Vidya, Ashva Vidya, Suryabhedan Vidya and Yashwanti Malla Vidya, to name a few.
Surya Namaskar is a part of Suryabhedan Bal-vidya .It consists of 12 different bodily postures that ought to be performed in particular sequence.
These Namaskars are tought absolutely free of cost by Sadguru Aniruddha Upasana Foundation (SAUF). These Suryanamaskars are structured to expound various avenues in human development.The principle of the exercise is symbolized by chanting 12 names of Sun god.
Benefits of Surynamaskar :
• Practicing Surya Namaskar is beneficial for the health of digestive system. It stretches the abdominal muscles.
• Surya Namaskar is the ideal exercise to cope with insomnia and related disorders. Surya Namaskar practice calms the mind, thus helps to get sound sleep.
• Surya Namaskar practice boosts blood circulation .
• Regular practice of Surya Namaskar helps to lose extra calories and reduce fat.
• Regular practice of sun salutation boosts endurance power. It gives vitality and strength. It also reduces the feeling of restlessness and anxiety.
• Daily practice of Surya Namaskar makes body flexible. It improves flexibility in spine and in limbs.
It is beneficial to practice Surya Namaskar early in the morning. The early morning sunrays are rich source of vitamin D that is necessary to get strong bones and clear vision.
The 12 mantras for Surya Namaskar :
12 mantras for Surya Namaskar are the auspicious mantras (chants). One should recite one mantra after completing one round of Surya Namaskar.
• Aum Suryaya namah
• Aum Bhanave namah
• Aum Khagaya namah
• Aum Hiranyagarbhaya namah
• Aum Mitraya namah
• Aum Pushay namah
• Aum Ravaye namah
• Aum Adityaya namah
• Aum Martanday namah
• Aum Pranay namah
• Aum Narayanay namah
• Aum Ramchandray namah.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Pratyaksha 2025 presents New Series: Life of Saints and Warriors 2. Mira Bai

Mira bai (1499-1547)
Mira is regarded as an incarnation of Radha. She was born in Samvat 1557 or 1499 A.D. in the village Kurkhi, near Merta, a small state in Marwar, Rajasthan. Mira was the daughter of Ratan Singh Ranthor and the grand-daughter of Dudaji of Merta. The Ranthors of Merta were great devotees of Vishnu. Mira Bai was brought up amidst Vaishnava influence, which moulded her life in the path of devotion towards Lord Krishna. She learnt to worship Sri Krishna from her childhood. When she was four years of age, she manifested religious tendencies. Once there was a marriage procession in front of her residence. The bridegroom was nicely dressed. Mira, who was only a child, saw the bridegroom and said to her mother innocently, "Dear mother, who is my bridegroom?". Mira’s mother smiled, and half in jest and half in earnest, pointed towards the image of Sri Krishna and said, "My dear Mira, Lord Krishna—this beautiful image—is your bridegroom".
Child Mira began to love the idol of Krishna very much. She spent much of her time in bathing and dressing the image. She worshipped the image. She slept with the image. She danced about the image in ecstasy. She sang beautiful songs in front of the image. She used to talk to the idol.
Mira’s father arranged for her marriage with Rana Kumbha of Chitore, in Mewar. Mira was a very dutiful wife. She obeyed her husband’s commands implicitly. After her household duties were over, she would go to the temple of Lord Krishna, worship, sing and dance before the image daily. The little image would get up, embrace Mira, play on the flute and talk to her. Rana’s mother and other ladies of the house did not like the ways of Mira, as they were worldly-minded and jealous. They were all annoyed with her. Mira’s mother-in-law forced her to worship Durga and admonished her often. But Mira stood adamant. She said, "I have already given up my life to my beloved Lord Krishna". Mira’s sister-in-law Udabai formed a conspiracy and began to defame the innocent Mira. She informed Rana Kumbha that Mira was in secret love with others, that she with her own eyes had witnessed Mira in the temple with her lovers, and that she would show him the persons if he would accompany her one night. She further added that Mira, by her conduct, had brought a great slur on the reputation of the Rana family of Chitore. Rana Kumbha was very much enraged. He straightaway ran with sword in hand towards the inner apartments of Mira. Fortunately, Mira was not in her room. A kind relative of the Rana checked him and said, "Look here Rana! Do not be in haste. You will repent later on. Consider well. Enquire into the matter very carefully. Find out the truth. Mira is a great devotional lady. What you have heard now may be a wild rumour only. Out of sheer jealousy some ladies might have concocted a cock-and-bull story against Mira to ruin her. Be cool now". Rana Kumbha agreed to the wise counsel of his relative. The Rana’s sister took him to the temple at dead of night. Rana Kumbha broke open the door, rushed inside and found Mira alone in her ecstatic mood talking to the idol.
The Rana said to Mira, "Mira, with whom are you talking now? Show me this lover of yours". Mira replied, "There sits He—my Lord—the Nanichora who has stolen my heart". She fainted. There was a wild rumour that Mira was mixing very freely with Sadhus. She, no doubt, had great regard for Sadhus and mixed freely with them. Mira never cared a bit for the meaningless scandals. She stood unruffled.
Mira was persecuted in various ways by the Rana and his relatives. She got the same treatment which Prahlad got from his father Hiranyakasipu. Hari shielded Prahlad. Here, Sri Krishna always stood by the side of Mira. Once the Rana sent a cobra in a basket to Mira with the message that it contained a garland of flowers. Mira took her bath and sat for worship. After finishing her meditation, she opened the basket and found inside a lovely idol of Sri Krishna and a garland of flowers. Then the Rana sent her a cup of poison with the message that it was nectar. Mira offered it to Lord Krishna and took it as His Prasad. It was real nectar to her. Then the Rana sent a bed of nails for Mira to sleep on. Mira finished her worship and slept on the bed of nails. Lo! The bed of nails was transformed into a bed of roses.
When Mira was thus tortured by her husband’s relatives, she sent a letter to Tulsidasji and asked the advice of the saint. She wrote thus: "All my relatives trouble me, because I move amongst Sadhus. I cannot carry on my devotional practices in the house. I have made Giridhar Gopal my friend from my very childhood. I am strongly attached to Him. I cannot break that attachment now".
Tulsidasji sent a reply: "Abandon those who do not worship Rama and Sita as if they are your enemies, even though they are your dearest relatives. Prahlad abandoned his father; Vibhishana left his brother Ravana; Bharata deserted his mother; Bali forsook even his Guru; the Gopis, the women of Vraja, disowned their husbands in order to attain the Lord. Their lives were all the happier for having done so. The opinion of holy saints is that the relation with God and love of God alone is true and eternal; all other relationships are unreal and temporary".
Once Akbar and his court musician Tansen came in disguise to Chitore to hear Mira’s devotional and inspiring songs. Both entered the temple and listened to Mira’s soul-stirring songs to their heart’s content. Akbar was really moved. Before he departed, he touched the holy feet of Mira and placed a necklace of emeralds in front of the idol as a present. Somehow the news reached the Rana that Akbar had entered the temple in disguise, touched the feet of Mira and even presented her a necklace. The Rana became furious. He told Mira, "Drown yourself in the river and never show your face to the world in future. You have brought great disgrace on my family".
Mira obeyed the words of her husband. She proceeded to the river to drown herself. The names of the Lord "Govind, Giridhari, Gopal" were always on her lips. She sang and danced in ecstasy on her way to the river. When she raised her feet from the ground, a hand from behind grasped her. She turned behind and saw her beloved Krishna. She fainted. After a few minutes she opened her eyes. Lord Krishna smiled and spoke to her these words: "My dear Mira, your life with this mortal husband is over now. You are absolutely free. Be cheerful. You are Mine. Immediately proceed to the bowers of Vraja and the avenues of Brindavan. Seek Me there, my child. Be quick". He then disappeared.
Mira obeyed the divine call immediately. She walked barefoot on the hot sandy beds of Rajasthan. On her way, she was received by many ladies, children and devotees with great hospitality. She reached Brindavan. She found out her Flute-bearer there. She went about Brindavan begging for her food and worshipped in the Govinda Mandir which has since become famous and is now a place of pilgrimage. Her devotees of Chitore came to Brindavan to see Mira. Rana Kumbha came to Mira in the disguise of a mendicant, revealed himself and repented for his previous wrongs and cruel deeds. Mira at once prostrated before her husband.
Jiva Gosain was the head of the Vaishnavites in Brindavan. Mira wanted to have Darshan of Jiva Gosain. He declined to see her. He sent word to Mira that he would not allow any woman in his presence. Mira Bai retorted: "Everybody in Brindavan is a woman. Only Giridhar Gopal is Purusha. Today only I have come to know that there is another Purusha besides Krishna in Brindavan". Jiva Gosain was put to shame. He thought that Mira was a great devotional lady. He at once went to see Mira and paid her due respects.
Mira’s fame spread far and wide. So many princesses and queens have come and gone. So many Ranis, Kumaris and Maharanis have appeared on the stage of this world and vanished. How is it that the queen of Chitore alone is still remembered? Is this on account of her beauty? Is this on account of her poetic skill? No. It is on account of her renunciation, one-pointed devotion to Lord Krishna and God-realisation. She came face to face with Krishna. She conversed with Krishna. She ate with Krishna—her Beloved. She drank the Krishna-prema-rasa. She has sung from the core of her heart the music of her soul, the music of her Beloved, her unique spiritual experiences. And she has sung songs of surrender and Prem.
Mira had the beautiful cosmic vision. She saw Krishna in the tree, in the stone, in the creeper, in the flower, in the bird, in all beings—in everything. As long as there is the name of Krishna, there will be the name of Mira also.
It is extremely difficult to find a parallel to this wonderful personality—Mira—a saint, a philosopher, a poet and a sage. She was a versatile genius and a magnanimous soul. Her life has a singular charm, with extraordinary beauty and marvel. She was a princess, but she abandoned the pleasures and luxuries incident to her high station, and chose instead, a life of poverty, austerity, Tyaga, Titiksha and Vairagya. Though she was a delicate young lady, she entered the perilous journey on the spiritual path amidst various difficulties. She underwent various ordeals with undaunted courage and intrepidity. She stood adamant in her resolve. She had a gigantic will.
Mira’s songs infuse faith, courage, devotion and love of God in the minds of the readers. They inspire the aspirants to take to the path of devotion and they produce in them a marvellous thrill and a melting of the heart.
Mira’s earthly life was full of troubles and difficulties. She was persecuted. She was tormented and yet she kept up an undaunted spirit and a balanced mind all through, by the strength of her devotion and the grace of her beloved Krishna. Though she was a princess, she begged alms and lived sometimes on water alone. She led a life of perfect renunciation and self-surrender.
Mira had Raganuga or Ragatmika Bhakti. She never cared for public criticism and the injunctions of the Shastras. She danced in the streets. She did no ritualistic worship. She had spontaneous love for Lord Krishna. She did not practise Sadhana-bhakti. From her very childhood she poured forth her love on Lord Krishna. Krishna was her husband, father, mother, friend, relative and Guru. Krishna was her Prananath. Mira had finished the preliminary modes of worship in her previous birth.
Mira was fearless in her nature, simple in her habits, joyous in her disposition, amiable in her deportment, graceful in her behaviour and elegant in her demeanour. She immersed herself in the love of Giridhar Gopal. The name of Giridhar Gopal was always on her lips. Even in her dreams, she lived and had her being in Sri Krishna.
In her divine intoxication, Mira danced in public places. She had no sex-idea. Her exalted state could not be adequately described in words. She was sunk in the ocean of Prem. She had no consciousness of her body and surroundings. Who could gauge the depth of her devotion? Who could understand her internal Premamaya state of Maha-bhava? Who could measure the capacity of her large heart?
Mira wafted the fragrance of devotion far and wide. Those who came in contact with her were affected by her strong current of Prem. Mira was like Lord Gauranga. She was an embodiment of love and innocence. Her heart was the temple of devotion. Her face was the lotus-flower of Prem. There was kindness in her look, love in her talk, joy in her discourses, power in her speech and fervour in her songs. What a marvellous lady! What a wonderful personality! What a charming figure!
Mira’s mystic songs act as a soothing balm to the wounded hearts and tired nerves of those who toil in this world with the heavy burden of life. The sweet music of her songs exerts a benign influence on the hearers, removes discord and disharmony, and lulls them to sleep. Mira’s language of love is so powerful that even a downright atheist will be moved by her devotional songs.
Mira acted her part well on the stage of the world. She taught the world the way to love God. She rowed her boat dexterously in a stormy sea of family troubles and difficulties and reached the other shore of supreme peace and absolute fearlessness—the kingdom of supreme love. She belonged to the gentle fair sex and yet how undaunted in spirit and how courageous she was! Though she was young, she bore the persecutions silently. She endured the piercing taunts and sarcastic criticisms of the world bravely. She has left an indelible impression on the world and her name will be handed down to posterity.
From Brindavan, Mira proceeded to Dwaraka. There she was absorbed in the image of Lord Krishna at the temple of Ranchod
Dhangaddhinga Suchana

Under the Guidance of P.P Nanda-Aai the Dhangad Dhinga Shibir/Camp 2010 is scheduled to be held from 15 April- 05th May
Admission will only be granted to application received for children in the age group of 8- 12 years old. We would also like to bring to attention of all Bhaktas who are interested in enrolling there children for the Dhangad Dhinga Shibir/Camp 2010 will need to contact Meenaveera Mahajan from 2nd March - 07 March 2010, timings being from 02 pm - 6 pm.
P. S : Do not forget to get your children along with you, also a passport size photograph of the child is compulsory to be bought.
Contact Address :
HAPPY HOME, 4th Floor PLOT NO. 551,
MUMBAI- 400 052
Telephone Number:
66970977/78 Ext.415
Contact Person : MeenaVeera Mahajan
Change In Upasana Kendra Address
M/s Gomantak Seva Sangh Hall,
Malviya Road , Vile Parle (East), Mumbai -400 057
Upasana Timings: 6:00 Pm
TriVikram Chinha

व्याहती म्हणजे संपूर्ण ग्रहण करणारी तीन तत्वे. व्यावहारिक व अध्यात्मिक पातळीवर माझा समग्र विकास साधण्यासाठी ह्या तीन पातळ्या सर्वात महत्वाच्या आहेत. मूलतः ही तीन वर्तुळे एकरूप असतात पण मीच माझ्या प्रज्ञाप्रधाने यांना विलग करतो.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sachin Tendulkar's 200 breaks ODI world record as India crush South Africa

Tendulkar hit an unbeaten 200, the first ever double century in ODIs, and built partnerships with Dinesh Karthik (79), Yusuf Pathan (36) and Mahendra Singh Dhoni (68) as India finished with a mammoth total of 401 for three.
South Africa stuttered with their reply and although AB de Villiers made a brave 114, the visitors were bowled out for 248 in 42.5 overs.
India, with Tendulkar at the forefront, were merciless with the bat, despite the early loss of Virender Sehwag (nine), as they made the most of Dhoni's rare success with the toss.
Sehwag, pronounced fit only hours before the start following a back injury sustained in the previous game in Jaipur, was caught at third man off Wayne Parnell, but South Africa thereafter were battered into submission on a placid surface.
Tendulkar, who had lashed Parnell for boundaries on either side of the wicket for his first runs, unleashed an onslaught from which South Africa never recovered.
The master batsman brought a dazzling array of strokes into play as he smashed South Africa's bowlers around the park en route to a 37-delivery half-century.
He slowed down a bit as he neared his 46th ODI century, but once past the mark, he again opened up, smashing Jacques Kallis for three boundaries in one over.
Karthik, who had come in at the fall of Sehwag's wicket, had played the supporting role admirably as he went on to achieve to his fourth ODI half-century.
The pair added 194 for the second wicket when Parnell struck again, luring Karthik into a pull which the batsman mistimed, hitting straight to Herschelle Gibbs at mid-wicket.
There was little respite for South Africa, however, as Pathan smashed four boundaries and two sixes in a brief stay, while adding 81 for the third wicket.
Pathan's dismissal at the start of the 42nd over, however, hardly created a blip as Dhoni raised the tempo with a blistering innings, reaching his 35th half-century in the process.
Tendulkar, meanwhile, raised the highest individual score in one-day cricket, going past the previous mark of 194 jointly held by Pakistan's Saeed Anwar and Zimbabwe's Charles Coventry.
He reached the mark off only 140 deliveries with a couple of runs of Parnell, hitting 25 boundaries - the most by a batsman in a single innings - and three sixes along the way, before reaching his double century with a single off Charl Langeveldt in the final over.
South Africa, who hold the record for the world's highest chase in one-day internationals, began in poor fashion as they lost Gibbs (seven) in the third over and thereafter suffered blows regularly.
Gibbs attempted to paddle a delivery - pitched outside off - from Praveen Kumar to square leg, but only managed to drag the ball back onto his stumps.
Pinch-hitter Roelof van der Merwe (12) lasted only 12 deliveries, miscuing Shanthakumaran Sreesanth to Suresh Raina at cover, while Hashim Amla made 34 before he was Sreesanth's second victim.
Kallis had made 11 when he dragged a delivery from Ashish Nehra onto his stumps, Alviro Petersen was bowled by Ravindra Jadeja for 11 and JP Duminy was trapped in front for a first ball duck by Pathan.
The experienced pair of Mark Boucher and De Villiers then added 31 runs for the seventh wicket, but Pathan broke that stand by winning a lbw verdict against Boucher.
De Villiers then continued to offer stiff resistance and reached his fifth ODI century, but Nehra took a superb catch at mid-on to remove last-man Langeveldt (12) and bring up victory.
Jadeja and Sreesanth finished with three wickets apiece.
Highest individual scores in one-day international cricket:
1. 200 not out - Sachin Tendulkar, India vs. South Africa, Gwalior, Feb 2010
2. 194 not out - Charles Coventry, Zimbabwe vs. Bangladesh, Bulawayo, Aug 2009
3. 194 - Saeed Anwar, Pakistan vs. India, Chennai, May 1997
4. 189 not out - Viv Richards, West Indies vs. England, Manchester, May 1984
5. 189 - Sanath Jayasuriya, Sri Lanka vs. India, Sharjah, Oct 2000
6. 188 not out - Gary Kirsten, South Africa vs. United Arab Emirates, Rawalpindi, Feb 1996
7. 186 not out - Sachin Tendulkar, India vs. New Zealand, Hyderabad, Nov 1999
8. 183 not out - Mahendra Singh Dhoni, India vs. Sri Lanka, Jaipur, Oct 2005
9. 183 - Sourav Ganguly, India vs. Sri Lanka, Taunton, May 1999
10. 181 not out - Matthew Hayden, Australia vs. New Zealand, Hamilton, Feb 2007
11. 181 - Viv Richards, West Indies vs. Sri Lanka, Karachi, Oct 1987Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Panchasheel Exam Question Papers for Feb - 2010
Papers for Feb - 2010 with the necessary instructions.
http://www.manasama rthyadata. com/data/ Panchasheel/ Instruction_ feb10.pdf
Question Papers:
http://www.manasama rthyadata. com/data/ Panchasheel/ Question_ paper_feb10_ p\
http://www.manasama rthyadata. com/data/ Panchasheel/ Question_ paper_feb10_ p\
General Knowledge Bank http://gkbank.hpage.com/

This Posting is with respect to updating all our Bloggers with respect to an interesting Website which has a deep database of General Knowledge and has recently won a first price award by hPage.com team for the best website on General Knowledge.

Dear All,
Purpose of this club is to share the knowledge and to increase / improve our General knowledge about the globe.
In our spare time, if we prepare such topics of any subject which is informative, you can forward that topics to our E-mail id gkbankclub@gmail.com. we will publish your topics on this site.
We are sure it would help to improve our general knowledge. So we request you to be a part of such activity and make a knowledgeable communication chain by sending such data to general knowledge Bank club.
Please do visit the Website and motivate them to win many such awards, We on the Behalf of entire Pratyaksha2025 team and member congratulate you.
Congrats Paurassinh Joshi!!!

The University has awarded this for the first time since its inception in 2004.
This is awarded to an outstanding student who excels in academics, sports and... extra curricular activities.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Kolhapur Medical Camp 2010, Media Video(ETV NEWS)
Kolhapur Medical Mega Camp 2010 held by SHREE ANIRUDDHA UPASANA FOUNDATION (KHAR, MUMBAI) along with its sister organizations such as SADGURU SHREE ANIRUDDHA UPASANA TRUST, DILASA MEDICAL TRUST & REHABILITATION CENTRE, ANIRUDDHA AADESH PATHAK, ANIRUDDHA'S HOUSE OF FRIENDS AND ANIRUDDHA'S ACADEMY OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT, held on 14th & 15th Feb. 2010 at Shahuwadi Taluka, Pendakhale Village of Kolhapur. Shree Aniruddha Upasana Foundation (SAUF) is a charitable organization incorporated under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. Shree Aniruddha Upasana Foundation (SAUF) along with Dilasa Medical Trust & Rehabilitation Centre (DMTRC) and other affiliated organizations, including Aniruddha's Academy of Disaster Management (AADM) all of which are registered charitable organizations, undertake various socio-cultural activities, one of witch is the Kolhapur Medical and Health Camp. For the past six years, unique mega medical camp is being conducted in a backward area of Kolhapur District, covering nearly 200 village. This is the seventh year of this camp. The medical team comprises of physician Ophthalmologists, Dentists, Pediatricians, Gynecologists, ENT surgeons, Cardiologists, Orthopedists and General Practitioners.Although the Camp is held For 1 day, the planning Commences months in advance. Post the camp, regular follow up activity is maintained, leading right up to the time to planning for the next camp. Data of every remote village and villagers covered by the camp is maintained by volunteers to meet the exact requirements of the villagers. During the recently conclude 2008 mega medical camp, 16 thousand 300 villagers from 200 villages including 7 thousand 634 school children, benefited from the camp.
AADM Basic Course Update

This is to update all Blogger with regards to AADM Basic Course starting in Mumbai/Dadar from 08 March 2010 to 14 March 2010 Those who wish to attend this course need to contact AADM office on the contact numbers: 24301010 24302424 as soon as possible.
Kindly note that the admission preference is on FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis. The complete Address for the Course venue is
AADM Office,
3 Krushna Niwas,
Sakharam Keer Road,
Mumbai : 400 016
Eco friendly Ganpati Shibir on 21/02/10

This posting is with respect to Eco Friendly Shibir to be held on 21st February 2010( 21/02/10), Enclosed in the posting is an image suggesting all the contact details of the different venues for the same.
Please do attend in large numbers for this wonderful Seva.

Invitation for 9th Vardhapan Din-Jogeshwari

This posting is with respect to inviting our bloggers on behalf of all the devotees of Jogeshwari upasana Kendra, with your family members, friends and all bapu devotees to join us in the celebration of 9th Vardhapan din sohala on 21st February 2010 at Shramik Vidyalaya, Near Meghwadi police station, Jogeshwai (E) mumbai 400 060
AADM’s News in “Pune Mirror Daily” on Date :15th Feb 2010.

- While the bomb blast sent waves of panic and shock all across the city, there were a few brave men and women who jumped in and saved the lives of those who were injured in the blast that tore through German Bakery on Saturday.
Sapnaveera Sawant, was one of the nineteen members of this group, who assisted the police, administration, nurses and staff of Sassoon Hospital in shifting the casualties from one ward to another and controlling the chaos that ensued at the hospital after the blast occurred. She stopped panicked relatives and friends of people from running into the hospital and causing more confusion.
“There was this waiter at German Bakery called Paras from Nepal. We met him at Sassoon, he was injured and bleeding. He told us that he saw a black bag under a table inside the bakery. He went to inform the manager at the counter and started serving water. This was when the explosion took place which prompted him to run out of the Bakery.”
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Invitation For Vardhapan Din, KhargharUpasana Kendra
Venue : Gokhale High School ,
वालुकेश्वर शिवलिंग दर्शन सोहाला
येत्या गुरुवारी (18/2/10) प्रवचन/ गुरुवार उपासनेच्या स्थली वाळूची शिव पिंड दर्शनास
ठेवण्यात येणार आहे.

Pratyaksha 2025 presents New Series: Life of Saints and Warriors 1. Tanaji Malasure

The fort of Kondana, which is today on the outskirts of Pune town was then an outpost overlooking Pune and the surrounding countryside. It was strategically placed in the center of a string of forts of Rajgad, Purandar, and Torna. The capture of Kondana was necessary if Shivaji Maharaj was to re-establish de facto control over the Pune region.
Recognizing the strategic importance of Kondana, the Mughals had maintained a battalion of 5000 troops led by Udai Bhan, a relative of Mirza Raja Jai Singh. The fort was built in such a way that all its approaches were covered by cannon-fire. Only on turret was not well defended as it was at the top of a vertical overhanging cliff.
Tanaji decided that this was the only way, he could enter the fort. He dressed himself as a Gondhali (devotee of the Goddess Bhavani of Tuljapur) and roamed the surrounding villages. He won the trust of one Mahadev Koli who was in the service of Udai Bhan. Koli presented the disguished Tanaji to Udai Bhan, who was suitably impressed by this "devotee" and allowed him free access to the fort.
The Ghorpad Cliff
This is the sheer cliff that Tanaji and his brave Mavalas (comrades) scaled to surprise the Muslim army that was engrossed in a drunken orgy on the plateau seen at the top during a dark night in 1669.
Tanaji carried out a careful surveillance of the fort and at that very night when he was told that at the overhanging cliff Udai Bhan and all his senior commanders would be celebrating a usual party with an alcohol and dance orgy; Tanaji decided that he should seize this opportunity.
With almost all his troops, Udai Bhan had a roaring party on top of the overhanging cliff. Unknown to them after midnight, Tanaji and his brave followers who numbered 300 scaled the cliff using ropes tied to a reptile called Ghorpad. The Ghorpad can stick fast to any surface and a number of adults can use this force to scale a vertical cliff with the help of a rope, one end of which is tied to the Ghorpad. Silently Tanaji and his comrades slunk up to the top of the cliff.
On the other side his uncle Shelar Mama and his brother Suryaji had moved close to the other gates of the forts with another 300 Mavalas (Maratha Soldiers). On a signal from Tanaji, all his comrades who has taken up strategic position all round the celebrating Mughal army, broke into the party and mercilessly fell upon their enemies. They started slaughtering the surprised and ill-prepared and drunken Muslim soldiers.
When Udai Bhan saw that Tanaji - the leader of this invading band of Marathas was no other than the devotee whom he had given permission to visit the fort, he flew into a mad rage. On seeing Tanaji, Udai Bhan rushed at him and we are told that for a few fatal seconds, Tanaji started dancing in the same fashion as he had done as a Gondhali (devotee) when he had met Udai Bhan earlier in the day. The enraged Udai Bhan lunged at dancing Tanaji and cut off the arm with which Tanaji was holding his shield. But undaunted Tanaji used his turban to ward off further thrusts from the blade of Udai Bhan's sword and continued fighting him for 2 hours in this state with his wristless left arm bleeding profusely. It is for this feat of Tanaji, that he is called Narvir - Brave amongst Men.At the end of this ordeal, the exhausted Tanaji fell to a fatal swish of Udai Bhan's sword. But Udai Bhan too was throttled by Shelar Mama and thus lost his life.
Shivaji Maharaj is said to have said on this occasion "Gad aala, paan Sinha gela" (We have won the fort but have lost the Lion - Tanaji). The fort of Kondana was renamed as "Sinhagad" in honour of Tanaji's brave deed.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Eco Friendly Shibir 14th February 2010
Please do attend in large numbers for this wonderful Seva.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sadguru Dasrhan for SSC, HSC Students

This posting is with respect to updating all our reader that Sadguru Dasrhan for SSC, HSC Students, has been arranged 4/11/18/25 FEBRUARY 2009, All students need to form a queue near gate number 3. Please convey the message to all.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Mahashivratri Utsav 2010

This posting is with respect to Walukeshwar linga Poojan to be celebrated on Maha-Shivratri at Hari Guru Gram, New English School Bandra East on 11th February 2010. "The Walukeshwar Linga (worship symbol of Lord Shiva), made from beach sand i.e. the rocks that has been converted into fine sand granules by lashing of sea waves on it.) .It means Walukeshwar Linga is symbol of Apratihat Prayas (Continuous Efforts) .
Monday, February 1, 2010
AADM course Update

This is to update all Blogger with regards to AADM Basic Course starting in Mumbai/Dadar from 15th February 2010- 21 February 2010 Those who wish to attend this course need to contact AADM office on the contact numbers: 24301010 24302424 as soon as possible.
Kindly note that the admission preference is on FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis. The complete Address for the Course venue is
AADM Office,
3 Krushna Niwas,
Sakharam Keer Road,
Mumbai : 400 016