Param Poojya Aniruddha Bapu has selected 11 bhaktas to chant the above 3 (Jaaps) recitations for the period of 11 days from 16th June to 6th July 2009. This group of 11 bhaktas would be given the save Udi (sacred ash) during the Mahishasur Mardini Utsav starting from 11th August – 19th August 2009.
But it would also be great if the other bhaktas start and continue to chant these recitations during the same period. Bhaktas could recite these 3 jaaps at any time of the day at their convenience. The sequence need not be the one given above. But one jaap will have to be completed in one sitting only i.e. one can also do these 3 jaaps at 3 different timings, in 3 different sittings at their convenience.
P.P. Sadguru Bapu has invited all of you to participate in this festival of HIS MOTHER.
Sadguru has also asked us all to chant a few Japs, below is link where you can find more details for the same:
More details of the utsav will be blogged soon, so please keep checking pratyaksha2025 Blog for for updates.
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