Thursday, January 28, 2010
Pravachan at Hari Guru Gram Cancelled
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Happy Republic Day(Republic Day of India – A Celebration of Sovereignty)

Republic Day of India – A Celebration of Sovereignty
26th January 1950 is one of the most important days in Indian history as it was on this day the constitution of India came into force and India became a truly sovereign state. In this day India became a totally republican unit. The country finally realized the dream of Mahatma Gandhi and the numerous freedom fighters who, fought for and sacrificed their lives for the Independence of their country. So, the 26th of January was decreed a national holiday and has been recognized and celebrated as the Republic Day of India, ever since.
Today, the Republic Day is celebrated with much enthusiasm all over the country and especially in the capital, New Delhi where the celebrations start with the Presidential to the nation. The beginning of the occasion is always a solemn reminder of the sacrifice of the martyrs who died for the country in the freedom movement and the succeeding wars for the defense of sovereignty of their country. Then, the President comes forward to award the medals of bravery to the people from the armed forces for their exceptional courage in the field and also the civilians, who have distinguished themselves by their different acts of valour in different situations.
To mark the importance of this occasion, every year a grand parade is held in the capital, from the Rajghat, along the Vijaypath. The different regiments of the army, the Navy and the Air force march past in all their finery and official decorations even the horses of the cavalry are attractively caparisoned to suit the occasion. The crème of N.C.C cadets, selected from all over the country consider it an honour to participate in this event, as do the school children from various schools in the capital. They spend many days preparing for the event and no expense is spared to see that every detail is taken care of, from their practice for the drills, the essential props and their uniforms.
The parade is followed by a pageant of spectacular displays from the different states of the country. These moving exhibits depict scenes of activities of people in those states and the music and songs of that particular state accompany each display. Each display brings out the diversity and richness of the culture of India and the whole show lends a festive air to the occasion. The parade and the ensuing pageantry is telecast by the National Television and is watched by millions of viewers in every corner of the country.
The patriotic fervor of the people on this day brings the whole country together even in her essential diversity. Every part of the country is represented in occasion, which makes the Republic Day the most popular of all the national holidays of India.Saturday, January 23, 2010
Congrats to Paurasinh And NisthaVeera and Entire Joshi Family on Behalf of the Marriage

Hearty Congratulations to Paurasinh And NisthaVeera and Entire Joshi Family on behalf of Pratyaksya2025 Team and All Bloggers. May your days together be full of love, care, support and passion.
Congratulations on your Wedding
Ganpati Shibir 26 January 2010
Please do attend in large numbers for this wonderful Seva.

Shree Aniruddha Gurukshtram will be closed from 21-25 Jan 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Please chant
ॐ श्री ब्रह्मणस्पतये पार्वतीपुत्राय मंगलमुर्तये गणपतये विश्व घनप्रानाय सर्व विघ्न निवारकाय नमो नम:
Om Shri Bramhanaspataye, Parvatiputraye, Mangalamurtaye, Ganapataye, Vishwaghanapranaya, Sarva Wighna Niwarakaya Namo Namaha ||
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Details of Origin of Sanskrit Language & About the Genes that Make Aniruddha Upasana Trust

Following is the extract from discourse of Param Poojya Aniruddha Bapu held on 12th November 2010.
The pravachan centred on one of the Vishnu-Sahastranaams "ॐ मन्त्राय नमः" ("Om Mantraya Namah"). P. P. Bapu began His discourse by describing various characteristics of Mantras. He said that ॐ or Om is the Adi Mantra or the basic mantra. This is the first form that Lord Parmatma took (When Big-Bang occurred and Universe was created, the sound of big-bang was ॐ).
Bapu further listed 8 Beej Mantra as follows:
1) "ऐइम" or "Aeim"
2) "ह्रीम" or "Hrim",
3) "क्लिम" or "Clim"
4) "श्रिम" or "Shrim"
5) "क्रिम" or "Crim"
6) "द्राम" or "Dram"
7) "स्त्रिम" or "Strim"
8) "ग्लौम" or "Gloum"
Bapu further said that "अ" to "रु" form the swars (sounds) and are termed as Hetu Beej and all vyanjans (व्यंजन) are Karya Beejs. Bapu explained that Sanskrit is a language which has not evolved naturally but has been specifically composed and devised by great Rushis namely Agastya Rushi and Vashishtha Rushi which is completely filled with specific Vibrations, Frequencies, etc. Sanskrit is pregnant with holiness (पावित्र्य), Purity (शुद्धता), strength (बल), Rules of Universe, 8 अष्टबीज ऐश्वर्ये (Ashtabeej Aishwarye), and नव-अंकुर ऐश्वर्ये (Nav Ankur Aishwarye) of Lord Parmatma. The Vyanjans instead of making us work, work directly in our life. The अष्टबीज ऐश्वर्ये know how to make other beejs work and bind them. A Mantra essentially is composed of all the above characters.
Sanskrit is such is language, which as described earlier is composed by Agastya Rushi and Vashishtha Rushi but Lord Parmatma's Saraswati shakti got this work done from these two great sages. Lord Parmatma in His Paramshiv form (Avtar) has described the pronunciation of Sanskrit and Devarshi Narad has first pronounced it.
Further Bapu said that Sanskrit has a special character that apart from व्याकरण (Grammar) it has वैय्याकरण (Vaiyyakaran) . Vaiyyakaran is the science of searching the relation between words and their basic form i.e. in simple words it describes the meaning of the words which our heart and not the mouth wants to convey.
Reciting religious hymns, verses, etc is Sanskrit is always beneficial but reciting them in other languages (if one is genuinely not comfortable with Sanskrit) is also considered of same effect, as most of the Indian languages and even other languages like English and German have been derived from Sanskrit and hence has all its properties of Sanskrit embedded in them. But still reciting in Sanskrit is considered 100% complete and reciting it in other languages is considered 99% complete and the difference between this 99 to 100 percentage is same as the difference between 1 and 99 percentage. Now if one starts speaking in Sanskrit it will not be considered as he his life has become Mantramay (filled with Lord) as Sanskrit as described above is based on Vaiyyakaran and not Vyakaran. Intension and Reason are always important in Sanskrit.
Then Bapu described 8 Properties of "What can be Called a Mantra?"
1) A Mantra has to be based and worked on principle of "Purity is the only Reference" (पावित्र्य हेच प्रमाण).
2) The author of the Mantra should not have the feeling and consideration (ego) either before or after composing the Mantra that He has composed it. He should always bear the thought in mind that this work is done from him by Lord Parmatma.
3) When the Mantra is pronounced is effects should not be contradictory on two different individuals. i.e. while prospering the person who chants it, it should not harm or destroy some other person.
4) The Mantra should act on all the three forms of our human body i.e. त्रिविध देह (Tri Vidh Deh) i.e. Actual (भौतिक), Pranmay (प्राणमय) and Mind (मनोमय).
5) The power of the Mantra should never diminish right from its origin till the undefined end.
6) Time and Place (direction) should have no effect on the Mantra but rather Mantra should have effect on them.
7) The Mantra should have power to encourage and strengthen all the 108 centres in the human body even if he is the sinner of sinners. This evaluation of Mantra can only be done by Rushis and not any common man.
8) Finally most importantly, the Mantra should have expression and expansion (विलास) of atleast one of the ashta beejs.
Taking the above points into consideration one should not be fooled to accept any Sanskrit text as Mantra. Just by attaching prefixes and suffixes like नाथाय नमः (Nathaya Namah) or महाराजाय नमः (Maharajaya Namah) by any person to his name of any other words they do not become Mantra and the person claiming to be Jagatguru and Sadguru is not the real Sadguru.
Finally Bapu illustrated Mantra with example and said that "ॐ कृपासिन्धु श्री साईं नाथाय नमः" ("Om Krupa Sindhu Shri Sai Nathaya Namah") and "ॐ अभयदाता श्री स्वामी सामर्थ्य नमः" ("Om Abhaydata Shri Swami Samarthaya Namah") are the Genes of Aniruddha Upasana Trust. They contain all the ashta beejs. Along with these two "ॐ मनः सामर्थ्यदाता श्री अनिरुद्धाय नमः" is also the mantra which contains all the 8 Ashta Beejs.
Bapu further described "ऐइम" or "Aeim" and "ग्लौम" or "Gloum" beejs as two Guru Beejs. ॐ कृपासिन्धु श्री साईं नाथाय नमः mantra travels and acts from ऐइम to ग्लौम beej and ॐ अभयदाता श्री स्वामी सामर्थ्य नमः mantra travels and acts from ग्लौम to ऐइम beej. This does not mean they act against each other but they actually have strengths of acting in two diverse conditions. Whereas ॐ मनः सामर्थ्यदाता श्री अनिरुद्धाय नमः is as loving as the name in it is. This mantra fits all requirements the beej mantras from ऐइम to ग्लौम according to need of the person. It cultivates that stuff which is otherwise impossible to cultivate. This mantra would inculcate devotion in you even if you don't recite with devotion while chanting.
Before ending His discourse Bapu said that He was made by Goddess Chandika and Lord Dattaguru before everything was made. Though so far we have only understood Ashta Beejs there is actually the 9th beej as well and that is the word "Dattaguru". Bapu has rightfully demanded this beej from His Dattaguru. This beej also belongs to all those Shraddhavans who love Bapu. This 9th Beej Mantra i.e. Dattaguru is completely impregnated with all the 8 Beejs Mantras, Hetu Beejs and Kaaran (Reason) Beejs described previously.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Change In Upasana Kendra Address(Goregaon West)
Siddharth Nagar Gujarti School
Siddharth Nagar Municipal School Bldg., Near Prabodhan Gymkana Ground
Goregaon [W], Mumbai 400104
Sunday, January 17, 2010
How Does it Work (For Patients who need blood Donors) ?
Once you send a SMS with the Blood Keyword and the STD Code and Blood Group. You get a Donor's Number who matches the Blood Group you need. The Donor is also SMSed your Mobile Numbers so that Communication is easy.
SMS Format for Searching for Blood Donors
Example Donor 022 B+ve
SMS Format for Registering as Blood Donor
Example : Blood 022 B+ve
What are the Charges ?
You don’t pay a premium charge for any of this, just the price of a standard SMS. Simply send your search query by SMS to 96655 00000 and they will send you results back by SMS immediately . Incoming messages from are not charged to you.
Save this Number in your Phone Book and also if possible the format in which you have to send SMS to this helpline for donating and receiving blood : Of course, don’t forget to save 9665500000 to your phonebook for quick and easy access to
Contact Details of Indian Blood Donors
Indian Blood Donors,
127 New Colony,
Nagpur - 440 001.
Maharashtra, India
Cell No (+91) 98605 10099
Saturday, January 16, 2010
No Pravachan on Thursday 21st January 2010
Eco Friendly Shibir Details

Friday, January 15, 2010
Maghi Ganpati Utsav 2010

This posting is with respect to updating all our Bloggers that the Maghi Ganpati Utsav 2010 will be celebrate on 19th January, 20th January.
The Timings for 19th January 1:30 -10:00 pm.
The Timings for 20th January are 10:00 -10:00 pm.
The Venue is
Uttar Bharatiya Sangh College of Science and Commerce Plot number 629/1243 Teachers Colony Bandra (east), Mumbai - 400 051
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Change in Address of Upasana Kendra Address
Sadguru Shri Aniruddha Upasana Kendra, Andheri West
DN Nagar Municipalty school,
Behind YMCA
DN Nagar, Andheri West
Mumbai- 53
Upasana Timings: 6:45 Pm every Saturday
This year fortunately for all the Shraddhavans the last day of the year i.e. 31st December had fallen on the holy day i.e Thursday and there was Pravachan as usual but for the extended time i.e. past 12 mid-night. P. P. Aniruddha Bapu P. P. Nandai and P. P. Suchitdada Themselves wished prosperity, bhakti to all the Shraddhavans on the occassion of dawn of new year. A special prayer ceremony was specially organized at the mid-night hour.
This year fortunately for all the Shraddhavans the last day of the year i.e. 31st December had fallen on the holy day i.e Thursday and there was Pravachan as usual but for the extended time i.e. past 12 mid-night. P. P. Aniruddha Bapu P. P. Nandai and P. P. Suchitdada Themselves wished prosperity, bhakti to all the Shraddhavans on the occassion of dawn of new year. A special prayer ceremony was specially organized at the mid-night hour.
Following mantras, verses and hymns were recited by all the Shraddhavans in presence of P. P. Aniruddha Bapu P. P. Nandai and P. P. Suchitdada. The sequence of the special prayer recited is as follows:
2) Ghorkashta-Uddharan Stotra (1 time)
3) "Anasuyotri Sambhuto" shlok (for sometime, approx 3-5 mins)
7) "Om Krupasindhu Shri Sai Nathaya Namah" mantra (for sometime, approx 3-5 mins).
After this prayer P. P. Bapu asked all the Shraddhavans to offer this same sequence of prayers to the Lord on the eve of every new year at the stroke of mid-night. Bapu said that this period of transition from old year to new year is very important (from 11 : 50 pm to 12 : 10 am) and holy recitations should be essentially made during this time.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I bow to the feet of GODDESS LALITA, who destroys the army of the demons (Asura) with the help of the weapon Mahapashupati, which produces fire. We all know who is Pashupatinath. But there is a big difference between the word Pashupati and Pashupatinath. The one who is the Nath of Pasupati is “PASHUPATINATH.” Every living being is Animal (Pashu). The lord of the (Pashu’s) Animals is “Pashupati.” Thus, one who is (nath) Lord of this Pashupati is “Pashupatinath”. We all address Shankara as “Pashupatinath”. So, then who is “Pashupati”? Who is the lord of Pashu’s or who controls Pashu’s? Which is the energy that controls them? The answer it is the one whose natha is shiva. Then, Shiva is whose nath? Again the answer is Shiva is Uma’s Nath. Thus we can understand that Shivshankar is Pashupatinath. And so, HE is only Umas’s i.e. Parvati’s Nath. Thus further it reveals that Uma is Pashupati. Thus the mother of all living beings is Uma. Who is in between Jiva and Shiva? It is Shiva’s Shakti Uma – Parvati.
There is one river. To cross the river there is a bridge. It means one side of the river is joined to the other side by the bridge. Thus the land is bifurcated into two parts by the river and bridge on it joins the two parts. Thus Shiva’s Shakti that lies between Jiva and Shiva if looked from the angle of Jiva can be the separating force i.e. ill knowledge and if looked from the angle of Shiva can be the merging force of Shiva’s Kripa i.e. knowledge. Thus, according to some people Uma who is in between Jiva and Shiva can be the separating force or merging force. But then why is like this?
Thus, when I effectively try to get Shiva or develop love from him, at that time place this Shiva’s Shakti Uma does the work of bridge. However when there is no love for the almighty Shiva then the same Uma works as ill knowledge and separates Jiva and Shiva. Wherever you have some energy or some instrument or measure to bridge the distance is not visible. But what could be this measure? This above name is the answer for it. We always read two names of weapons in the riythology. There are two kinds of weapons. “Pashupatiastra” and “Mahapashupatiastra”. Pashupatiastra is an actual weapon. This is used with the help of Mantra. However Mahapashupatiastra is not an actual weapon like the sword or pistol. It is the devine mantra of Pashupatinath “Shivashankara”. This mantra itself is know as Mahapashupatiastra and this Lalita with the help of this same weapon, which produces fire, destroy the army of the demons.
One who is purely divine, the mantras of such lord have the capacity of producing the fire. This destroys the demons. Lalita uses this fire. This means the river between Jiva and Shiva has a boat to cross. One who used the mantra – Naam sits in this boat and travels from Jiva to Shiva. He goes in the area of god. But the one who does not sit in it, even he has to go there. Everyone has to go through same way. But he has to swim. But since we all know swimming in the rivers is not so easy. There are large ferocious animals like crocodile that are ready to swallow us. For this purpose you require boat like Mantra – Naam. So which is this name of Mantra? The true sadguru shakti with all generosity and HIS GRACE (krupa) comes to the people and for this you don’t need any kind of preaching from anybody.
Such lord has his own energy (Shakti) of love. Such kind of Mantra is called as sadguru Siddha Tarak Mantra. With such kinds of Mantras one can travel from Jiva’s land to Shiva’s land. So which are such Tarak Mantra’s? There are three Mantras. First is one we know as Omkar, Wahe Guru. This Mantra or Naam is has equal importance in all Five Dharmas in India (Hindu, Sikha, Parasi, Bauddha, jain). With this Omkar we sit in ambitions or other things in our mind would not remain stable. With a stable mind when I recite OM then only I can receive the vibration s from OM. Because Omkar is the invisible form. Hence, Narad asks to say “HARI OM” rather than “OM”. Hari is Rhim Beej. Existing (Pragat) Beej. We are also visible – existing (Sagun – Pragat). Just be saying “Om” we cannot achieve divine invisibility. Just how Nanak said Wahe Guru and Narad said Hari Om. Visible Om is the first Tarak Mantra. The second Tarak Mantra is the Naam of ‘Rama”. Anybody, anywhere can take it. Everybody knows that if anybody passes away we don’t perform pooja of any god. However still after the death recitation of Ram Naam or Ramraksha Stotra is essential. Rama is the energy (Oja) of the life. He is the liveliness (CHAITANYA) of life. When the liveliness of man vanishes. It reaches Shiva or Rama. Some say “Shri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram” or “ Jai ShriKrishna”. So find what is Ram Naam. The incarnation that we worship is the one we believe as the controller of the universe as well as oneself. At that moment the name of that incarnation becomes Rama Naam. Hence Valmiki repeatedly says in the Ramayana that Rama is not a particular structure or image, if we sit in front of any idol and chant Rama Naam that particular idol feels happy. This is because Rama is the liveliness of the whole universe. For this there is no need for any particular Dharma to dominate. Just how Omkar is equal in all Dharmas. Similarly Rama Naam is all equally acceptable.
If in any language I chant Rama Naam and I do this consistently then it becomes Tarak Mantra for me. For that I don’t need to have any preaching. This Tarak Mantra itself becomes the boat to travel from Jiva’s land to Shiva’s land. How shall Shiva’s grace come to us from his land? We feel it should come to us effectively but, we have to put effects for it.
I have everything with me so what is the need of all these things? What is your age now? 40 years, How much more you will live 30 years? Just now 40 years are passed 30 yrs. shall also pass away. This means this time is eating us. But Shiva eats this time so Shiva is called as Mahakala. Hence Pashupatinath is known as Mahakala. The time in my life itself is Mahakala. To put it on good way who can have grace on me? Mahakala. The master of Jiva'’ land is Kal (time) whereas the master of Shiva' land is Mahakala.
We are scared of time. We are scared of death for this purpose we have to move towards Akala. It means moving toward Mahakala. Hence in Jiva’s land I get everything. I have money, wife, children, shop, business, everything. But I don’t have time. We always try to improve time. Every body wants to have good time i.e. have a good life. This can be done only by Akala or Mahakala. Hence, ever if I have every thing I shall stay in Jiva’s Land and so since master of Jiva’s land is Kal (time). I have to move towards Mahakala or Shiva. This kal (time) doesn’t give concessions to anybody. The one who passes away from life and one who stays have to experience various faces of time. We should learn to recognise the various faces of time. When I have everything why should I chant the Naam of God? Don’t say this. When time catches hold of any person it doesn’t give any kind of concessions whatsoever. Every body has their own ambitions and expectations with respect to those, the life remains complete or incomplete. So travelling from Jiva’s land to Shiva’s land to achieve Mahakala’s grace become important for me. For this purpose we can sit in the time boat and reach there. But if somebody says I have to swim and go then here also there are two methods told.
We have to jump before we swim or else somebody else pushes. At that moment some of them are scared, some are drawn or some came near the banks and wait. They don’t try to swim. Who pushes us in the water? i.e. life. The answer is the problems of life push us in and tell us to try to swim and reach the Shiva’s land. Swimming means Karma, Yoga and by boat means Bhakti Marg. Keep working (karma) but don’t keep any wishes behind it. We can also reach Shiva’s land through Yogamarga. Yogamarga is supposed to be the fleeting way. By yogamarga we can obtain Ashatasiddhi (Divine Powers). We can then fly with this power from Jiva’s land to Shiva’s land. Yogamarga is the hard way. It’s not easy to fly. We all know that, to fly over Lanka was only possible for Hanumanji. Because he is Mahayogi. He is actually the incarnation of lord Shiva. We can always try to follow yogamarga but we shall sit in the boat along with yoga and Karma Marga and do bhakti and Karma and also follow Yoga. To join Jiva with Shiva there is way of Bhakti and this is the way to cross the river and it is necessary to sit in the boat. The Name of this boat is “Tejomaya” The same is revealed in Devi Lalita’s name. Pashupatiastra and mantra is fire and this fire destroys the demons (Asura). If demons (Asura) are destroyed ‘A’ is removed and ‘Sura” remains. Pashu is the one that lies between Pash and Pashupatinath and pashu helps to join Patinath. Whichever way we are moving, we shall continue, however we shall learn to go by the way of great people. I have Mahapashupatiastra means Taraka Mantra. So then if we say ‘Wahe Guru”, “Hari Om” or “Jai Shri Krishna” anything is fine as all are equal. This reveals that Omkar is only the Ultimate ingredient. The whole universe is found of it. This is only our Taraka Mantra.
However, we should understand that this itself is fire and with the same fire GODDESS LALITA destroys all my sins. Destroys my ill fortune.

This NAM is prepared by combining 2 Names. AHAHA means the Original Light and the light, which creates something. Samvartakay means the darkness (ANDHAKAR) of MAHAPRALAY. How is this MAHAVISHNU? MAHAVISHNU is the LIGHT of creation (PRAGATYA) as well as the darkness of MAHAPRALAY. During MAHAPRALAY first darkness is observed all over the universe and later on from same darkness the new creation is created i.e. the Light is created and from the same light darkness is created. Does that mean darkness and light are the same things? This BHAGVANT VISHNU in both forms is same. But BAPU does that mean that MAHAVISHNU means the darkness of our life? NO. The answer stated is clearly negative. NO! This NAM tells us that it is not related with the darkness of our life. When MAHAPRALAY comes, none of PANCH –MAHABHUTA (PRUTHVI (Earth), JAL (Water), VAYU (Air), AGNI (Fire), AKASH (Sky)) remains independent and all PANCH MAHABHUTA get them dissolved in their original form/SWARUPA. These MAHABHUTAS are not vanished or destroyed.
See milk can be converted into Curd. Can we convert Curd into milk again? No, we can’t convert Curd into Milk again. This is conversion/transformation. All these MAHABHUTAS are created from NIRGUN BRAHMA and accordingly the creation of the universe took place. So this Universe again gets dissolved – first PRUTHVI MAHABHUT gets dissolved into JAL, JAL MAHABHUT gets converted into AGNI, AGNI gets converted into VAYU and VAYU gets converted into AAKASH. Hence the darkness in our life gives the light. MAHAVISHNU is the Creation (PRAGATYA) of the whole Universe (VISHWA) and the darkness in which the whole Universe gets dissolved. Since HE makes LAY of all things, HE is the ultimate darkness. The journey in both directions i.e. from milk to Curd and from Curd to milk, that means the only ultimate visible power and an invisible Power that can capably travel in both opposite directions in this universe is PARMATMA. BAPU we agreed to all these things that HE has created all the Universe, HE has shown us the Universe, Since HE has created , HE is the original LIGHT, and since HE only makes LAY of all these things, HE is the ultimate darkness. But what will be changes in my life after realizing these things? Yes, that makes a great huge difference in my life.
Try to remember one simple thing. We clearly see that one thing happens in my life as well as in everyone’s life – We decide to do one thing next day, we remember to do that thing while sleeping during night, but somehow we forget to do the same thing due to some unexpected work or new work/thing and after time has passed away we remember that we haven’t done that thing. That means what has happened? We couldn’t do whatever we have decided that we will do. Why we couldn’t do? We couldn’t do because we forgot that thing as we have not continuously remembered that thing or we haven’t memorized that thing thoroughly in our mind. Since the memory of that thing which we wanted to do was pushed in the darkness, we couldn’t do. In our every day life we decide to do many small things. In my day to day life suppose I decide to do some thing or I decide to produce some new thing or suppose a student of 10 th/12 th standard decide to study one particular poem or lesson, but due to his friend’s meeting or due to television programme he forgets to study. Some woman may decide that tomorrow she will prepare spices for pickle but next day suddenly her sister arrives and chatting with sister, she forget to prepare spices. More common thing that we have decided to watch one T.V. programme, but on the same time we feel sleepy and when we wake up, we realize that T.V. programme was almost completed. These small things occur in our life, which we have decided to do. At least for those things and for that period we are PRAVARTAK BRAHMA of them as we are going to create/produce those things. But that thing can’t happen as that thing’s memory was not live and we forgot that thing.
See, there is a very simple thing. For example, suppose we have toothache in night and we can’t go to Dentist due to nighttime. Somehow we try to manage that toothache during night and decide to go to the Dentist as a first preference in next day. If till morning pain remains as it is, at first we run towards Dentist. But if pains are not there we avoid visiting dentist immediately. We think we can manage that with medicines or painkillers. This shows that our memory constantly remains live if there is pain. The man’s unsuccessful life is hidden in this thing only that our memory remains live in only pains. This PARMATMA is ANANDMAY (HAPPINESS). But we do any thing due to pains only. The memory of the pain always remains balance. But this memory of pain can never give us Happiness (ANAND).
For example, doing any business or earning money is related to our tensions of future. I think that I have less money as compare to my brother/sister/neighbor so due to this comparison pain is created and due to that pain only I try to do business or any work. Sometimes I bit my child as he /she is not studying properly. But I bit him/her more times when I find that my neighbor’s son/daughter has scored more marks than my child. After that for four months I help my child in his /her studies regularly. Why such things occur? These occur due to pains. We try to reduce body weight at old age as we may face pains in joints. At young age we don’t remember or we just avoid these facts. When pain of joints is not present we neglect opportunity of reducing our body weight. BAPU asked why such things happen?
Every one of us know that at the age of 60 or 58 years we are going to retire from our jobs. We know that one or other day we have to face retirement day. Daily we go away from the house from 7.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. due to job/business, but suddenly at one moment we become jobless/workless. There is no work remained for a working person on the next day of his retirement. He knows this fact from the beginning or the very first day of his job/work, that at the retirement age 58 or 60 years he will be retired from the job. He has to leave his job. What arrangements I have made for future period? For our retired life we manage to save money in our bank accounts. We think about utilizing Provident fund money very carefully. But we never think how to utilize the spare time we are going to have for full day. For some days we relax at home. Sometimes we may visit our friends or relatives. But that is very short period maybe one or one and half month. Then we realize that if we daily visit these friends or relatives you may bore them. After some time we realize that every one is neglecting us. We feel that we have become burden or our presence is irritating to people and even to us. What should I do of all these 24 hours? Due to this pain my presence is irritating to others. But instead of thinking about avoiding this phase/situation or how I can be helpful for others, we become angry. We remember memory of these pains and remember that memory of pains never gives HAPPINESS/ JOY. Hence happiness is never created.
When a person visits dentist during his toothache period, either dentist prescribes painkiller medicines or he removes that bad tooth. Now pain has stopped. But when pain has stopped? That time pain has stopped when the thing (tooth) was eradicated from the root cause. I should understand that suppose that tooth is partially/partly removed or any root of that tooth is not removed that pain may not stop. It may cause more pains. From the memory of pain if we want to create any good thing then first we have to eradicate the pain from that memory itself. And we find that the same thing is not possible for man and this is the SAD ENDING or worst part (SHOKANTIKA) of our life. From the memory of pain we madly get entangled in many bad things. If dentist has advised me to remove the bad tooth I have to remove that. Suppose I insist that it is my tooth and I don’t want to remove the tooth, and then after 4-5 days toothache may increase and tooth may be filled with pus and other teeth also may cause injury from the same tooth. Similar thing happens in my life. When I try to do any thing from the pain, we create many more pains in our life. This pain enters from one part of life to other parts of life.
If we observe a common example that my son is not studying properly, he is not scoring good marks, and hence I scold him. I forcefully asked him to study. I have to do all these things. But I should think that what is reason behind this pain? I should observe that why my son is scoring less mark as compare to my brother’s son or any other child? Is it really possible that my son may score that much marks? We should think about the root cause of the pain. Even if the answer is unfavorable to us, we should accept it because that answer is not wrong. Suppose any child is scoring 0 marks in mathematics, I should take that much study of that child that he may be at least score passing marks in mathematics. But same child may score good marks in other subjects like English, History and Geography. He may become good artist/ painter. Every child has his own interest and hence his subject may be different. So we should not force for only one subject. But we never understand /realize these things. What we do? We search how is the school of that child? Whether teachers are forcing that child? What is age of that child?
BAPU said that nowadays HE finds some parents taking too much tension even if their child is appearing for first standard examination. He said these parents take such a tension that as if their child is appearing for I.S. Examination. For the whole day these parents compulsorily make their child to study. BAPU said try to understand how that child may not become mad or his mother-father may not become mad? BAPU again cleared that HE doesn’t say that don’t pay attention to your child. BAPU said (with lots of love) RAJANO! Remember they are small children. They have to play. BAPU said that HE has seen parents not allowing to watch T.V. for even small time to a child of first standard, they are not allowing to play little to that child, these parents even bit child if he asks them to give permission for playing on week-ends i.e. Saturday and Sunday. BAPU stated clearly that HE thinks that this mother-father should be bitten at first, because these parents are creating dislike/ hate instead of liking for studies in children’s minds. BAPU said first of all our education system is so useless that our children are over buried with study portion and we make them more over buried with our burdens of desires.
HE said we always compare our child’s marks with other children marks. Every child’s IQ is different. We should find out why our child has scored less mark? Whether he/she has understood the subject properly or really irrespective of hard efforts he/she can’t score good marks. And then accordingly I will think how to develop my child? First I should understand that what should be my expectations from my child? My desire should not be of scoring 100 % marks out of 100 % marks from my child. But my desire should be of making my daughter/son a capable (SAMARTH) man/woman in their life. BAPU said HE finds many such children scoring 100% marks out of 100 % in examination, but some of them are having bend in backbone, some are having eyes problem, some are very fat or some can’t speak properly, some are very thin and again their parents are worried about these tensions. BAPU said we could expect good marks by learning by heart method from children till 10th standard. But we must understand that after 10th that method is not useful. There is no value for learning by heart in life’s examination. We should see that there is more credit for understanding the subject thoroughly. Thus I should solve the answer for this pain of not scoring good marks in examination about my child by deciding my expectations from my children as per their capacities. Then only I can remove the root cause of this pain and can make progress of my child faster in his/her life.
BAPU asked one question that tell Him that whether that boy can study happily in MEDICINE Branch if he doesn’t like MEDICINE subjects at all and his mother and father has taken his admission in MEDICINE branch since he scores good marks in those subjects irrespective of boy’s likings is for ENGLISH subject? HE said that boy may be passed in MEDICINE side due to his mother-father’s pressure but he may not be happy. That boy can’t give justice to his own life. BAPU again asked whether happy married life could be observed with a wife or husband if other partner not at all likes him/her. HE said no, not at all. Due to prestige issue in society that couple may live together in one house but there will be no love amongst them at all. We should understand that the things/persons with whom we have to accompany for our whole life should be as per our wish/desire or we should make them favorable. When this can happen? That is possible when my desires/expectations about any thing matches with that things qualities and properties.
BAPU quoted an example – Suppose there are 100 Rupees in my pocket and I said I would go to travel at KASHMIR, is that possible? Either I have to travel in a train without ticket or a ticket-checker may punish me if he catches me or I have to get down in between the journey or I have to go into prison as a punishment. Otherwise I should go by walking. Even if I say I will go by walking what I will eat on my journey? I can’t manage even 5 days food in 100 Rupees.
We should think about our desire/ambition and our capabilities. Our desire should not be more than our capability. BAPU exclaimed that HE doesn’t mean that desires should be less or ambitions should be lower. But first we should raise our capability then desire may automatically rise. If we expect high ambitions/desires without looking at our capability then, as our capability is not enough, nothing can be completed. For that we should learn to take small steps.
BAPU explained this fact with our own example. HE said that could an infant baby speak his/her mother tongue just after birth? Could child know whole language in one-two years? No, child learns speaking step by step. First some children start speaking with easy words like BABA, some may speak DADA or some may speak Mother. While speaking these words, he learns one by one more words. Then we will understand that speaking which is the first expression of man’s life is also learnt step by step by us. We never keep expectations that in first year only child will speak all words. Similarly I should understand that what are my capabilities and what are my expectations? And always it is found that man’s unhappiness or worries are due to his very high expectations and his very low capabilities. I have to increase this capability and when that capability increases is hidden in this NAM. When I make small steps/ parts of my expectations, I can fulfill them. Suppose I have to climb a high fort then direct climbing on the fort in one attempt is not possible with either trekking training or without proper trekking instruments/tools. But I can climb a big distance if I climb step by step. Similarly I can divide my expectations in 10-15 steps and then according to my capabilities I will climb one step, then I will climb second step, third step and thus I have climbed half of the fort. But now as per my capabilities I am tired, I feel restless then I will take a halt for 15 minutes and I will take rest. Then again I will start climbing. People may laugh at me. But what will happen if I will try to climb once even if I am feeling tired or restless considering what world will say about me? Then either I can’t climb at all or at one moment I have to tumble down, as I have no more strength to hold on. But I should know that the person who knows his capability and tries to climb one–one step s per his stamina could climb up to the last point of the fort. That doesn’t matter at all how high are my expectations. I must have high expectations/ambitions but the steps of those expectations should be as per my capabilities. It doesn’t matter even if my capability is of 10 grams and my expectation is of 100 grams or even of 1000 grams. But my step should be of 8 or 9 grams if my capability is of 10 grams. After climbing step of 9grams my capability might have increased from 10 grams to 12 grams then I will take second step of 10 grams. When I will climb on second step that time my capability might have increased from 12 grams to 20 grams then I can make my third step of 15 grams. By this way only that man became successful who plots the graph of his life and makes journey of his life as per graph. But we never learn this thing. Our high expectations and small capabilities and with jumps taken as per our small capabilities we can never reach the highest peak of the fort because we fell down at the bottom from the top and either our body gets pain or we have some fracture or we get injury on hands or legs. Then we start shouting. BAPU said now we may ask HIM a question that what is relation of all these things to this NAM? So BAPU answered that just some time before HE stated that pains keep man’s memory live and lighting and PARMESHWAR is ANAND SWAROOP. So I should understand that the memory came with happiness gives success but the memory coming with unhappiness is giving only unsuccessful life. When I arrange /plan steps of my expectations as per my capabilities and I jump on one by one step happiness is created. From the memory of that happiness my capabilities are increased.
BAPU said look at a simple thing when I decide to teach painting to my son or my son is learning painting in school and when he draws first picture no one can tell whether it is picture of a horse, donkey or cow. But that time that child tells innocently mother look at the picture of cow. We say how beautiful is the cow? But my child draw two thorns, then at least that picture may look like cow’s picture. First time I have to praise about my child’s painting. Then afterwards I have to explain him about the corrections in that picture. When such changes/corrections will take place then only son can become good painter. That means he needs encouragement. Suppose that first time mother and father teases son and say what a bad picture he has drawn? It looks like a picture of dog! Then that time that child would not have been happy. He could be unhappy due to pain. Due to that pain he may get inferiority complex. He may develop inferiority complex feeling and might never become a good painter. Similarly I should understand that saying correct to wrong things like Yes, You have drawn a beautiful picture of cow and cow looks alike. This is also wrong. You have drawn a very beautiful picture but thorns should have been drawn like this way- Saying such words and making progress of one step ahead – that’s how I can climb up one by one step. I should not keep lower expectations. It is wrong only to say well to a bad picture of cow. But at the same time you can make small changes and go ahead sot that your picture will become more beautiful. That means I can make high expectations if I plan to take small steps according to my capabilities. PARMATMA is ANAND SWAROOP. If I congratulate that small child after he draws a painting, I will also become happy. Remember from that memory of happiness that child’s capability increases. No man’s capability can be increased from the memory of pains.
We all know the world famous example from history of MAHARASHTRA. That common woman climbed down that toughest fort in only twenty-two minutes which is even today a great challenge for trekkers and very difficult to climb down that fort. Why twenty-two minutes only? BAPU said you may ask me BAPU have you been present there as a witness? But as per records of BAKHARI the guards appointed on that fort has to come at that place at every twenty-four minutes. That means for that woman it was must that she should climb down before twenty-four minutes are passed away. Otherwise guards would have caught her. Then how she could climb down in such a small time? You may say that BAPU she must have climbed down due to pains that her infant baby was hungry, her infant baby could not get milk without her, her baby was alone in the hut, her husband was gone out to another village. But remember that such a challenging great task was not done due to pains. Here I should clearly understand the difference. Her infant child was the ultimate happiness of her life. She had climbed down to maintain that happiness forever and not for the pain. Try to realize this big difference. Infant baby was her greatest happiness of life. For that happiness she had climbed down. To maintain that happiness she had to climb down, so she could climb down in only twenty-two minutes and not due to pains. Then after realizing the difference between these two situations, you will realize how HE is AHAHA and how HE is SAMVARTAKA?
When HE comes into our life in form of HAPPINESS, then HE only starts good things in our life, HE increases good things and at the same time HE destroys all bad things and HE is the only PARMATMA and the ultimate SADGURUTATAVA! But we never try to take efforts to bring that PARMATMA’S HAPPINESS FORM in our life. We always think about lacking/deficiency/shortfalls in our life. I must think about lacking in my life. How I can fill up lacking if I have not thought about them. But while thinking about lacking/deficiencies I must also thought about what are my plus or positive points/qualities? What good qualities do I possess and what are my capabilities? Many times in our life even we don’t realize what is my own capability. Some people have capability of 50 grams and they think they have 10 grams capability. Some people have capability of 10 grams and they think they have 100 grams capability. We must find out our lacking in our life and simultaneously we should be able to find out positive/good qualities. I should think that I can fill up my lacking with my good things/qualities because AHAHA is PARMESHWAR and SAMVARTAKAHA is also PARMESHWAR.I should understand that no one else can fill up my lacking/deficiency. First I should thoroughly check what are my good qualities because with their help I can only fill up my deficiencies. With these good qualities I should fill up my deficiencies one by one. I can become successful only then when I will fill up those deficiencies, which may be in my business or may be in my studies or may be in my spiritual progress. This is because the ANANDSWAROOPI SADGURU MAHAVISHNU only can do both of my works. I should understand that only HE can increase good qualities in me and only HE can decrease bad qualities or deficiencies in me. I should realize that only after doing these both things I can become successful in my life and the entire, whole happiness can be established in my life.
We meet many people in our life. Slowly those people might be passed away whom we met in our childhood. Suppose we shift to Solapur from Pune then we never meet people from Pune who were around us that time in our life. But are those people disappeared? No, those people are staying in their houses at Pune and similarly they are also staying in my mind. For some or other reason every one of us remembers our childhood friends, teachers, neighbors. The schoolteacher may be alive in my mind although he is dead before many days because his memories are alive in my mind and these memories means the aliveness of that man is alive in my mind. And this thing we can never forget that means whatever thing I remember is alive in my mind. But I should understand that the thing, which I don’t remember in my mind, is dead. Then I will realize that if I don’t remember about my good qualities they may be dead for me. So first I should look at my good qualities. And remember if I always think about my deficiencies then those deficiencies will always be alive. Since I continuously think about my continuous deficiencies in my life, those deficiencies always become alive in my life, in my mind and due to non-thinking about good qualities they become dead. For this the only solution is that I should always remember the NAM OM AHAHA SAMVARTAKAY NAMAHA.
He is the only PARMATMA who brings light in my life, who increases good things in my life and HE is the only PARMATMA who destroys evil things from my life. HE is the only one and HE is ANANDSWAROOP. The LIGHT and the DARKNESS both are forms of HAPPINESS ONLY because from LIGHT as well as DARKNESS ONLY HAPPINESS IS CREATED. You may ask BAPU how happiness is created from darkness? When I refer to darkness that is not the darkness of knowledge but it is darkness of BUDDHI. Tell me what will be condition of living being when there is no darkness? That means we need LIGHT and also need DARKNESS means SILENCE (SHANTATA). We sleep at night after work of whole day. Can you have sound sleep quickly if someone has lighted big big lamps at your sleeping room? You will ask to close those lamps. Even if there is light outside, when I close my eyes there is effect of that darkness on my mind and body. That means for what purpose do I close these curtains on my eyes, on my life? They are for creating happy darkness. Then only I will understand that darkness on the earth is also giving happiness. At the same time of darkness of night, trees give out OXYGEN, which is very essential for the entire universe and they suck in CARBON-DI-OXIDE, which is also a happier thing as it keeps us alive. Thus we will understand that DAY and NIGHT both are the forms of PARMESHWAR. There is no need of getting frightened from any one in the night. We are scared in our mind. When there is night and there is darkness, we feel scared to go at some distant place; we need someone’s company. Some people talk about big things /issues but even they are scared when the light in their house is switched off. Why we are scared of darkness? We are scared because we don’t see ANANDMAY SWAROOP in night’s darkness. The SHOKANTIKA of man’s mind, which I have told, is that try to learn the fact that deficiency is no longer deficiency. If there is only LIGHT in the life of the EARTH and there is no DARKNESS then no life can take birth on the EARTH. Similarly if there are no deficiencies in my life then my life won’t become good. If there are no deficiencies in the life, then there is nothing to be achieved. Remember then there is nothing for which we can be alive. That means who he has become? He has become SAINT- MAHATMA! But my mind has not made that much progress as that of SAINT- MAHATMA, so I have some deficiency.
Here BAPU quoted an example. HE said there is a boy of 8 years. His parents have kept billion thousand crores of rupees for him. Now he has become 18 years old. He knew this fact. Then he thought whatever education he had so far is sufficient and there is no need to be worried as his parents had saved thousand crores of rupees for him. So he thought that there is no need to have more education nor he should think about expansion of business. Hence that boy will only be enjoying the life by whatever way he will prefer. There will be no good qualities in his life. But if there are some parents who can guide him properly or any friends or any teachers then they will tell him that by utilizing that money he can start a better business or he can do better things, or he can offer better donations then there will be some aims for his life.
Why PARMEHWAR has created deficiency in your life? I should understand that HE has created deficiency in my life so that I can get some aims in my life and I can get some direction for my life. One question always arises in our mind that why PARMEHWAR has created deficiencies in our life? We should find answer to this question from this NAM. PARMESHWAR is ANANDSWAROOPI and so HE has created deficiencies in our life. We become ready to do something because of these deficiencies. But that is created from memory of pains and so we become unsuccessful in life. Due to deficiencies we should become ready to achieve something but not due to pains but for achieving HAPPINESS. I must understand that I should do something with positive thoughts and not with negative thoughts. Where from we can learn these things? We will not follow these things just by reading books or by listening to BAPU’s words. But when we will listen to these words of BAPU, we will see deficiencies of our life, we will see our positive/good/plus points, we will see the good things offered to us by GOD, we will see our expectations, we will see our capabilities and accordingly we will try to make progress as per our capabilities by taking one by one step then we will realize how is ANANDMAYAI SWAROOPA of PARMESHWAR?
We are surprised that we all are children of PARMESHWAR, then a question arises to our mind that when we are unhappy that time is this PARMESHWAR also unhappy or not? If all SAINTS tell us that we are children of PARMEHWAR, then our unhappiness should also be of PARMESHWARA’S unhappiness. If PARMESHWAR is totally ANANDMAYI SWAROOPA that means HE doesn’t feel unhappy /sad in our unhappiness. Then what is HIS use if HE is not having unhappiness for our unhappiness? This question arises in our mind and here only we make mistake. Try to remember one thing that PARMEHWAR also becomes UNHAPPY with your unhappiness but not by the way you expect. When an infant is crying when he is hungry, mother is also anxious and ready to feed him. Mother is eagerly waiting for her child so that she can feed her milk to her child. The child is unhappy due to his hunger. Remember this thing that even if mother has not eaten any thing, she will first feed to her child, but is she hungry that time? No, we should remember that she is having love and attraction for her child. My relation with PARMESHWAR is similar. When I am hungry due to my hunger and crying, shouting that time this PARMESHWAR is running towards me to fulfill my hunger, but that child sucks milk quietly when his mother breast-feeds him while we don’t follow the same thing. PARMESHWAR has come running towards us, but we don’t behave like infant child. But we don’t feel that we are dependent on our mother –PARMESHWAR as if that infant child is dependent on his mother. We are dependent on our PRIDE (AHAMKAR). We should be dependent on PARMESHWAR. But that doesn’t mean that “ ASEL MAZHA HARI TAR DEIL KHATALYAVARI” (IF GOD/PARMESHWAR is MINE, HE SHOULD PROVIDE ME ALL THINGS ON BED ITSELF). BAPU again stated clearly that what HE is telling is that you have to make your progress. I have to climb up every step as per my capability. I should realize that even though I have to climb up every step, my PARMESHWAR is only giving strength to my every step, HE the only one who will increase my capability, HE is the only one who will decrease my deficiencies, I have to do only efforts, I have to do only studies, I have to do only practice. Remember that only he becomes successful who realizes this thing.
BAPU said see we watch many cricket tests. Many good cricketers score continuously 100-150-200 runs in consecutive three matches, but in one match he is out on zero score on first ball. Does it mean that he is bad player? No, that means he is good cricketer but still one such ball comes and makes him out on zero score and goes away. Does that mean his capability was ended? That means beyond human being’s efforts and his capabilities there is some thing. We see in our life we are thinking that from somewhere we should get help. We are simply searching someone’s address and we are bored since no one is telling us the address. Real fact is that our address itself is wrong. We don’t know correct address. Suddenly same person or some person comes in front of us and quickly tells us the address. Why do these things happen? These are indications of PARMESHWARI PLAN. These are indications of PARMESHWARI GRACE. When I am crying in my life, HE also feels sad, but HE never sits and cries because HE is ANAND SWAROOP.HE comes running to stop my crying and to give me ANAND i.e. HAPPINESS. When an infant is hungry, how mother is anxious to give him breast- feeding! Similarly PARMESHWAR is anxious to support me. But here child (we) asks from his own mind that he doesn’t want HIS milk. He wants KABAB from some hotel. This is wrong thing. Lord SHREE KRISHNA has told in GEETA that you have right on your duty (KARMA) but you don’t have any right on its fruit. When we will learn this thing? This clearly means that do your duties and don’t expect for fruit. But this doesn’t mean that we should not obtain fruit. We should always think we want such and such fruit. But while thinking about fruit, I should also know that I must do 100 % efforts in the best manner, remembering that PARMESHWAR and when I will get fruit that will be surely UCHIT fruit for me and some time PARMESHWAR will surely offer better fruit than what I expect. I should be firm for this thing. Having firm guarantee for this thing means to have complete trust about PARMESHWARA’S ANAND SWAROOP. Since PARMESHWAR is ANAND SWAROOP, if I hold HIS hand I will be never unhappy in my life. Hence I will never ask HIM this question that whether HE is happy when I am unhappy? Whether HE feels sorry for me or not? Please never ask HIM this question. Remember whether the PARMATMA is in SAGUN form or NIRGUN form He ALWAYS HAS UNHAPPINESS WHEN HIS EVERY CHILD IS UNHAPPY. But since HE is ANAND SWAROOPA, HE tries to give ANAND. But remember this also depends on how much is our capability to accept ANAND that how much we are ready to accept this ANAND. See again we have arrived at same circle. This PARMESHWAR is ANAND SWAROOP, but how much is my capability of accepting ANAND i.e. HAPPINESS? I should increase this capability of accepting ANAND. But how can I increase this capability? And which is the way? The way has been beautifully named by RISHI-mooni. SAVANSTARIK MARG! SAVANSTAR means a year that means earth’s speed. This SAVANSTARIK MARG is yearly way (MARG). This means, the way coming regularly. It is similar to how first January comes on every year, how our school starts on 7th June every year and ends on 10 th April every year (there may be one-two day’s difference in date) , how I go to office at morning and my office closes at 5.00 p.m. in evening , how I open my shop at 8.00 a.m. in the morning and I close my shop 8.00 p.m. in the night … all these are routine things. But what does mean by SAVANSTARIK MARG? SAVANSTARIK MARG means a planned way, which is repeated continuously in my life. PARMESHWAR always creates this SAVANSTARIK MARG in my life and I always destroy that MARG. That means the creator (KARTA) of my SAVANSTARIK MARG is only GOD, SADGURU PARMATMA but DESTRUCTOR (PRALAYKARTA) is only myself i.e. JEEVATMA. If I want to change this then I should stop the destruction (PRALAY) of SAVANSTARIK MARG. For that first I should understand carefully that how this SAVANSTARIK MARG comes in my life.
SAVANSTARIK MARG comes in my life by two ways.
These 2 things swallow my PRESENT TENSE (VARTMANKAL). How my PRESENT TENSE is disappears/vanishes? Either due to worries of FUTURE TENSE or due to guilt/wrong mistakes of PAST TENSE. Because of these two things I can’t live my PRESENT TENSE properly. But as I (BAPU) told you before that every deficiency is a thing given by PARMESHWAR. From that I should understand that worries of FUTURE TENSE and Guilt about PAST TENSE, both are wrong things. But this SAVANSTARIK MARG is given by PARMESHWAR. In every subject of my PRESENT TENSE, worries of FUTURE TENSE and Guilt about PAST TENSE automatically come, but it depends on me that how much I increase them. He becomes successful who is less worried about FUTURE TENSE and who is less guilty about PAST TENSE. Though this is SAVANSTARIK MARG, it doesn’t mean that I will not make preparation for tomorrow. This doesn’t mean that I don’t have worries about FUTURE TENSE and hence I will not begin my studies from the first day of the year. Don’t make out wrong meaning that when exam will come I will study. That never means that don’t worry means not to make preparation. You should do preparation for FUTURE TENSE, but you should not have worries/tensions for FUTURE TENSE. You must realize guilt about PAST TENSE, but you should not always feel guilty for that.
Suppose I have done a mistake in business and I have met with a big loss, then I should try to correct that mistake and go ahead. I should not sit and feel guilty for that mistake. Not even that but suppose I have done any SIN, then also I can fully surrender from bottom of my heart to my SADGURU when I will come on PARMESHWARI MARG.I will stand in front of HIS PHOTO and tell HIM that I was wrong. I have done a very big Sin. You should give me whatever punishment you like to give but please take care that again I should not repeat the same mistake. BAPU assured that I am giving assurance to you that if the SADGURUTATVA is real, HE will surely excuse you. But I should surrender to HIM.I must surrender at HIS feet. My all life is covered and disturbed due to worries of FUTURE TENSE and Guilt about PAST TENSE. SAVANSTARIK MARG means to close both these things. But we don’t surrender at HIM. We do opposite things and hence our worries of FUTURE TENSE and Guilt about PAST TENSE increase more and more. Remember only PRESENT TENSE can do both these things.
How my tensions/worries of FUTURE TENSE will be removed? That will be removed when today I will do something in PRESENT TENSE. How I can be free from guilt of PAST TENSE? That will be also when today I will do something in PRESENT TENSE. There is a simple thing. I have faced loss in business in PAST TENSE. How this guilt can be removed? That is when I will make hard efforts and earn money in PRESENT TENSE. I have tensions about my children that what will be their future? But there will be no tension in future if I do some efforts for my children’s future today in present tense. So finally only efforts taken in PRESENT TENSE can remove worries of FUTURE TENSE and Guilt about PAST TENSE. And RISHI has called the same MARG as SAVANSTARIK MARG. Without doing efforts in PRESENT TENSE, we only take tensions of FUTURE TENSE and make guilt about PAST TENSE and hence we go away from PARMATMA. By following this SAVANSTARIK MARG our capability of accepting ANAND from PARMESHWAR increases. Try to remember this secret that –
Sometimes we say that have you taken CHALANI when PARMESHWAR was distributing BUDDHI/KNOWLEDGE? But really we are sitting with CHALANI when PARMESHWAR is distributing ANAND. Hence that ANAND fall down. There are holes made due to our tensions and guilt. We need a bucket of PRESENT TENSE to collect ANAND from PARMESHWAR, but we make holes of tensions of FUTURE TENSE and guilt of PAST TENSE in that bucket. We should learn to give up these things. Then see your capability of accepting ANAND increases or not. But for that it is essential that you should have complete faith on PARMATMA. As your faith increases, the tensions of FUTURE TENSE and guilt of PAST TENSE decreases and in same ratio I can use my PRESENT TENSE and I can fill up my life with ANAND, JOY. This is SAVANSTARIK MARG. It comes at every moment, every day and always in my life. In my PRESENT TENSE, there is my PAST TENSE AS WELL AS FUTURE TENSE. So it is SAVANSTARIK MARG. This marg comes with same cycle at every moment again and again and hence it is really like yearly. There are 6 seasons in a year out of which 3 are important i.e. Summer, Rainy season and winter. All these three seasons are essential. I should understand that if there were no winter then there would be no meaning for summer and rainy season. If there is no summer then there will not be any meaning for winter and rainy days. Similarly if there are no rainy days then there will not be any meaning for summer and winter. Then here I will realize that the way PRESENT, PAST and FUTURE TENSE comes in my life, there are rainy days, summer and winter continues and I have to live through such situation and I have to take out my marg which is nothing but the only SAVANSTARIK MARG. My PAST TENSE and FUTURE TENSE both are in hands of my PARMESHWAR. My real PAST TENSE is that when this life, universe began and my real FUTURE TENSE will be that when there will be end of this Universe. Which is the real PAST TENSE of every JEEVATMA, every man in this universe? That is the moment when this universe is created. And which is the real FUTURE TENSE? That is the moment when this universe is going to its end i.e. PRALAY. In whose hands these two moments are? They are in control of PARMATMA. Hence every thing is in hands of my PARMATMA. That means I should understand that all past TENSE till this moment in my life and all FUTURE TENSE from this moment onwards in my life are in my PARMATMA’s hands/control. Then my faith on SADGURUTATVA, MAHAVISHNU becomes firmer. Why I am worrying about my FUTURE tense of this birth? Why I am worrying about my remaining FUTURE tense? My all births entire FUTURE TENSE lies in hands of this PARMATMA. The entire PAST Tense of all births till today, from when I was Amoeba till human being’s birth is in hands of PARMAMTMA. Even HE can change my PAST TENSE.
Here BAPU quoted two examples to explain how PARMATMA can change our PAST TENSE? A workingwoman gave birth to a boy due to her illegal (ANAITIK) relations. She was widow and hence her sister and brother sent her out of house. That woman gave birth to a boy, when that responsible man arranged for her delivery. But later on that man threw that boy on the roadsides and gave some money to woman and sent her away. Due to his PRARBDHA (PAST TENSE), that boy has come on the roadsides. Ants covered that boy’s body. But at the same time one such woman was passing by those roadsides, who had realized just before three days that by any means she can never become mother. She had realized from doctor that she could never become mother of her own child. When she saw that boy’s body covered with ants, her mother’s heart was paining. She carried that boy and went to Police Station. All further (legal) procedures were carried out. That woman and her husband who were so rich and well-mannered person as shown in movie looked after that boy. BAPU said that PARMESHWAR had totally changed that boy’s past tense. One mother who had illegal relations and gambler & drunkard father was his real PAST TENSE, which was changed by PARMEHSWAR.
Further BAPU said now you have seen one SWAROOP and now see another example how PARMESHWAR changed passed away PAST TENSE.BAPU said this story is of one of HIS devotee, who was sitting there in crowd that time and listening BAPU’S discourse. BAPU said that man had done such mistakes at his 24 years age that he had been sent to prison for one and half year. He met one police peon who brought him to SATSANG. That man came on devotion path. No one was ready to offer him any job, as he was thief. But he was ready to do any job whatever available for him. Here BAPU said that man sold newspapers. Even he made holes to thousand buttons for which he used to get one rupees and fifty Paise. But he never complained. He had full faith and trust on his BAPU. (BAPU first told the truth that BAPU was his SADGURU but then again HE said HIS SADGURU)BAPU said that see how his PAST TENSE was changed when he totally surrendered to SADGURU after following devotion marg. One day when he was passing from road, he met that prison’s authority person. That person knew that how that man had well behaved in that period of imprisonment of one and half year. HE asked the man where he was going. He replied that he was going to listen (BAPU’S) discourse. That person was also going at same place. So both went together. Thus six-seven months passed away. That authority person noticed that that man’s devotion was really true. HE also remembered that his behavior during imprisonment was also good. So he thought that he should do something for that man. Now the same one and half years of prison which were becoming barrier for that man became the reason for getting him a job. That person appointed that man as a new business manager in his own business. He gave all business in that man’s control with trust. In last two years that man has handled all business very carefully. So that person calmly made him 20 % Partner in his business. BAPU said see how PARMESHWAR had brought his same PAST TENSE for his help, which was actually a barrier to get job for him. BAPU again asked to remember that this is strength, power of SADGURUTATVA, PARMESHWAR. We say how PARMESHWAR can change our PAST TENSE? See the example of that infant child and the example of that man. That man could do this due to his complete faith (SHRADDHA) on his SADGURU, PARMESHWAR. That SHRADDHA had removed his tensions of FUTURE TENSE. So he is living today an honored life. This boy was also educated. But there was no use of his B.COM. Degree certificate. Remember that one certificate of PRISON cuts off all degree certificates. That man had not gone to prison as a patriot. He had gone to jail as a thief. But all those mistakes can be corrected with his devotion. Remember this thing that due to only one thought of that man that though he had done mistake in PAST TENSE, now he belongs to his (BAPU) SADGURU, so he should not worry for any thing, his PRESENT TENSE – the capacity to accept ANAND from PARMATMA increased. We must follow this example in our life. This whole life was started by that PARMATMA. This universe was begun by that PARMATMA only and only SAME PARMATMA will make end (LAY) to this universe. HE is ANAND SWAROOP. HE starts universe for ANAND and HE makes end for ANNAD only. LAY means not destruction. LAY means transformation into ORIGINAL SWAROOP. PRALAY means that LAY which is continuous. I should understand that PARMATMA not only makes LAY, but HE brings out PRALAY to create good thing from that. HE converts BUTTER (GHEE) into milk so that better butter, better milk, better curd and better buttermilk can be prepared. But remember only PARMATMA can do this thing. Man can never make and also will never make milk from butter. From this NAM if I am going to understand then this SAVANSTARIK MARG can surely make my life really ANANDI (happy).
Today we are coming out of JAGANNTH FESTIVAL (UTSAV). But really speaking doesn’t come out of this UTSAV. JAGANNATH’S UTSAV is UTSAV of that ANANDNATH. That ANAND should be filled in each and every particle of our life. For that today’s NAM also should be filled in our life forever. It will do even if we forget all previous (till today’s) discourses but remember it will not be o.k. If we forget what discourse today our BAPU has told us. That is related to our every moment, every PAST TENSE and every FUTURE TENSE. Hence that is really related to us. If we really want to belong to our BAPU, then we should never remember every word of today’s discourse with pain but we will remember every word with ANAND. Every day we will remember these words, this discourse and enjoy. I will remember whatever I can remember. I can copy from those who are writing this discourse. I will read again and again whenever I will get time. But I will remember these words daily. And then see what will be the change in life!
BAPU assured here that HE gives us promise of 108 % that who will try to remember this discourse from bottom of his heart and will try to change according to this will never face deficiency or lack of ANAND in his life.
Monday, January 4, 2010
AtmaBal 2010

This post is to update all our bloggers that AtmaBal 2010 will be held on 10th January 2010, at Hari Guru Gram New English School Bandra East. For Tickets and More information please contact your nearest upasana kendra or at Hari Guru Gram on Thursday 7th January 2010.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Paritoshik Vitran Program

This email is with respect to updating all our Bloggers that the Sai Charitra Panchasheel Examination Paritoshik Vitran Program will be held at Hari Guru Gram Bandra(East), New English School on 3rd January 2010. The program is scheduled to start at 3:00 pm sharp.
For tickets and more information please contact your nearest Upasana Center. The Ticket rates are 130 INR /per person.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Datmangala Chandikastotra

This posting is to Update all our blogger s with regards to what BAPU said today on 01/01/2010,
"Read atleast one adhyay from Matruvatsalyavinadanam and read prayer on page 202-203 ie DatmangalaChandikastotra..."