I bow to the feet of GODDESS LALITA, who destroys the army of the demons (Asura) with the help of the weapon Mahapashupati, which produces fire. We all know who is Pashupatinath. But there is a big difference between the word Pashupati and Pashupatinath. The one who is the Nath of Pasupati is “PASHUPATINATH.” Every living being is Animal (Pashu). The lord of the (Pashu’s) Animals is “Pashupati.” Thus, one who is (nath) Lord of this Pashupati is “Pashupatinath”. We all address Shankara as “Pashupatinath”. So, then who is “Pashupati”? Who is the lord of Pashu’s or who controls Pashu’s? Which is the energy that controls them? The answer it is the one whose natha is shiva. Then, Shiva is whose nath? Again the answer is Shiva is Uma’s Nath. Thus we can understand that Shivshankar is Pashupatinath. And so, HE is only Umas’s i.e. Parvati’s Nath. Thus further it reveals that Uma is Pashupati. Thus the mother of all living beings is Uma. Who is in between Jiva and Shiva? It is Shiva’s Shakti Uma – Parvati.
There is one river. To cross the river there is a bridge. It means one side of the river is joined to the other side by the bridge. Thus the land is bifurcated into two parts by the river and bridge on it joins the two parts. Thus Shiva’s Shakti that lies between Jiva and Shiva if looked from the angle of Jiva can be the separating force i.e. ill knowledge and if looked from the angle of Shiva can be the merging force of Shiva’s Kripa i.e. knowledge. Thus, according to some people Uma who is in between Jiva and Shiva can be the separating force or merging force. But then why is like this?
Thus, when I effectively try to get Shiva or develop love from him, at that time place this Shiva’s Shakti Uma does the work of bridge. However when there is no love for the almighty Shiva then the same Uma works as ill knowledge and separates Jiva and Shiva. Wherever you have some energy or some instrument or measure to bridge the distance is not visible. But what could be this measure? This above name is the answer for it. We always read two names of weapons in the riythology. There are two kinds of weapons. “Pashupatiastra” and “Mahapashupatiastra”. Pashupatiastra is an actual weapon. This is used with the help of Mantra. However Mahapashupatiastra is not an actual weapon like the sword or pistol. It is the devine mantra of Pashupatinath “Shivashankara”. This mantra itself is know as Mahapashupatiastra and this Lalita with the help of this same weapon, which produces fire, destroy the army of the demons.
One who is purely divine, the mantras of such lord have the capacity of producing the fire. This destroys the demons. Lalita uses this fire. This means the river between Jiva and Shiva has a boat to cross. One who used the mantra – Naam sits in this boat and travels from Jiva to Shiva. He goes in the area of god. But the one who does not sit in it, even he has to go there. Everyone has to go through same way. But he has to swim. But since we all know swimming in the rivers is not so easy. There are large ferocious animals like crocodile that are ready to swallow us. For this purpose you require boat like Mantra – Naam. So which is this name of Mantra? The true sadguru shakti with all generosity and HIS GRACE (krupa) comes to the people and for this you don’t need any kind of preaching from anybody.
Such lord has his own energy (Shakti) of love. Such kind of Mantra is called as sadguru Siddha Tarak Mantra. With such kinds of Mantras one can travel from Jiva’s land to Shiva’s land. So which are such Tarak Mantra’s? There are three Mantras. First is one we know as Omkar, Wahe Guru. This Mantra or Naam is has equal importance in all Five Dharmas in India (Hindu, Sikha, Parasi, Bauddha, jain). With this Omkar we sit in ambitions or other things in our mind would not remain stable. With a stable mind when I recite OM then only I can receive the vibration s from OM. Because Omkar is the invisible form. Hence, Narad asks to say “HARI OM” rather than “OM”. Hari is Rhim Beej. Existing (Pragat) Beej. We are also visible – existing (Sagun – Pragat). Just be saying “Om” we cannot achieve divine invisibility. Just how Nanak said Wahe Guru and Narad said Hari Om. Visible Om is the first Tarak Mantra. The second Tarak Mantra is the Naam of ‘Rama”. Anybody, anywhere can take it. Everybody knows that if anybody passes away we don’t perform pooja of any god. However still after the death recitation of Ram Naam or Ramraksha Stotra is essential. Rama is the energy (Oja) of the life. He is the liveliness (CHAITANYA) of life. When the liveliness of man vanishes. It reaches Shiva or Rama. Some say “Shri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram” or “ Jai ShriKrishna”. So find what is Ram Naam. The incarnation that we worship is the one we believe as the controller of the universe as well as oneself. At that moment the name of that incarnation becomes Rama Naam. Hence Valmiki repeatedly says in the Ramayana that Rama is not a particular structure or image, if we sit in front of any idol and chant Rama Naam that particular idol feels happy. This is because Rama is the liveliness of the whole universe. For this there is no need for any particular Dharma to dominate. Just how Omkar is equal in all Dharmas. Similarly Rama Naam is all equally acceptable.
If in any language I chant Rama Naam and I do this consistently then it becomes Tarak Mantra for me. For that I don’t need to have any preaching. This Tarak Mantra itself becomes the boat to travel from Jiva’s land to Shiva’s land. How shall Shiva’s grace come to us from his land? We feel it should come to us effectively but, we have to put effects for it.
I have everything with me so what is the need of all these things? What is your age now? 40 years, How much more you will live 30 years? Just now 40 years are passed 30 yrs. shall also pass away. This means this time is eating us. But Shiva eats this time so Shiva is called as Mahakala. Hence Pashupatinath is known as Mahakala. The time in my life itself is Mahakala. To put it on good way who can have grace on me? Mahakala. The master of Jiva'’ land is Kal (time) whereas the master of Shiva' land is Mahakala.
We are scared of time. We are scared of death for this purpose we have to move towards Akala. It means moving toward Mahakala. Hence in Jiva’s land I get everything. I have money, wife, children, shop, business, everything. But I don’t have time. We always try to improve time. Every body wants to have good time i.e. have a good life. This can be done only by Akala or Mahakala. Hence, ever if I have every thing I shall stay in Jiva’s Land and so since master of Jiva’s land is Kal (time). I have to move towards Mahakala or Shiva. This kal (time) doesn’t give concessions to anybody. The one who passes away from life and one who stays have to experience various faces of time. We should learn to recognise the various faces of time. When I have everything why should I chant the Naam of God? Don’t say this. When time catches hold of any person it doesn’t give any kind of concessions whatsoever. Every body has their own ambitions and expectations with respect to those, the life remains complete or incomplete. So travelling from Jiva’s land to Shiva’s land to achieve Mahakala’s grace become important for me. For this purpose we can sit in the time boat and reach there. But if somebody says I have to swim and go then here also there are two methods told.
We have to jump before we swim or else somebody else pushes. At that moment some of them are scared, some are drawn or some came near the banks and wait. They don’t try to swim. Who pushes us in the water? i.e. life. The answer is the problems of life push us in and tell us to try to swim and reach the Shiva’s land. Swimming means Karma, Yoga and by boat means Bhakti Marg. Keep working (karma) but don’t keep any wishes behind it. We can also reach Shiva’s land through Yogamarga. Yogamarga is supposed to be the fleeting way. By yogamarga we can obtain Ashatasiddhi (Divine Powers). We can then fly with this power from Jiva’s land to Shiva’s land. Yogamarga is the hard way. It’s not easy to fly. We all know that, to fly over Lanka was only possible for Hanumanji. Because he is Mahayogi. He is actually the incarnation of lord Shiva. We can always try to follow yogamarga but we shall sit in the boat along with yoga and Karma Marga and do bhakti and Karma and also follow Yoga. To join Jiva with Shiva there is way of Bhakti and this is the way to cross the river and it is necessary to sit in the boat. The Name of this boat is “Tejomaya” The same is revealed in Devi Lalita’s name. Pashupatiastra and mantra is fire and this fire destroys the demons (Asura). If demons (Asura) are destroyed ‘A’ is removed and ‘Sura” remains. Pashu is the one that lies between Pash and Pashupatinath and pashu helps to join Patinath. Whichever way we are moving, we shall continue, however we shall learn to go by the way of great people. I have Mahapashupatiastra means Taraka Mantra. So then if we say ‘Wahe Guru”, “Hari Om” or “Jai Shri Krishna” anything is fine as all are equal. This reveals that Omkar is only the Ultimate ingredient. The whole universe is found of it. This is only our Taraka Mantra.
However, we should understand that this itself is fire and with the same fire GODDESS LALITA destroys all my sins. Destroys my ill fortune.
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